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Saarthal was the first city built in Skyrim after the arrival of Nords from Atmora some time in the middle of the Merethic Era. Saarthal was also the first capital of Nord civilization in Tamriel, as well as the largest of the ancient Nordic cities. The city was destroyed late in the Merethic era by the Snow Elves, and then rebuilt by Ysgramor after he retook the city. It was destroyed and finally abandoned sometime in the late Merethic or early First Era. In the late Second Era, the ruins of the city were located by archaeologists near the modern city of Winterhold. After Trinimac and his followers were corrupted into Malacath and the Orcs, they fled to the northern wastes near Saarthal.

For more information, see the full lore article.

Sadrith Mora

Sadrith Mora ("Mushroom Forest" in Dunmeri) was the district seat of House Telvanni, and home of the Telvanni Council, though only one Telvanni councilor actually lived in town. Sadrith Mora was an island settlement in the Zafirbel Bay, and was accessible only by sea and teleportation.

The actual town of Sadrith Mora was built in typical Telvanni style: great, magically-formed organic mushrooms springing from the ground, each being expanded to suit the needs of the inhabitant; one may have become a dwelling for a single Dunmer, while others formed shops, seaports, or entire inns and taverns. These were grown in a gigantic loop around the tower of Tel Naga, home of Master Neloth. The town itself offered a Morag Tong base, an inn, and a restaurant. North of the Great Market was the Telvanni Council Hall, a large orb supported by giant mushroom stalks. While visitors were technically not supposed to travel beyond the Gateway Inn into the town, nobody really seemed to mind. Anyone would have served you, albeit a bit tersely. One place where foreigners were especially welcome was at the Imperial Fort Wolverine Hall, just to the south.


Samara is an island in the Yokudan group north of the Sea of Pearls. Located south of Kanesh, it is low, lush and warm, with many natural harbors.

River Samsi

The River Samsi, or Ouada Samsi, was a large waterway in the West Gash region, on the northwestern coast of Vvardenfell. It created the peninsula which would become home to Gnisis and Ald Velothi. Its headwaters were northeast of Gnisis, and the river flowed south and then west, wrapping around the city and emptying into the Inner Sea.

Sancre Tor

Sancre Tor (or the Golden Hill) was a fortified city in Colovia, located in the Jerall Mountains north of the city of Chorrol. It is said to be the mythical birthplace and final resting place of Reman Cyrodiil and his successors. It is notable for the Fort Runestones placed throughout the complex during the First Era.

The founding stories of Sancre Tor are conflicting and shrouded in myth. It is written that Alessia received the divine inspiration for her slave rebellion at the site of Sancre Tor, and afterwards founded her holy city there. However, this conflicts with the story of Alessia's youth, where she was raised as a slave in the Ayleid city of Sard. Another origin myth claims that King Hrol gave his life by copulating with the spirit of Saint Alessia on the site of Sancre Tor, seemingly impregnating the earth. The small mound of mud left behind by their union soon grew into a small mountain (the "Golden Hill", also known as Hrol's Hillock), attracting a community of believers to settle there. After nine months, the shepherdess Sed-Yenna heard a cry from the top of the mountain, and climbed it to find the newborn Reman Cyrodiil, wearing the Chim-el Adabal on his forehead.

Regardless of its origins, the city fell into ruin following the fall of the Reman Dynasty. Many heroes and noblemen were buried in the crypts, including the Remans and their Dragonguard protectors. After its abandonment, Sancre Tor became a dark place, haunted by vast numbers of undead. Some time after the Soulburst of 2E 579, Sai Sahan and Kasura hid the Amulet of Kings in the ruins of Sancre Tor before being captured by Molag Bal. In 2E 582, the reformed Five Companions entered the ruins in an attempt to retrieve it. Mannimarco swiftly followed, raising more undead from their graves in an attempt to stop them. However, he was defeated in battle by the Soulless One after revealing his plans to usurp Bal's godhead. He was then pulled into Coldharbour for his treachery, allowing the Companions to escape with the Amulet.

By the late Second Era, Sancre Tor had once again become inhabited. In 2E 852, the city was captured by invading forces from High Rock and Skyrim. General Talos, who would later become Tiber Septim, recaptured the city that winter. However, the city was in a strategically inconvenient position, and was abandoned to again fall into ruins. Septim would later be fatally wounded at a battle of Sancre Tor, where he died and ascended to become one of the Nine Divines. The Blades built a shrine in the catacombs of Sancre Tor, on the spot where he had received the blessing of Akatosh. It then served as a place of pilgrimage for the Blades for many years.

The old fortress of Sancre Tor was later corrupted by the Underking, prompting it to be sealed shut by the Grandmaster of the Blades in the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Tiber Septim. The four mightest blades of the time, Alain, Valdemar, Rielus, and Casnar, never returned from the ruins and were cursed to undeath. In the years after Tiber Septim's reign it was gradually forgotten, decaying into a haunted ruin. The Champion of Cyrodiil visited the ruins in 3E 433 to recover the armor of Tiber Septim, unsealing the ruins with the approval of the Blades. After freeing the four ancient Blades from undeath, their spirits aided the Champion in entering the Reman crypt and recovering the armor. The Champion was also aided by a mysterious guardian known as Baynham.

Sanguine's Realms

The Myriad Realms of Revelry are a congeries of one hundred thousand pocket and sub-realms of Oblivion, created and ruled over by the Daedric Prince of Indulgence, Sanguine. The realms are used mainly as pleasure pockets, refashioned to meet the needs and desires of its visitants. As such, Sanguine himself has very little control over them.

The Last Dragonborn visited one of the realms in 4E 201. Named Misty Grove, it appeared as a mist-filled copse of trees crossed by burbling streams and paths with small stone bridges, lit by lanterns in an eternal early evening. Sanguine used it to host a feast for the Dragonborn, after the two had spent a night drunkenly exploring Skyrim.


Satakalaam is a city on the western coast of Hammerfell, on the eastern coast of the Iliac Bay at the edge of the Alik'r Desert.

During the Alliance War of 2E 582, the Empire of Cyrodiil sent the Seventh Legion to capture the city as the first step towards reconquering Hammerfell and High Rock. The Legion entered the city through a smuggling tunnel from Bangkorai, taking key hostages and looting the Temple of Satakalaam. However, the forces of the Daggerfall Covenant were successful in swiftly liberating the city. During the period leading up to the Warp in the West in 3E 417, the city was the capital of the County of Satakalaam. Following the Warp, it came to be ruled by Sentinel.


Santaki is a Dwarven ruin located in the Alik'r Desert, southwest of Sentinel.

The Guardian's Eye, an ancient Dwemer artifact, was once brought to Santaki for a brief maintenance, as found by Tharayya, a Redguard Dwemer researcher, in 2E 582.

Sardavar Leed

Sardavar Leed (originally named Sard) was an Ayleid settlement located south of Lake Rumare in the Great Forest of Cyrodiil.

