Lore:Bestiary S

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Sabertooth Tiger

A sabertooth tiger

A dangerous animal commonly found around the Iliac Bay. It attacks with its two very long incisor teeth and both front paws. Nobility sometimes train them as house pets.

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A sablefish

A type of fish that can be found in the Alik'r Desert region.

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Sabre Cat

‎A sabre cat

Sabre Cats are large, powerful, and fast cats that have evolved two dangerously sharp front teeth. They are very dangerous and will attack wildlife and people without hesitation, often ignoring the former in favor of the latter. They're found in the wilds of Skyrim. Khajiit legend states that the sabre cats were once the Rhojiit, Khajiit warriors who fought for Alkosh at the Battle of Red Mountain. Snowy sabre cats are found in the frosty high elevations of Skyrim, and vale sabre cats can be seen in the Forgotten Vale.

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A leaping salmon

Salmon are gray fish commonly found in bodies of water around Tamriel, and are often seen jumping to ascend waterfalls and rapids. While the other species of fish tend to swim near the surface of bodies of water, salmon may often be seen either near the surface or in the depths. Its pinkish-orange flesh is a popular food source, and can be eaten raw or salted and cooked.

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Sand Eel

A sand eel

A type of eel that can be found in the Alik'r Desert region.

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Sand Moray

A sand moray

A type of eel that can be found in the Alik'r Desert region.

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Saw Belly

A saw belly

A type of fish that can be found in the Alik'r Desert region.

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A sawfish

A type of fish that can be found in Stormhaven.

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A scalon

Scalons are large aquatic humanoids of the Shivering Isles. Naturally, they are commonly found near water, occasionally leaping from the water and attacking. They can also become invisible.

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Scaly Lungfish

A scaly lungfish

A type of fish that can be found in Bangkorai.

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A scamp

One of the lesser sentient Daedra of Oblivion, Scamps often enter into the mortal world to cause mischief and carry out errands for their Princes. They are weak, rather unintelligent, and cowardly, and are easily defeated except in large numbers. They are most commonly associated with Mehrunes Dagon.

  • Variations: Stunted Scamp

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Scarecrow Spectre

Scarecrow Spectres are scarecrows animated by a ghost. They are created by hedge wizards during the Witches' Festival, a holiday that takes place on the 13th of Frostfall each year. The dark magic involved in their creation is thought to be related to the spells that transform spriggans into lurchers.

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A scorpion

Common scorpions can be found in the desert. See also: Giant Scorpion.

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A scrib

Scribs, also known as squibs, are the larval form of the Kwama. They are not very aggressive, but can paralyze attackers.

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Scum Carp

A scum carp

A type of fish that can be found in Stonefalls.

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A scuttler

A scuttler is a small two legged lizard, somewhat similar to the Alit. They are often kept as pets throughout Tamriel.

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Sea Bass

A sea bass

A type of fish that can be found in Malabal Tor.

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An immense fish found in the sea around Black Marsh. They are described as being "like a crocodile, but with paddles instead of legs."

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Sea Serpent

A Sea Serpent

A sea monster native to Pyandonea. They are tamed and ridden (or occasionally summoned) by the Maormer to support their navy. This is only possible because of the magic of their king, Orgnum.

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A seducer

A daedra associated with Nocturnal, often depicted as a scantily clad woman. See also: Daedra Seducer, Dark Seducer

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Seekers are grotesque tentacled daedra. They are servants of Hermaeus Mora, usually guarding tomes of forbidden knowledge. Seekers have the power to banish prey with sound attacks. They are rarely seen outside the Apocrypha.

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A senche-tiger

Large quadrupedal felines found in Elsweyr and Valenwood. Known to be used as steeds. They are of lesser sentience, but are still regarded as intelligent by the Khajiit.

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Sep Adder

Ficheiro:ON-creature-Sep Adder.png
A sep adder in Abah's Landing

Winged snakes found in southern Hammerfell, particularly in the Hew's Bane peninsula.

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Sewer Eel

A sewer eel

A type of eel that can be found in Cyrodiil.

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Shads are small fish that can be found in lakes across Tamriel. They are used as bait to catch larger fish.

