Lore:Mehrunes Dagon
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Mehrunes Dagon is the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energy, and Ambition. He is associated with natural dangers like fire, earthquakes, and floods. He is an especially important deity in Morrowind, where he represents its near-inhospitable terrain as one of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles. In most cultures, though, Dagon is merely a god of bloodshed and betrayal. Dagon's plane of Oblivion is known as the Deadlands. As the name suggests, they are barren wastelands, consisting of blackened isles in a sea of lava. The Dremora, Clannfear and Scamps are among his servants.
Dagon's acknowledged enemy is Ebonarm and his summoning day is Warriors Festival. As the Prince of Destruction and Revolution, Dagon is perhaps the most ambitious of the Daedric Princes, and has attempted to invade Nirn on several occasions. He assisted Jagar Tharn in his temporary procurement of the Imperial throne, probably in anticipation of the decade of warfare and strife Tharn's rule produced. He invaded and seized control of the Battlespire, in contravention of the Daedric pact limiting meddling in mortal affairs by divine beings, in order to cripple the capacity of the Imperial College of Battlemages (which presented a threat to Tharn's power as Emperor). Dagon was also responsible for the destruction of Mournhold at the end of the First Era and apparently destroyed Ald Sotha, home of House Sotha and Sotha Sil's birthplace. Dagon was also the alleged inventor of the Daedric Crescent. The Broadsword of the Moon Reiver is an artifact created from Dagon's own substance and given to his Dark Seducer bodyguard, which was used against him by an unknown hero and resulted in the destruction of the Battlespire.
Oblivion Crisis
Dagon was the driving force behind the Oblivion Crisis. He plotted to destroy the Septim bloodline and open gates to Oblivion throughout Cyrodiil to launch an invasion. His motivation for this invasion is unclear; the Mythic Dawn claimed Nirn was Dagon's plane to begin with. The Mythic Dawn, Dagon worshippers, worked to bring about the coming of Dagon by assassinating the Emperor and his three known heirs. The cult focused on the eternal dawn on which Dagon would come to cleanse the world of all non-followers. In order to recover the Amulet of Kings and foil Dagon's plans, the Champion of Cyrodiil had to recover the Mysterium Xarxes, a book written by Dagon himself, so that Martin Septim could open a portal to the Paradise of Mankar Camoran, where the amulet was being kept. Dagon himself made a short but dramatic appearance as a gigantic four-armed humanoid armed with an axe and talons at the climax of the Crisis.
Daedric Crescent
The Daedric Crescent Blade is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. It has the power to paralyze those it strikes, and puts heavy wear on their armor; it has also been known to create a green ball of energy, but its effects are unknown. There were once many Crescents, which were used by Dagon's forces to take the Battlespire during the Imperial Simulacrum. When the Empire later reclaimed the ruined academy, the Crescents were gathered up and destroyed - all but one. Unknown to the Empire, one of the unique blades remained in existence somewhere in Tamriel, although none had ever seen it.
In 3E 427, this last Crescent was discovered by the Nerevarine. It had been in the possession of Lord Dregas Volar, a Dremora who dwelled in the Daedric shrine of Magas Volar, a Daedric sanctuary inaccessible without teleportation. Divayth Fyr of Tel Fyr had come to possess an amulet which would teleport the wearer to the hidden shrine; the Nerevarine used the amulet and defeated Lord Volar, claiming the last known Daedric Crescent.
Mehrunes' Razor
Mehrunes' Razor (sometimes Mehrunes Razor), also called the Dagger of the Final Wounds, the Bane of the Righteous and the Kingslayer, is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. This powerful ebony dagger has the ability to kill instantly, as there is a small chance that Dagon will claim the souls of those struck by the Razor. It is Daedric in appearance, emblazoned with Daedric script and seemingly able to drink the light that hits it.
In the Second Era, an Argonian named Trouble-Finder reported coming across a cheap dagger for sale in Ebonheart. It is unknown whether this was actually the Razor, but several cultists believed it was and chased him down for it. Circa 2E 582, Mehrunes' Razor had been shattered into several shards.
It is said that the Telvanni master of Sadrith Mora, Neloth, was once in possession of the blade and used it to inspire his troops in battle against the rival Telvanni master of Tel Aruhn, Gothren, before it was stolen by a troupe of acrobats whom he had wronged. The troupe used the dagger for a time in their acts, Master Mearvis in particular using it to turn marshmerrow reeds into papyrus. Circa 3E 325, the Dark Brotherhood was decimated by a vicious internal power struggle, and it is suspected that the Razor was involved.