Sard was known for the breeding of men by the Ayleids. Many tribes of men were brought from all across the Nibenay Basin, and some were even imported from southern Skyrim. They were bred for use as slave labor or to be tortured for the amusement of the Ayleids. It was here that the future Saint Alessia was brought as a youth and raised. She prayed to Akatosh and the Aedra to be freed from Ayleid slavery, and her prayers were answered when she escaped from captivity and began the Alessian Slave Rebellion in 1E 242, which would ultimately result in the collapse of the Ayleid Empire and the extinction of the race. At some point the settlement's name changed to the modern 'Sardavar Leed', and it was eventually abandoned.

An Imperial fort was built east of the ruins and was named Fort Alessia, likely in her honor. It played a significant role in the Alliance War of 2E 582, when its strategic position made it key for gaining control of the Imperial City. By 3E 433, the ruins of Sardavar Leed had been taken over by a hostile group of conjurers and were used for trafficking with Daedra in secret. Circa 4E 40, Prince Attrebus Mede and his troops set up camp by the springs near the ruins when they were betrayed. Led by one of Attrebus' lovers, a Redguard named Radhasa, the group was massacred in cold blood by a group of mercenaries hired to assassinate the prince. Radhasa spared Attrebus' life and brought him south, intending to sell him in Elsweyr. The ghosts of those massacred helped the Penitus Oculatus in eventually discovering that Attrebus still lived.

Scathing Bay

Scathing Bay was created by the destruction of Vivec City during the Red Year of 4E 5, when the Ministry of Truth smashed in the city with the same momentum it had before Vivec froze it in place. It is the almost perfectly circular crater of water where the city and the surrounding area used to be. The cantons, the lagoons, and beyond were replaced with boiling water, charred shores, and the stink of hard minerals from the steam.

The rim of the enormous crater forms the bay's shores and rises up above the water. A relatively small break in the southern part of this rim is all that connects the bay to the Inner Sea. Some vegetation still manages to grow in the surrounding area; the surrounding hillsides are filled with various flowering plants, and Emperor Parasols still dot the landscape. The Argonians have a ritual associated with the bay. The bay is apparently largely empty except for a small jagged island of ash near the center, which is believed to be where the High Fane of the Tribunal Temple was located. The sword Umbra was found here by a group of Dunmer scavengers. When the floating city Umbriel passed over it in 4E 40, legions of the dead rose up out of the boiling waters.

Scourg Barrow

Scourg Barrow is an enormous underground complex located deep within the Dragontail Mountains of southern Hammerfell. It once served as the headquarters of the Order of the Black Worm, a sect of necromancers led by the infamous Mannimarco. Deep within the barrow is the Hall of the Necromancers, where the order assembles. Their undead servants of all varieties roam the gloomy halls. The ruins served as Mannimarco's base of operations during the events leading up to the Warp in the West, which is said to have resulted in his ascent to godhood.


A menor das duas luas de Nirn, Secunda, ou Jone, é reconhecida como um dos espíritos atendentes do plano mortal e, como tal, é tanto temporal como sujeita aos limites da mortalidade. Secunda, que existe como um plano separado, há muito tempo pereceu; foi a morte de Secunda que levou os mortais a perceber que a mesma tem textura e tamanho limitado, assim como imperfeições de cor, as quais são os resultados de sua decadência de seu revestimento anterior em branco puro.

Embora considerada por várias culturas como um espírito assistente de um dos planeta deus, um deus menor ou deus estrangeiro, Secunda não é exibida dentro de planetários Dwemer, nem mesmo detém uma posição no panteão Imperial. Na cultura Khajiiti, andar o Caminho de Jone é um passo necessário ao Campeão Lunar que deseja se tornar Juba.


Sedor was an Ayleid settlement located high in the snowy Jerall Mountains, on the Cyrodiil side of the border. The Ayleid inhabitants once abducted a famous human tribe (the "Thousand Strong of Sedor", who have been forgotten with time). Pelinal Whitestrake won back this tribe from slavery. The settlement was abandoned by the Ayleids and fell into ruin.

For more information, see the lore article.

Selene's Web

Selene's Web is a region of Valenwood ruled over by Selene, an ancient Changeling and the High Priestess of Shagrath, God of Spiders. The exact extent of the region is unknown; entrances exist southeast of Elden Root, in the forests of southwestern Jodewood, and in southeastern Malabal Tor.

The forests of Selene's Web are known for their vigorous, unwholesome growth. In 2E 582, the Mages Guild launched an expedition into the forest to search for Selene. They were attacked by Selene's Bosmer and Khajiit followers, as well as woodland creatures, hoarvors and spiders. The expedition was ultimately successful in dispelling the magic barrier around Selene's sanctum, slaying her, and capturing her soul for study.

Some time after this, Selene was freed and constructed a fortress in Selene's Web. She attempted to conquer the whole of Valenwood during the Imperial Simulacrum with an army of spiders, and proposed that the Bosmer come to Selene's Web to surrender. Instead, Queen Ulandra of Elden Root sent the Eternal Champion into the fortress to steal the Heart of Selene, a great jewel in which she had infused her lifeforce. The fortress was filled with spiders, undead, and various other monstrosities.


Senchal is an infamous city, found on the easternmost tip of Elsweyr's Quin'rawl Peninsula, that serves as the largest port in Tamriel. The city is an assortment of bazaars, taverns, merchant quarters and open-air markets ringed on three sides by crowded harbors. Senchal is a favorite spot for pirates and sea captains wishing to sell or buy illegal and black-market goods, it being easier to smuggle goods into and out of the Empire by way of the Topal Sea than the well guarded inland highways. Thieves, unfortunately, are commonly found here as are beggars and the Khajiit moon sugar junkies. The Black Keirgo is Senchal's most squalid and dangerous quarter where sugar-dens and sugar-addicts both line the streets. A good portion of the city is either abandoned or in ruins from the strain of Knahaten Flu in 2E 560. Entire neighborhoods were razed in an effort to cleanse Senchal of the flu and have yet to be rebuilt. Recently however, this city has been turned into a beautiful coastal sea resort, although it is unknown how much of the city was changed by this transformation. In 1E 2920 the mad king of Senchal, Dro'Zel (future Emperor adviser) summoned Molag Bal to destroy Gilverdale, town of Valenwood. In 2E 324, the Potentate Versidue-Shaie was murdered in his palace in Senchal. It is rumoured that Sload airships are carrying dead bodies from Senchal to Thras.


Sentinel is a great city of the Redguards, and the capital of the kingdom of Sentinel. It is located in the northwestern hills of Hammerfell, overlooking the Iliac Bay. Its population is relatively low due to the inhospitable nature of the surrounding Alik'r Desert. However, some fertile fields can be found along the coast near the city, and the second capital of Hammerfell is actually a major population center in Hammerfell.

The main street of the city of Sentinel is a great market between the docks and front gates. The city is an exotic retreat for the nobility of Daggerfall and Wayrest, who delight in the cooking, craftsmanship, and plays which can be found there. Many great and famous people throughout history have called Sentinel their home, including the renowned poet Weltan and the famous Redguard hero Cyrus.