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A shalk

Shalk are large and occasionally aggressive beetles which attack by 'spitting' magical fire. Despite the danger, they are herded by the Dunmer of the Deshaan region for their prized meat, resin, and carapaces.

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A shambles

The Shambles appear to be some sort of undead construct made of bone and lashed together with wire or bits of cloth, often haphazardly. They detonate a magical ice bomb on death.

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Shark Tadpole

A shark tadpole

A type of fish that can be found in Shadowfen.

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Shearteeth are a type of fish found in the Sump on Umbriel. They are described as having a "maw full of teeth". They can reach at least fifteen feet long and have long whip-like tails, dual swimming fins on the underside, teeth that "would shame a shark," and a tough hide. They are usually non-aggressive to Skraws but will attack if the sump considers someone an intruder.

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A flock of sheep

Domestic livestock all found in farms and sheepfolds. Very docile.

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A sheepshead

A type of fish that can be found in Reaper's March.

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A shellbug

A rare giant insect found underground in the Forgotten Vale of Skyrim. Shellbug chitin is very hard, making it ideal for use in crafting armor. Harvesting the chitin requires the use of a pickaxe, with repeated mining of the shell causing its death.

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A shimmerpike

A type of fish that can be found on Auridon.

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Silt Strider

Giant arthropods, which can be up to 60 feet tall. Used as a means of transport in Morrowind by manipulating exposed organs and tissues. It is said that their numbers dwindled due to the Red Year, when the eruption of the Red Mountain killed most of them and destroyed their native habitat.

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Silverside Perch

A silverside perch

Silverside Perch are common fish that can be caught in ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water across Tamriel.

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Silver Walleye

A silver walleye

A type of fish that can be found in Stormhaven.

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A skate

A type of fish that can be found in foul water in the Rift.

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A skavenger

A rat-like creature.

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A skeever

Skeevers are aggressive rat-like animals common to Skyrim. They are known to carry the disease Ataxia.

  • Variations: Venomfang Skeever

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A skeleton

Skeletons are the reanimated bones of the dead. They're often found protecting the dungeons, forts and ruins of Tamriel. Many varieties of animated skeletons exist, some stronger than others. Skeletons have a certain resistance to edged weapons and frost spells.

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Skinned Hound

A skinned hound

Swift, agile zombified wolves stripped of flesh and fur. Immune to poison. See also: Bonewolf and Death Hound

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A type of fish that can be found in the Rift.

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A slaughterfish

Slaughterfish are small, hostile fish with razor sharp teeth found in the waters of nearly all of Tamriel. Their scales and eggs are prized for the alchemical properties.

  • Variations: Rumare Slaughterfish, Small Slaughterfish, Giant Slaughterfish

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A slimeslither

A type of fish that can be found in Reaper's March.

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A snake

Standard snakes are often seen slithering in grass. See also: Giant Snake

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A snakehead

A type of fish that can be found in Rivenspire.

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Snapper Eel

A snapper eel

A type of eel that can be found in Grahtwood.

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Snipe Eel

A snipe eel

A type of eel that can be found in Eastmarch.

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Snow Bear

A snow bear

A white bear with an icy bite often found on the island of Solstheim as well as in the high mountains and icy plains of Skyrim. They are sometimes used as mounts.

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Snow Fox

A snow fox

A small, white furred variety of Fox that can be encountered in the colder regions of Skyrim. Rabbits are one of their favorite prey. Some are kept as pets by Skyrim's inhabitants Their pelts are often sold by hunters and are considered more valuable than those of regular foxes.

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Snow Wolf

A rare, powerful type of wolf which freezes its prey with ice magic. The Nords of Solstheim can use their pelts to create frost resistant armor. See also: Ice Wolf

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Snowy Sabre Cat

‎A snowy sabre cat

Snowy Sabre Cats are large, hostile cats with sizable teeth. They are very dangerous and will attack wildlife and people without hesitation, often ignoring the former in favor of the latter. They're found in the wilds of Skyrim. Snowy Sabre Cats carry a disease called Witbane. See also: Sabre Cat, Vale Sabre Cat

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Sockeye Salmon

A sockeye salmon

A type of fish that can be found in the Rift.

