Lore:Bestiary V

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Vale Deer

‎A vale deer

Similar to normal deer, vale deer are only found in the Forgotten Vale. They have a unique greenish glow in their eyes and hide until death.

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Vale Sabre Cat

‎A vale sabre cat

Vale Sabre Cats are large, hostile cats with sizable teeth. They are very dangerous and will attack wildlife and people without hesitation, often ignoring the former in favor of the latter. They're found in the Forgotten Vale. Vale Sabre Cats carry a disease called Witbane. See also: Sabre Cat, Snowy Sabre Cat, Sabertooth Tiger

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A vampire

Um vampiro é um ser sobrenatural, acreditado ser um corpo reanimado, que consome o sangue de pessoas dormindo à noite, servos e outras vítimas. Os vampiros de Tamriel são pessoas mortas-vivas e doentes, que são odiadas, caçadas e incompreendidas pelos vivos. Se eles se consideram amaldiçoados ou abençoados, ou se integraram a seus extintos animalísticos, ou se tentaram livrar o mundo da doença, vampiros são, ainda assim, considerados abominações. Apesar de ser possível um vampiro se curar, o conhecimento para tal foi escondido em vários lugares devido ao medo de isso encorajar outras pessoas a se infectarem deliberadamente.

O vampiro é um dos mortos-vivos mais poderosos e medonhos de todos. Apesar de serem tipicamente rápidos, magos poderosos, e inaturalmente fortes, o medo dos vampiros é anormalmente grande devido à habilidade deles de infectar outros, um destino normalmente descrito como pior que a morte. Desconfiança e caos podem potencialmente derrubar assentamentos inteiros se um vampiro se infiltrar na população. Vampiros se espalham contaminando mortais com doenças como Hemofilia Porfírica, Sanguinare Vampiris e Sanguinovória Noxifílica. Vampiros tendem a se organizar em diferentes clãs; na verdade, existe mais de cem tipo distintos de vampiros em Tamriel.

  • Variations: Vampire Ancient

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Vampire Lord

A vampire lord

The Vampire Lord is a powerful type of vampire, being much closer to being pure-blooded, although they do not necessarily have to be. Vampire Lords are tall humanoid bat-like creatures with sharp, sometimes poisonous talons and small wings. These creatures can shift between their original forms and the Vampire Lord form at will. They are also capable of using magic, and can also transform themselves into a cloud of bats to pass small distances or even mist to become temporarily invincible.

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A vermai

Usually pronounced Ver-may, this eyeless Daedra is aggressive and mindless, and typically attacks all who approach. They have sometimes responded to attempts at communication, but never in any intelligible way. They have often served Mehrunes Dagon.

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Verminous Fabricant

A verminous fabricant

Verminous Fabricants are construct created by Sotha Sil in his Clockwork City. An artificial creature with synthetic legs and tail, it acts fast and agile and attacks with the large fang on its head. Its components can be safely imbibed and are potent speed potions.

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A viperfish

A type of fish that can be found in Greenshade.

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A Voriplasm is a pool of green slime, mostly found in Black Marsh, that can strip creatures down to the bone "by the second syllable".

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