Septimia was the first colony of the short-lived Imperial Province of Akavir. It was originally a Tsaesci port at the mouth of a large river, but was abandoned by its inhabitants and captured by Emperor Uriel Septim V in the year 3E 288. It was located in a fertile river valley, and provided easy access to the interior of the continent. It was used as the main port of the Far East Fleet, and was connected by road to the invasion headquarters of Ionith. However, the many reefs, islands and sandbars made entering the harbor difficult.

During the Battle of Ionith, the town was besieged by Tsaesci warriors and suffered terrible, almost unnatural weather. The few survivors of the invasion were rescued here. The settlement was reclaimed by the Tsaesci and has never been revisited by Imperial forces since.


Sercen is an Ayleid ruin in the Heartlands of Cyrodiil, found north of Lake Rumare at the crossroads of the Silver Road.

During the height of Ayleid rule, Sercen was a settlement infamous for brutalizing Nedic slaves. Legends speak of "the gut-gardens of Sercen", one of many examples of "art-torture" that slaves were subjected to for the Ayleids' pleasure. Following the fall of the Ayleids, Sercen was sealed shut and fell into ruins. In 2E 582, a band of mercenaries led by a Redguard named Rasha laid claim to the loot within the ruins, and set up camp outside while attempting to unseal the entrance. By 3E 433, the ruins had been opened and were occupied by marauders and bandits.

Seuol Yeler

Seuol Yeler is a small island in the Eltheric Ocean, south of the Sea of Pearls. It is possibly considered a part of the Yokudan island chain.

Seyda Neen

The port of Seyda Neen, Gateway to Morrowind, was a small village in the southern Bitter Coast region, bordering the Ascadian Isles. The Imperial Legion guarded the seaport, but it was under the administration of House Hlaalu. Its native population was small, though it was a common stop for Imperial travelers going to and from Vvardenfell. The Grand Pharos was a unique lighthouse at the harbor mouth renowned for guiding mariners throughout the Inner Sea. Most visitors were processed through the Census and Excise Office, part of the Empire's Coastguard station at the harbor. Imperial cutters used the dock as a restocking point to control smugglers and pirates running the waters off the Bitter Coast. Silt striders provided convenient travel to Gnisis, Balmora, Vivec, and Suran. Wildlife in the surrounding area included cliff racers, scribs, rats, netch and slaughterfish. There were also dreugh not far off shore. For more information, see the lore article.


Shadowfen is the northwest region of Black Marsh. It is a fetid mire, often fought over by the Imperial Legion and Dunmer slavers. The ancient city of Stormhold is located here, the source of the devastating (to non-Argonians) Knahaten Flu. Local creatures include giant snakes, fleshflies and wamasu, and diseases such as blood rot, the droops, and swamp fever are quite common. Hist trees and ruined temples can also be found along the winding channels and dank foliage.

The region borders Morrowind to the north, and Cyrodiil to the west. It is also home to the Shadowscales, those Argonians born under the sign of the Shadow, and thus destined for a life in the Dark Brotherhood.


Shalgora was a Third Era county on the southeastern coast of High Rock, in the Iliac Bay area. It shared borders with Daenia and Anticlere to the north, Daggerfall in the south, and Ilessan Hills in the west. Its capital was the city of Shalgora. The Haarvenu clan was the predominant vampire bloodline in the region, and the national deity was Arkay.


Castle Shedungent is a great castle and laboratory located deep within the Wrothgarian Mountains.

In 3E 403, Nulfaga retired to the castle during the War of Betony between Daggerfall and Sentinel. She remained informed of the happenings in Daggerfall by Skakmat, her dragon familiar. After the death of her son, King Lysandus of Daggerfall, later that year, Nulfaga was stricken with grief and slowly descended into madness within the confines of Shedungent.

In the events leading up to the Warp in the West, Nulfaga was cured of her madness and was responsible for teleporting an agent of the Blades to the Mantellan Crux in Aetherius to retrieve the Mantella. The Mantella was returned to Tamriel at Shedungent, thus beginning the Warp in the West.


The Sheogorad region is a wild maritime province consisting of about 28 islands off the north coast of Vvardenfell, Morrowind. The high pillar-like menhirs characteristic of the area also result in hundreds of rocks, either just exposed, or lying just below the surface, which makes marine navigation almost impossible. The only accessible port, Dagon Fel, is on the main island of the archipelago, reached by skirting the region and coming in from the north.

Sheogorad is politically non-aligned. Its remoteness and the difficulty of travel puts it beyond the reach of most of the current Great Houses, although the large number of ancient Velothi buildings, Dwemer ruins, and Daedric shrines through the region, and along the north coast of the mainland, bear witness to the fact that this was not always the case. Currently, however, Sheogorad is a haunted region, full of sorcerers, vampires, witches and Daedra worshippers.

The port town of Dagon Fel is the only real settlement in the region. Its population is far more heavily Nord than most of Vvardenfell, a part of the heritage of that seafaring people. While Dagon Fel is the only place in the region that has any suppliers, the major occupation of the inhabitants is scavenging in the local ruins, which extend into the town itself. The main body of the Dwemer ruin of Mzuleft is south of the town, separated by walls and a steep range of hills, but the Dwemer towers and ruins are virtually part of the eastern town, and extend to the island to the north.

On the far south of the main island, also called Sheogorad, is the ancient stronghold Rotheran, openly inhabited by a bandit gang as of last report. There are numerous caves in the area, and several crypts, though many are inhabited by necromancers or vampires, and there is known to be a place of worship frequented by Orcs somewhere on the west of the island. The small Shuran Island can be found off the south coast of the main island, west of Rotheran.

The surrounding islands are much the same: dens of bandits, sorcerers and vampires. There are two very large Daedric shrines: Ald Daedroth to the far east, and Assurdirapal on a long island in the west of the chain, which also holds the significant Velothi ruin of Ald Redaynia.

While many sites throughout this region are given over to the profane, the dead, and the deadly, Sheogorad is also known for its religious mystics, and hermitages on the islands are common. The northern islands in particular are places of retreat, since the forces of "darkness" seem more inclined to live on islands closer to the mainland. In fact, a northern island contains the Sanctus Shrine, the site where the current Archcanon Saryoni did his meditations and wrote his famous sermons.


Shimmerene (also spelled Shimerene), the city of lights, is a city in the eastern-central area of Summerset Isle.

The Shivering Isles

As Ilhas Arrepiantes (tradução de Legends para The Shivering Isles), também conhecido como "Casa da Loucura" ou "Hospício", é o reino daédrico de Sheogorath, o Príncipe Daedra da Loucura. O reino consiste em uma massa de terra principal cercada por um grupo de ilhas menores e sua área é dividida pela metade, uma ao norte, conhecida como Mania, e outra ao sul, conhecida como Demência. Essa divisão representa a dupla personalidade de Sheogorath, os "dois tons de loucura". As ilhas são habitadas não só por mortais, mas também por Daedras, porém foram levados à insanidade.