Around the time of the Warp in the West, an unknown agent of the Blades was given the weapon by Dagon for slaying a rebellious frost atronach. In 3E 427, the Nerevarine recovered the razor from Alas Ancestral Tomb, where it lay disused and rusted by the corpse of Varner Hleras. In return, Dagon imbued the razor with his power and returned it to its former glory.
In 3E 433, a rogue Telvanni Arch-Mage named Frathen Drothan assembled an army of mercenaries and searched for the razor in Sundercliff Watch, an abandoned Imperial outpost and iron mine. It was rumored that the entrance to the ancient Ayleid city of Varsa Baalim had been uncovered, and with it the Nefarivigum. This was an evil construct of Mehrunes Dagon, created to test pilgrims seeking the razor. Msirae Faythung, a previous champion of Dagon, stood guard over the Razor after having failed the Prince. As punishment, the Kyn cut open his chest to reveal his heart and cursed him to stand statue-like in the Nefarivigum for eternity. Drothan decrypted the runes in the Nefarivigum, which summoned the razor, but before he could recover it the Champion of Cyrodiil defeated him and claimed the dagger..
After the Oblivion Crisis, a group devoted to eradicating the Mythic Dawn from Tamriel stumbled upon the razor. They broke the razor into pieces and divided them between the three most senior members of their order, pledging to keep the pieces safe. They renamed themselves "The Keepers of the Razor" in honor of their new role. The hilt, pommel, and blade shards of the razor were passed down through the Keepers' descendants, but the scabbard was not.
In 4E 201, the Last Dragonborn was contacted by Silus Vesuius, a Dagon enthusiast trying to establish a Mythic Dawn museum, who had found the scabbard. He hired the Dragonborn to collect the three missing pieces. The two journeyed to a shrine to Mehrunes Dagon to have the Razor repaired. Dagon demanded the life of Silus Vesuius in return. Vesuius offered the Dragonborn gold to ignore Dagon's request, wanting to add the shattered pieces to his museum if he couldn't have the restored artifact. It is unknown whether the Dragonborn accepted his offer or killed Vesuius and claimed the dagger.
Mysterium Xarxes
The Mysterium Xarxes was a tome written by Mehrunes Dagon, who scribed it in "the deserts of rust and wounds". It was an artifact of great - and evil - power. The book was dangerous to handle, as even reading from it required magical protection from its power.
The book was given by Dagon to Mankar Camoran. After studying the tome, Mankar wrote the Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes (also known as the Mythic Dawn Commentaries). Inspired by the prophecies and promises within the book, Mankar founded the Mythic Dawn, a Daedric cult which worshipped Mehrunes Dagon. The Xarxes acted as the cult's holy book, and was stored in the Mythic Dawn's hidden shrine in the caverns beneath Lake Arrius in Cyrodiil. Using the power of the book, Mankar created Gaiar Alata, or "Paradise", an alternate realm where the souls of Mythic Dawn cultists went in death.
In 3E 433, following the Mythic Dawn's assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VII and all of his legitimate heirs, the Blades infiltrated the cult and stole the Mysterium Xarxes from their shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. It was taken to Cloud Ruler Temple, where Martin Septim, the bastard son of Uriel and the heir to the throne, translated the Xarxes and discovered a way to create a portal to Camoran's Paradise. The ritual required a Great Welkynd Stone, a Great Sigil Stone, a Daedric artifact, and an Aedric artifact. The Hero of Kvatch entered Gaiar Alata and defeated Camoran, retrieving the Amulet of Kings. The Xarxes was destroyed in the process.
A single burned page from the tome survived the events of the Oblivion Crisis, and came into the possession of the Vesuius family, who were once members of the Mythic Dawn. In 4E 201, the page was put on display by Silus Vesuius in his "Mythic Dawn Museum" in the Skyrim city of Dawnstar.
- Mehrunes Dagon appeared in TES II: Daggerfall, An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, TES III: Morrowind, TES IV: Oblivion, TES Travels: Oblivion and TES V: Skyrim.
Mehrunes Dagon.gif
As seen in Daggerfall
As seen in Battlespire
As seen in Oblivion
Mehrunes' statue in Morrowind
Mehrunes' statue in Oblivion
Mehrunes Dagon as he appears in Oblivion Mobile
Mehrunes' statue in Skyrim
Mehrunes' Razor.png
Mehrunes' Razor in Daggerfall
ON-icon-Prince-Mehrunes Dagon-emblem.png
An emblem representing Mehrunes Dagon
See Also
- For game specific information see the Oblivion article.