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A spadetail

A type of common fish that can be found in lakes across Tamriel.

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Spectral Mud Crab

Spectral mud crab

The spirit of a Mudcrab. Can only be found in Gaiar Alata. Known to hoard enchanted items.

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The giant spider is a dangerous foe, not only for its damaging attack, but as it can also paralyze its victim so it can feed on them later. Large Frostbite Spiders are known to live in the caves and forests of Skyrim.

  • Variations: Cave Spider, Spider Guardian, Spider Savager, Diamond Spider Queen

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Spider Daedra

A spider daedra with spiderling

These Daedra appear as giant spiders with human torsos, and are associated with Mephala. They are so unruly and irrational that not even Mephala's worshippers will often summon them, for fear that they will disobey orders. They are some of the more powerful Daedra, with formidable melee and spellcasting ability. They can summon Spiderlings to aid them in battle.

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A Spiderkith

Spiderkith are navy-skinned humanoid Daedra in service to Mephala.

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A spiderling

A lesser Daedra that can be summoned by spider daedra to paralyze opponents.

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  • Variations: Horrid Spikeworm, Nubbed Spikeworm

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Spiny Orcfish

A spiny orcfish

A type of fish that can be found in Craglorn.

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A spriggan

Spriggans, often called Nature's Guardians, are tree spirits that take the form of female humanoids. They possess moderate intelligence, but despite being revered they are usually hostile towards travelers. Spriggans have their own unique language, which can be learned by scholars and used to calm the creatures. They are usually found protecting secluded glades and groves all over Tamriel, often blending in with the plant life and catching trespassers unaware. Spriggans attack with their long, sharp fingers as well as their teeth, and have the ability to poison enemies. They have incredible regenerative abilities, resulting in adventurers often having to defeat them several times before they remain dead. If threatened, they can call nearby woodland animals to aid them in battle, and some even have the ability to magically summon black bears.

  • Variations: Spriggan Matron, Spriggan Earth Mother, Burnt Spriggan

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A squirrel

Squirrels are harmless rodents.

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A stargazer

A type of fish that can be found in Malabal Tor.

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Steam Centurion

A steam centurion

Steam Centurions (also known as Dwarven Centurions or Dwarven Robots) are heavily armored constructs with an extendable mace on one arm. They are not as common in Dwarven ruins as the lesser Dwarven automatons. The book Ruins of Kemel-Ze implies that the constructs have a weakness to frost and magic attacks, due to the water/steam that drives them, although they are highly resistant against fire, frost and shock.

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A steelhead

A type of fish that can be found in Eastmarch.

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A stickleback

A type of fish that can be found in Grahtwood.

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A stingerpike

A type of fish that can be found in Coldharbour.

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A stinkfish

A type of fish that can be found in Stonefalls.

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Stone Atronach

A type of Elemental Daedra. Pelladil Direnni of Clan Direnni summoned an army of Stone Atronachs to build the Blackrose Prison.

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A stonefish

A type of fish that can be found in Malabal Tor.

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Stone Golem

A moderately strong Golem made out of stone.

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Storm Atronach

A storm atronach

A powerful Shock Elemental Daedra which can be summoned by more powerful magic users. Immune to normal weapons and shock, resistant to poison and can reflect spells and damage.

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Stormhaven Flounder

A Stormhaven flounder

A type of fish that can be found in Stormhaven.

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Stream Catfish

A stream catfish

A type of fish that can be found in Rivenspire.

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Strident Leechfin

A strident leechfin

A type of fish that can be found in Malabal Tor.

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Strid Shad

A Strid shad

A type of fish that can be found in Reaper's March.

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A sturgeon

A type of fish that can be found in lakes on Auridon.

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A sulfursucker

A type of fish that can be found in the Rift.

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A swai

A type of fish that can be found in Bangkorai.

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Swamp Eel

A swamp eel

A type of fish that can be found in Grahtwood.

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Swamp Leviathan

A creature found in the Black Marsh, it is described as a mountain of spines, with nine-foot-long claws and a jaw that juts out, exposing its tusks.

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A sweetfish

A type of fish that can be found in Reaper's March.

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