An Obelisk of Order

The Shivering Isles was originally the Realm of Order, the domain of Jyggalag. The other Daedric Princes feared Jyggalag's immense power, so they cursed him to become the Prince of what he despised most of all: Madness. Jyggalag became Sheogorath, and destroyed all aspects of order in the realm. Only two relics remained: the many crystal obelisks which dot the Isles, which he could not permanently remove; and Dyus, Jyggalag's chamberlain and the keeper of the Great Library of Jyggalag, which contained the logical prediction of every action ever taken by any creature, mortal or Daedric. When Sheogorath discovered the library he had it burned, insisting that it was an abomination and that personal choice defied logical prediction. However, he could not bring himself to destroy the knowledge that Dyus possesses, so instead he forbade him from dying and imprisoned him in the ruins of the library at Knifepoint Hollow.

At the end of every era, Sheogorath was allowed to take his true form and retake the realm. This event is known as the Greymarch. It begins with the appearance of the Knights of Order, who slowly invade the isles using the obelisks as conduits. Many of Sheogorath's subjects default, and become Priests of Order. The cycle is completed when Jyggalag himself appears and takes the Palace, capturing the Font of Madness. Sheogorath is then left to rebuild his dead realm.

This age-old cycle was ended in 3E 433 when the Champion of Cyrodiil became Sheogorath's champion, and aided the Prince in halting the Forces of Order. The Champion rose in ranks in the Court of Madness, and fulfilled many tasks to prevent the populace from turning to Order. In the end it was of no use, and Sheogorath disappeared. The Champion took on the role of the Madgod with the aid of Haskill and Dyus by recreating the Staff of Sheogorath, the symbol of power in the Isles. In a final battle against Jyggalag, the Champion emerged victorious and freed the Prince from his curse. Jyggalag thanked the Champion, and departed for the Waters of Oblivion, leaving the Champion to rule the realm as the new Prince of Madness. This was the first time a mortal had ever substituted a Daedric Prince.

Travelers from Tamriel passed through the realm in the early Fourth Era. Circa 4E 201, Sheogorath abandoned the realm on a "vacation", visiting the mind of long-dead Thoriz Pelagius Septim III the Mad. Dervenin, the Priest of Mania, came in search of the Mad God to beg him to return, eventually coming to the city of Solitude in Skyrim. With the help of the Dovahkiin, Dervenin persuaded Sheogorath to return to the Shivering Isles.



The Shivering Isles consists of one major island with two distinct regions. The Enjaen Sea borders to the east, with the Emean Sea to the west.

The northern highlands of Mania reflects the lighthearted side of its ruler's madness. It is similar to Vvardenfell's West Gash region in appearance, with expansive grasslands and huge mushroom trees. Overlook Road passes through the region. The Isle of Flame, the Laughing Coast, the peninsula of Saint's Watch and the Jester's Spine Mountains are important geographical features in the region. The villages of Highcross and Hale appear welcoming, but are populated by harmless maniacs. The halls of Brellach contain the Wellspring of the Aureal. The lawbreakers of the region are imprisoned in the deadly ruins of Aichan.

The marshy lowlands of Dementia represent the dark and violent side of Sheogorath, and is mostly made up of swamps and forests of dead trees. The Low Road and Pinnacle Road are the two main routes through the region. Two peninsulas, the Heretic's Horn and the Madgod's Boot, can be found here. The marshes of Shallow Grave and the Hill of Suicides are also important landmarks. The villages of Deepwallow and Fellmoor offer relative safety from the monsters that roam the swamps. The ruins of Vitharn are a place of ill repute, once populated by souls cursed by Sheogorath. The Halls of Pinnacle Rock contain the Wellspring of the Mazken. The lawbreakers of the region are imprisoned in the root tunnels of Corpserot Passage.

The capital city of the realm, New Sheoth, lies on the eastern side of the Isles. It is also divided into two sections, Bliss on the Manic side and Crucible on the Demented. Sheogorath's palace lies adjacent. The town of Split also lies along the divide, as does the Fringe. The Fringe is an enclosed area of the Isles, where new inhabitants of the Isles reside until their madness sets in. The only way out is through the Gates of Madness, guarded by a giant Flesh Atronach known as the Gatekeeper. This area is linked to the portal in Niben Bay, but is not the portal's only destination. The small village of Passwall is the only settlement within the Fringe, and is periodically abandoned when its inhabitants are given access to the realm proper. It has existed since the Isles were created, and serves as a defensible outpost. During the Greymarch of 3E 433 the Fringe was taken by Order. The Spire in Passwall was revealed to be a gate for the Forces of Order, and was subsequently destroyed by the Champion of Cyrodiil.

The Isles are dotted with the ruins of past civilizations. These are the fractured pieces of ancient settlements, which were abandoned during a past Greymarch. Madness ore deposits can be found naturally occurring in the ruins. The spirits of ancient souls are trapped in the ore, which can be shaped into armor and weapons by the master smith of Crucible. Extensive root caves run beneath the ground, and are accessible through the weak membrane found at the base of mushroom trees. Amber forms where the tunnels are damaged, which can be hammered into lightweight armor and weapons by the master smith of Bliss. Many camps can be found out in the wilderness, home to the criminals that even the mad shun.

One of the last remaining elements of Order in the Isles, Obelisks of Order can be seen jutting from the ground throughout the countryside. While they sometimes serve a useful purpose, such as the Resonator of Judgement, the true nature of the obelisks is much more sinister. During the Greymarch, priests of Order bind themselves to an obelisk to activate it. This makes the priest temporarily immortal, as long as the obelisk remains active. Obelisks act as a conduit to allow Knights of Order into the realm, which slay the local wildlife and the citizens of the Isles. Although incredibly difficult, obelisks can be overloaded and shut down by throwing Hearts of Order into their glowing center. These crystalline hearts can be cut from the bodies of the Knights of Order, and are the main power source for the priests. When the obelisk has been deactivated, it will be permanently disabled. Each obelisk is linked to a Crystal Chest. These contain many riches, which can either be summoned from the deactivated obelisk or taken from the chest itself, which only opens when a Heart of Order is inserted into it.

Flora and Fauna

The Isles have a unique ecosystem based around the native fungi. The majority of the realm's flora are of a fungal nature, from the subterranean Withering Moon to the giant Mushroom Trees. All plantlife in the Isles are connected to the Root System. This is the system of underground root tunnels, which is tended to by the tree-like gnarls. It is theorized that the Root is a single organism, which draws the color from Dementia and transplants it into Mania. However, this idea is considered heresy against Lord Sheogorath, who is said to have blessed the land with two temperaments.

The grummites are an amphibious race of humanoid tribal creatures, who are said to be the original inhabitants of the Shivering Isles. It is unknown if they worship Sheogorath, but they have an affinity for madness ore. They are very aggressive, and use their crude weapons to great effect. They signify focus crystals as something of religious importance, and their magi can harness the power contained in them. They lay their eggs in sacs, often hanging over water. Grummite eggs are often eaten as food, despite their detrimental effects. The baliwog is thought to be the younger form of the grummite, although some say they grow up into scalon, disease-ridden beasts with tremendous jumping abilities (this theory is debatable however, as scalon have a differing hatchling from baliwogs). Baliwogs have been known to produce pearls.

The Elytra is a giant insect native to the Isles. Some produce a rare ichor known as Felldew, which is a potent and very addictive drug. Like all the creatures of the Isles, their coloration depends on what region they reside in. Demented creatures have dark, murky colors, while Manic creatures have bright, vibrant colors.

Being a Daedric realm, the Isles are of course populated with various Daedra. Hungers are a common sight, being one of Sheogorath's favourite pets. Although not welcome in the Isles, Knights of Order invade during the Greymarch, using the obelisks as conduits. Golden Saints and Dark Seducers are the spawn of the Madgod, and the realm is their home. The Golden Saints, who call themselves the Aureals, are reborn from the Waters of Oblivion at their Wellhead in Brellach and guard Mania. The Dark Seducers, who call themselves the Mazken, are likewise reborn at their Wellhead in the halls of Pinnacle Rock and guard Dementia. The two clans are constantly at odds as they attempt to become Sheogorath's favored.

Like Tamriel, the realm is also plagued by the living dead. Often times Lord Sheogorath will curse a mortal's spirit to forever roam the Isles as punishment for offending the Prince. A prominent example of this is the Hill of Suicides, where citizens who take their own life must spend an eternity unless freed by the living. Necromancy is not uncommon; in fact the Isles even have unique necromantic minions such as the skinned hound and the shambles. Sheogorath encourages the sorceress Relmyna Verenim's cruel study of the "sixth element", Flesh, and invited her to the Isles when the Mages Guild rejected her. Flesh Atronachs, a rare sight in Tamriel, can be found all over the Isles. Relmyna creates these constructs by infusing the void essence of a Daedra within a humanoid body stitched together from enchanted body parts. Relmyna is the "mother" of the Gatekeepers, and created the design in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone at great personal cost.

Religion, Politics and Law

Most of the inhabitants of the Shivering Isles naturally worship Sheogorath. Most houses have a bust of the Mad God, and offerings of lettuce, spools of yarn or soul gems are often left by them. Many books dedicated to the worship of the Mad God have been written, such as The Blessings of Sheogorath. Those who reject Sheogorath are declared heretics and shunned from society. They often make camp in the wilds of Mania, and summon Hungers to do their bidding. Some worship other gods, such as the deluded worshippers in Fain who make human sacrifices to Gyub, Lord of the Pit. An order who call themselves the Apostles was set up a mysterious leader named Ciirta. Ciirta discovered Sheogorath's absence during the second last Greymarch, and believed Sheogorath had forsaken his people. Ciirta was killed in 3E 433 by a group of traitors in the order, who were aided by the Champion of Cyrodiil. Her eyeball was later used to reforge the Staff of Sheogorath.

The Prophet Arden-Sul is another popular object of worship. The Sacellum Arden-Sul is located in New Sheoth, and contains the Altar of Arden-Sul. The Flame of Agnon, taken from the original capital of Cylarne, is usually alight in the Sacellum and acts as a beacon of hope for the people. The Manics and the Demented have wildly different beliefs over the true nature of Arden-Sul and will preach their own teachings in the Sacellum, depending on which faction is in power. The Blessing of Arden-Sul is needed to successfully coronate a new duke or duchess. Some extremists believe that Arden-Sul was the mortal aspect of Sheogorath, and set up camp in the swamps of Dementia, killing all who disagree with their beliefs and using Flesh Atronachs to protect their bases. These extremists are known as zealots.

When the Greymarch begins, many of the more delicate citizens of the Isles turn to the worship of Jyggalag and become Priests of Order. This treachery pains Sheogorath, and stopping the populace from converting was a major part of his efforts in 3E 433 to halt the Greymarch.

The realm's ruling body is the Court of Madness. Every citizen of the Isles has a place in the Court. Mania and Dementia are treated as duchies, ruled over by their respected duke or duchess. Both regions are aligned with Sheogorath's Daedric army; the Golden Saints guard Mania, while the Dark Seducers protect Dementia. The highest rank in the Court of Madness is Madgod, which of course belongs to Lord Sheogorath. The Madgod oversees the affairs of the realm, with help from the Chamberlain. The Court is based in New Sheoth Palace, which contains the House of Mania, the House of Dementia, the Palace of Sheogorath and the Fountainhead.

Vitharn, a once-great keep and county founded by fanatics, ruled over Dementia for four generations and planned to usurp the Madgod. Sheogorath was amused by this and allowed the treason to continue, but when the keep was overrun by a vassal tribe he cursed the souls to forever relive their final moment. The curse was broken in 3E 433, and the ruins have been quiet ever since.

The realm's justice system is similar to Imperial law. Theft, assault and murder are all punishable by fines or jailtime. Prisoners are held in dangerous dungeons far away from civilization, and prisoners have the option of serving their time or leaving their cell and braving the depths of the dungeon. Criminals who resist arrest are promptly slain by the Daedric guards. Patrols along the main roads kill the dangerous creatures who wander nearby. Even Sheogorath himself is subject to his law, but will not be imprisoned. The Fringe is under the same justice system as the Isles proper, but as no guards are posted within its walls, the bounty only comes into effect once the criminal passes through the Gates of Madness. Attempting to grow a beard or attacking the Madgod is a crime punishable by execution. Those personally executed by Sheogorath are teleported several thousand feet above Execution Point, where they fall to their death.

Notable Places

The home of the Aureal, located on the Saints Watch peninsula.
A ruin located in Mania.
A ruin on the Isle of Flame, home to the Cold Flame of Agnon.
A mausoleum located on the eastern side of Mania.
A ruin located in the Jester's Spine Mountains.
Howling Halls
A ruin located on the Heretics Horn.
New Sheoth
The capital of the Isles, located on the eastern divide between Mania and Dementia.
Pinnacle Rock
The home of the Mazken, located on the Madgod's Boot peninsula.
A ruined city located in Shallow Grave.
A facility located along Pinnacle Road.



Nota: as seguintes referências não são encontradas no jogo. Elas são incluídas para providenciar um fundo mais sólido ao artigo, mas podem não refletir lore estabelecida.


Shor's Stone

Shor's Stone, named after the Nordic god Shor, is a small ebony mining village in the pass between the Rift and Eastmarch, north-northwest of Riften.

Shor's Stone Mine, sometimes called Redbelly Mine due to the red mist that fills it, provides ebony and iron and serves as the foundation of the local economy. For a period of time, the settlement served as the home of the Companions, based out of Fallowstone Hall. The Fallowstone Vaults served as a museum and mortuary for the Companions as well as the resting place of Wuuthrad, and shrines to the original Five Hundred Companions surrounded the hall.

In 2E 582, an alliance of Reachmen known as the Three Tribes attacked the settlement on the orders of the Worm Cult. They took control of the mine and Fallowstone Hall in order to steal Wuuthrad and resurrect the giant Sinmur. With the aid of the surviving Companions, the Ebonheart Pact liberated the settlement, but not before Wuuthrad was lost.

At some point, the Companions abandoned Fallowstone Hall, and Jorrvaskr in Whiterun once again became their headquarters. The master thief Drayven Indoril, believed by some to be the infamous Nightingale of legend, is said to have retired to this quiet village. By 4E 201, the town was in danger of disappearing entirely when invading frostbite spiders forced the mine to close temporarily.


Shornhelm, sometimes spelled Sharnhelm, is a city in northern High Rock which stands at the center of one of the eight kingdoms of the region. It is known for being the Keeper of the Crypt of Hearts.

The city was controlled by House Dorell of the Breton nobility in the 24th century of the First Era.

In 2E 541, after helping to defeat a horde Reachmen led by Durcorach the Black Drake, Shornhelm, along with Daggerfall, Camlorn, Evermore and Wayrest, signed the first Daggerfall Covenant.

In 3E 277, the kingdom was offered to Andorak Lariat in order to persuade him to drop his claim to the Imperial throne. The Lariat family reigned in the kingdom from that point on.


Silatar is a small artificial island in the Abecean Sea, and is part of the Summerset Isles archipelago.

The island was created in the mid-Second Era by an Altmer girl named Aranias, who was born with the power to control the earth. Seeking her parents' approval, the girl raised Silatar out of the ocean, using powerful magic to create a fantastical and beautiful paradise on the island. Everything from the flowers to the island's manor radiated an almost palpable aura of magicka. However, Silatar's beauty feels wrong and unnatural to behold, and Aranias' parents were disapproving when she brought them to live on the island. Aranias went on to be known as the Rock Witch of Silatar, and after she accidentally destroyed a passing ship with her powers, her parents departed the island circa 2E 582 to seek a trainer.

While her parents were away, Bosmer bandits attacked Silatar and burned the farms, and Aranias was forced to drive them off alone. Her parents returned with High Kinlady Estre and the Veiled Heritance, who promised to help. However, Estre sought only to use Aranias as a weapon, and forced her to rip an innocent Bosmer to pieces as a demonstration of her loyalty. After Estre failed to usurp Queen Ayrenn and was killed later that year, the Veiled Heritance sent Aranias to Greenshade with her "trainer", an Altmer named Andur. The Heritance hoped to use her power to kill the Wilderking, a god-king with similar powers who ruled over parts of Greenshade.

Seeking to gain the Wilderking's allegiance, the Aldmeri Dominion sent the Soulless One to prevent the Heritance's assassination attempt. A Bosmer Spinner named Maruin told the tale of Silatar's creation, but in doing so he altered the story—and therefore Aranias' memory, so that she would recognize the Soulless One as a childhood friend who lived with her on the island. In Mariun's telling, Aranias did not face the bandits alone and refused to kill the Bosmer woman, instead killing Andur and trapping the Heritance representatives. Although these events never transpired, the Spinner's magic showed Aranias that the Heritance was her true enemy, and she was able to fulfill her destiny by becoming the next Wilderqueen.

It is unknown what happened to Silatar following Aranias' mantling.


Silvenar is a city in central Valenwood, and is the setting of the seventh book of A Dance in Fire. The city is home to the Silvenar, the spiritual leader of the Bosmer.

Silverfish River

The Silverfish River is one of two rivers that drain the Valus Mountains on their Cyrodiil side, the other being the Reed River.

It rises in the foothills at the southern end of the mountains and flows south for a few miles before turning west, eventually entering Niben Bay.

Silver Road

The Silver Road runs north to south from Bruma in the north to a point on the Red Ring Road due north of the Imperial City.

Skaal Village

Skaal Village is home to the Skaal, a nature-worshipping tribe of Nords. The village is located in the Felsaad Coast region of Solstheim, north of the Mead Hall of Thirsk, and is the northernmost settlement in Tamriel. It consists of small, sturdy wooden dwellings, arranged around a central Greathall which hosts feasts and other gatherings. Clad in traditional Nordic mail armor, Skaal Honor Guards protect the village from intruders, man and beast alike. At first, the villagers of Skaal are not very friendly to outsiders, but they are more welcoming once they accept you.

The Skaal have a rich and colorful culture with ritualistic hunts and bonds with nature; mythical beasts like the Spirit Bear and Karstaag are part of the lore here. Hunting is the main source of income for most, as the horkers on the northern coast and nearby Lake Fjalding are a relative easy and lucrative prey. More adventurous Skaal hunters go after the elusive snow wolf or snow bear, whose pelts are valued highly among them.

Skaal Village is also home to the shaman of the tribe, who leads them in matters of ritual and spirituality.


Skaven, also known as Ska'vyn, is a town in north-central Hammerfell. The Halls of Virtues of War, the home of the Sword-singers, is located just outside the city.


Skingrad is a large town located in the West Weald region, to the southwest of the Imperial City, along the Gold Road. The town divides into three districts: the Castle, Hightown, and Chapel, with various gates and bridges connecting each district. The town is further divided in two parts: the north wall encompasses the business district and the guild halls, while the southern half holds homes and the Great Chapel of Julianos, where citizens and travelers can pray for healing. Outside of town is the castle of Janus Hassildor, count of Skingrad and wizard, who is reportedly a vampire, a fact known to and kept as a secret by the Mages Guild. The town is particularly famous for its wines, tomatoes, and cheeses, which contributes to its overall prosperity. Famous wine makers in Cyrodiil such as the Surilie brothers and Tamika reside here.


Skuldafn is an ancient temple complex located high in the Velothi Mountains in Eastmarch. It was built by the Dragon Cult in the Merethic Era, and is revered by the Nords. The ruins contain a portal to Sovngarde, which allows mortals to enter the realm without dying.

During the time of the Dragon Cult, a Dragon Priest named Nahkriin ruled over Skuldafn. After the Dragon War, the temple fell into ruin, and Nahkriin and his followers were entombed within. At some point, the Dwemer city of Mzulft far to the east built a surface entrance at Skuldafn, although the passage later collapsed. Jorunn the Skald-King was known to treasure Skuldafn, and had intended to convene a Moot there after his rise to power. In 2E 582, Jorunn's brother Fildgor Orcthane attempted to usurp the High King's throne. Fildgor planned to fuse his soul with that of his dead sister Queen Nurnhilde, so that the Crown of Freydis would legitimize his right to rule. To do this, he brought both the Crown and his sister's corpse to Skuldafn, and used his royal blood to enter Sovngarde unhindered. His allies, the Stormfist Clan and the Orc tribes, fortified Skuldafn in preparation for Jorunn's attack. With the support of the Ebonheart Pact, Jorunn successfully stormed the ruins and prevented Fildgor from completing the ritual. A Great Moot was then held at the summit of Skuldafn to solidify the Pact.

At some point following Fildgor's occupation, access to the ruins by foot was completely cut off, leaving Skuldafn isolated. With the return of Alduin in 4E 201, Nahkriin and his draugr followers rose from their slumber, and dragons flocked to the ruins. After his defeat by the Last Dragonborn atop the Throat of the World, Alduin retreated to Sovngarde through the portal in Skuldafn, where he devoured the souls of the dead to regain his strength. The Dragonborn followed him, flying to Skuldafn on the back of Odahviing and entering Sovngarde for a final battle with the World-Eater.

Sky Haven Temple

Sky Haven Temple was a large Akaviri fortress built amongst the mountains of The Reach in Skyrim. During the First Era it was inhabited by Reman Cyrodiil's Dragonguard and served as an outpost in their crusade against dragons.


Arcéu, a província ao norte de Tamriel, é uma região fria e montanhosa também conhecida como o Velho Reino, Mereth, ou a Pátria. Muitas batalhas passadas deram ao local uma aparência devastada e diversas ruínas. Embora atualmente habitada principalmente por Nords, os Elfos que eles substituíram viveram em Arcéu desde tempos imemoriais. O soberano, Alto Rei de Arcéu, é escolhido pela Assembleia, uma convenção de jarls. Um jarl é um governante regional escolhido hereditariamente e, raramente, através da força. O Alto Rei geralmente rege até a morte, embora os atos de desonra, particularmente o aparecimento de ações de covardia possam levar à recuperação e reconsideração da Assembleia. Desde que o Pacto dos Chefes foi assinado em 1E 420, a Assembleia não considera verdadeiramente ninguém que não seja o herdeiro direto do Alto Rei a não ser que não haja um disponível.

Para mais informação, veja o artigo principal da Lore.


Skywatch is one of the main cities on Auridon, the second largest island of the Summerset Isles. The city is built around an ancient ruin.

For millennia the Sload, notorious for their necromantic mastery, terrorized the Altmer, conjuring sea monsters along the coasts and laying siege to Skywatch. The Sack of Skywatch in 1E 1301 is among one of the most terrible events in Tamriel's history. Internal conflicts between Skywatch and Firsthold during the First and Second Eras often sparked into full war.


Snowhawk was a city in west-central Skyrim, contemporary with the Imperial Simulacrum. A small settlement was located just outside the city circa 3E 433.

By 4E 201, the city had been abandoned and all that remained were the ruins of Fort Snowhawk. It had been taken over by a band of necromancers. During the Stormcloak Rebellion, the fort served as a point of contention between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks, with both sides struggling for control.


Solitude (also known as Haafingar) is a major port city on the northern coast of the province of Skyrim. It is famous for being the northernmost town in Tamriel and infamous as the seat of the so-called Wolf Queen, Potema. Solitude was also ruled by King Mantiarco mostly before his marriage to Potema. One of the stranger periods in Solitude's history was under Thoriz Pelagius Septim, who, among other things, was known for stripping nude during speeches.

Over time, Solitude became one of the wealthiest cities and counties in Skyrim, and by the end of the Third Era it controlled most of the northern coastline of Skyrim after King Thian married Queen Macalla of Dawnstar. Seeking to expand its influence even farther, Solitude annexed several Imperial fiefs, including the island of Roscrea (all of the fiefs had been ruled by the Empire since Uriel Septim V conquered them in 3E 271). It later began to fund exploration into (and perhaps beyond) the Sea of Ghosts.


Solstheim, algumas vezes escrito incorretamente Soulstheim, é uma grande ilha no Mar dos Fantasmas ao norte de Tamriel. Se tornou oficialmente uma região de Morrowind em 4E 16. A ilha tem um longo histórico de servir de lar para outras raças, mas sua influência pioneira e tradicional foi majoritariamente Nórdica.

Soul Cairn

The Soul Cairn is a realm of Oblivion filled with the trapped souls of mortal dead. Rather than being ruled over by any Daedric Prince, it is controlled by mysterious beings that call themselves the Ideal Masters. When a soul is captured by a Soul Gem, it is transported to the Soul Cairn to roam for eternity. The Ideal Masters believe that, by freeing mortals from life and dooming them to eternal undeath, they are being saved from meaningless hardship and gifted with peace. The Soul Cairn is filled with all manner of undead. Some forms are unique to the realm, such as Bonemen, Mistmen, and Wrathmen. Powerful mages once summoned undead minions from the realm using conjuration magic, but these spells were forgotten over time. In their hunger for souls, the Ideal Masters often strike deals with necromancers. In return for souls, the necromancers are given the ability to summon armies of undead from the realm, although they often fall prey to the Masters and end up trapped in the realm themselves.

In order to enter the Soul Cairn, a mortal usually must be dead. This can be achieved by partial soul trapping, or by becoming undead. The realm was once accessible from the voidgate of the Battlespire, but the link was severed after the citadel was destroyed.


Repousalma é um assentamento Argoniano localizado no canto sudoeste de Pântano Negro. No ano 3E 427, uma revolta tribal ocorreu próxima a Repousalma e precisou ser derrubada pela Força Expedicionária. Minas e plantações locais foram destruídas como resultado.


Southpoint, also spelled South Point, is a coastal city in the far southeast of Valenwood, further west than Haven, in the Grahtwood region. The city was founded by the Colovian governor Zantonius in the late First Era.


Sovngarde is the part of Aetherius where Nords go to after death. It is ruled by Shor and contains the Hall of Valor, a supposedly gigantic feasting hall where the mead "flows like a waterfall". Except in rare cases where one forces a way into Sovngarde, it can supposedly only be reached by true Nords who die valiantly or in battle, regardless of personality. This excludes those afflicted with Lycanthropy, as Hircine takes them to his Hunting Grounds instead.

In 2E 582, Fildgor Orc-Thane used his royal blood to enter Sovngarde, and attempted to fuse his soul with that of his dead sister Nurnhilde in order to usurp the throne. In 4E 201, Alduin retreated there to ensnare and feast upon the souls of the dead. He was killed by the Last Dragonborn, who fought alongside the spirits of Gormlaith Golden-Hilt, Felldir the Old and Hakon One-Eye.


Stirk is an island off the Gold Coast of Cyrodiil, in the Abecean Sea.

The historic island was at one time colonized by the Ayleids, whose white limestone ruins dominate the tropical landscape. Though claimed at times by Valenwood, the Gold Coast, and Hammerfell, the uninhabited island is really a no-man's-land. The pirates of the Abecean were known to use the Ayleid ruins as arenas for settling disputes through trial by combat.

In 2E 582 a meeting took place here between the three leaders of the Alliance War, as Stirk was considered neutral territory. The meeting was facilitated by the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, and aimed to discuss a possible invasion of Coldharbour in response to Molag Bal's attempted Planemeld. Before an agreement could be reached, Molag Bal sent Daedra to the island to kill the alliance leaders. The attackers were repelled, and the leaders quickly gave their consent for an invasion, having seen the Prince's influence firsthand. A force was then assembled from the ranks of the two guilds, and a portal to Coldharbour was opened on the island.


Stonefalls is a region in central Morrowind, on the southern shores of the Inner Sea. It borders Bal Foyen to the east, Deshaan to the south, Cyrodiil to the west, and the Rift in Skyrim to the northwest. It consists of three smaller regions: Daen Seeth in the east, Zabamat in the northwest and Varanis in the southwest.

The region is a hodge-podge of terrain from the surrounding regions, meaning it fluctuates from fungal forests to volcanic crags, along with its more sedate coastline, which is across the Inner Sea from the city of Vivec. In the west, the Valus and Velothi Mountains separate the region from Skyrim and Cyrodiil. An important pass in the northern part of these mountains, guarded by Virak Keep, leads to the Rift and emerges near Riften. The geography of Stonefalls is dominated by two massive volcanoes, Ash Mountain and the Tormented Spire. These make living in the area dangerous, but also fertilize the soil, which is the reason why numerous plantations can be found in the western part of the region. The most important cities are Davon's Watch, Ebonheart and Kragenmoor. The region also contains the necropolis of Othrenis, the Dwemer ruin called Inner Sea Armature, and the bizarre land-coral maze known as Vivec's Antlers, which was the site of the defeat of Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal's Akaviri invasion in 2E 572. Like the other parts of Morrowind, Stonefalls is also dotted with many Daedric ruins. In the past, the region saw numerous wars between the Chimer and the Nedes or the Dwemer. The native wildlife of Stonefalls includes alit, nix hounds, netch, guar, and occasional cliff racers.

The region was briefly invaded by the Daggerfall Covenant during the Alliance War of 2E 582. During the Imperial Simulacrum, Stonefalls was also the name of a town which existed within the region.


Stormhaven is the south-central region of High Rock. It is a prosperous place rich in fishing, farming, hunting, mining, and trading opportunities. The Bjoulsae River flows into the Iliac Bay along the coast, from which the Isle of Balfiera and its famous Adamantine Tower can be seen in the distance. The King's Guard mountain range to the west and north separate it from Glenumbra and Rivenspire, and the Wrothgarian Mountains form its border to the north and east. The western region Alcaire is home to the city of Alcaire (also called Alcaire Castle) as well as other settlements, like the port Koeglin Village. The central portion of Stormhaven, Menevia, is home to the merchant city of Wayrest. Wayrest forms part of Menevia's border to Gavaudon, the eastern region of Stormhaven. Gavaudon has no major cities of its own, only small towns like Wind Keep and Shinji's Scarp, though a bridge in the east leads directly to the city of Evermore in Bangkorai. The region is mostly populated by Bretons, along with a minority of Orcs (much to the chagrin of many of the Bretons). Goblins also inhabit the region.


Stormhold is a city located in the Shadowfen region of Black Marsh, close to the border with Morrowind. It served as the capital of the province as of 2E 582.

Strid River

The Strid River is a large river that forms most of the boundary between Cyrodiil and Valenwood. It rises in the West Weald to the southeast of Skingrad and flows west-southwest before emptying into the Abecean Sea south of Anvil. To the south, the river borders the Valenwood regions of Malabal Tor and Reaper's March. The city of Arenthia is located on the southern bank of the river.

Stros M'Kai

Stros M'Kai is an important tropical island off the southern coast of Hammerfell near the Cape of the Blue Divide. Stros M'Kai is renowned for its completely steam-powered Dwemer ruins and ancient mines, including the marvelous observatory known as the Orrery.

Stros M'Kai only has one major town, which bears the name of the island. It holds the Palace, the Temple of Arkay and the famous statue of Frandar Hunding. Underneath the town lies the Catacombs, which serve as both a prison and a treasury. The small settlement of Saintsport is found at the southern tip. There are very few other settlements, apart from the nomadic Yokudan campsites. Roughly a third of the land is taken up by the barren Ogres Tooth Mountains. Jarrin root, an extremely toxic plant which kills almost instantly when ingested, can only be found on the island.

A chain of islands known as The Spine lies off the West coast of the main island. These were once bridged, but have long fallen into dereliction. The Isle of N'Gasta is a small island even farther offshore. It suffers from frequent storms, and was the home of the infamous Sload necromancer, N'Gasta. This island was likely once used by the first Redguard settlers as a cemetery for criminals. This was a tradition brought over from Yokuda, to prevent the criminal's evil spirit from tormenting the living. The dominant feature on the island is the Necromancer's Tower.

Summerset Isle

Ilha do Semprestio é uma grande ilha localizada a sudoeste da Tamriel continental. É a maior das três ilhas que compõem o arquipélago chamado de Ilhas do Semprestio, que que engloba mais de uma dúzia de ilhas menores.

Summerset Isles

As Ilhas do Semprestio (por vezes escrito Senprestio, Sempristio ou Semprestil) são uma província a sudoeste de Tamriel consitente de catorze ilhas de tamanhos variados. As três maiores e mais significantes ilhas são a Ilha do Semprestio, Auridon e Artaeum (que pode desaparecer por grandes períodos de tempo sem aviso). Em 4E 22 o Thalmor tomou poder e renomeou a província a partir de sua capital, Alinor, apesar de fora da província ela ainda ser chamada de Semprestio. Os atuais habitantes da província são os Altmer, apesar de alguns globins também estarem lá quando eles chegaram. Acredita-se que os primeiros habitantes tenham sido os Sload antes de terem sido expulsos pelos Aldmer, de quem os Altmer clamam ser descendentes diretos.


Sunhold is a city in the south-southwestern area of Summerset Isle. The authors Erramanwe and Lathenil came from this city.


Suran was a medium-sized town situated on the eastern coast of Lake Masobi, within the Ascadian Isles. Its architecture resembled a typical Hlaalu market town, complete with a watchtower and a small temple. It served as the northern headquarters for Hlaalu slavers doing business with nearby plantations. Suran also functioned as a stopover for pilgrims and adventurers heading northeast into the Molag Amur region and Mount Kand.


Sutch was a settlement located in the Gold Coast region of Cyrodiil. County Sutch extended north towards the Brena River, an area which is now considered part of County Kvatch. Sutch was connected to the Gold Road north of Anvil. Jorunn the Skald-King visited Sutch in his youth, some time between 2E 546 and 2E 572.

Thief of Virtue tells the tale of Ravius Terinus, a master thief of the Thieves Guild, who attempted to rob the coin collection of Baron Ignace from his castle in Sutch. Ravius failed to steal the coins, but instead slept with Baroness Veronique in order to hide from the guards. The book states that Sutch was a city in Hammerfell, although it is an unreliable source, as the author also believes the Thieves Guild to have been wiped out four hundred and fifty years prior to the book's writing.

By 3E 433, nothing remained of the settlement but the ruins of Fort Sutch Abbey. The fort was home to a band of mercenaries until their leader was poisoned by the Dark Brotherhood, although it was made to appear that he had died of a disease. The fort was attacked by Daedra during the Oblivion Crisis when an Oblivion Gate to the Deadlands opened outside its walls. This portal was destroyed by the Imperial Legion, with the help of the Hero of Kvatch.

The Systres

The Systres (or Sestres) are a group of three large islands in the Abecean Sea, far to the southwest of Hammerfell and northwest of Summerset Isle.