Oblivion:Essential NPCs

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This page contains a complete list of all NPCs who at some point during gameplay are "essential." What it means is that they cannot be killed - if you try, they'll merely be knocked unconscious. You can tell if an NPC is essential in-game, because their talk-icon will be a crown, instead of the standard talk icon. Most of these NPCs become killable later in the game.

It should be noted that, while essential NPCs are not supposed to be killed, it is still possible to kill them by shoving them into an Abyss (this can potentially happen with follower NPCs, since they cannot simply jump over the Abyss like you can). This can cause many bugs in the game that being essential was supposed to prevent.


Name Found Becomes Killable
Adamus Phillida Imperial City Prison District, Leyawiin City Watch Barracks When Permanent Retirement is begun
Adrienne Berene Skingrad Mages Guild never
Agata Leyawiin Mages Guild never
Agronak gro-Malog Arena Bloodworks When you challenge him during the Arena Matches
Ahdarji Leyawiin When Ahdarji's Heirloom is completed
Aldos Othran Cheydinhal During Corruption and Conscience
Countess Alessia Caro Castle Leyawiin When Ahdarji's Heirloom is completed
Alves Uvenim Leyawiin Mages Guild never
Amir Molag Bal's Shrine During Molag Bal's Daedric Shrine Quest
Amminus Gregori Cheydinhal Castle Guard Barracks When The Wayward Knight is completed
Amusei Imperial City Waterfront District When The Ultimate Heist is completed
Ancotar Fort Caractacus When Zero Visibility is completed
Count Andel Indarys Castle Cheydinhal never
Antus Odiil Outside Chorrol During The Killing Field, upon arriving at Odiil Farm
Ardaline Bravil Mages Guild When Bravil Recommendation is completed
Areldur (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Chapel of Stendarr, Chorrol When he joins the Knights of the Nine after completion of the quest Stendarr's Mercy
Arielle Jurard Brina Cross Inn During Anvil Recommendation, after sleeping at the inn
Armand Christophe Imperial City Waterfront District When The Ultimate Heist is completed
Arnora Auria Bruma During Two Sides of the Coin, after talking to Jorundr
Arquen Applewatch[1], Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary never
Countess Arriana Valga Chorrol Castle never
Arvena Thelas Anvil When A Rat Problem is completed
Aryarie Bravil Mages Guild When More Unfinished Business is completed
Aurelinwae (added by Wizard's Tower official plug-in) Mystic Emporium, Market District, Imperial City never
Avita Vesnia (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Shrine of Kynareth When she joins the Knights of the Nine after the completion of the quest Nature's Fury
Aymar Douar Vaermina's Shrine When Vaermina's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Azzan Anvil Fighters Guild never


Name Found Becomes Killable
Banus Alor Applewatch During Honor Thy Mother
Barthel Gernand Crestbridge Camp When Goblin Trouble is completed
Basil Ernarde Meridia's Shrine When Meridia's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Baurus Imperial Dungeon (during intro) During The Path of Dawn
Belisarius Arius Applewatch During Honor Thy Mother
Berich Inian Kvatch Chapel of Akatosh During The Battle for Castle Kvatch
Biene Amelion Water's Edge When Infiltration is begun
Bittneld the Curse-Bringer Chorrol Castle Barracks When Canvas the Castle is completed
Bothiel Arcane University Lobby never
Brellin (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Priory of the Nine When he joins the Knights of the Nine after completion of the quest The Sword of the Crusader
Britta Invel Leyawiin Castle County Hall during Sanguine's Quest When Sanguine's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Burd Bruma Castle Barracks When Defense of Bruma is begun
Burz gro-Khash Cheydinhal Fighters Guild never


Name Found Becomes Killable
Caminalda Brina Cross Inn During Anvil Recommendation, after spending a night at the inn
Carahil Anvil Mages Guild never
Caranya Arcane University During The Necromancer's Amulet, in Fort Ontus
Carius Runellius On patrol in Bruma When A Brotherhood Betrayed is completed
Carodus Oholin (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Chapel of Zenithar, Leyawiin When he becomes a Knight of Nine after completion of the quest The Path of the Righteous
Chanel Chorrol Castle When Canvas the Castle is completed
Cheydinhal Guard In front of Aldos Othran's house never
Only the single Cheydinhal Guard posted outside Othran's house is essential; all other Cheydinhal Guards can be killed.
Christophe Marane Brina Cross Inn When Anvil Recommendation is completed
Cirroc Bruma Chapel When The Stone of St. Alessia is completed
Cyrus Cloud Ruler Temple When he is met at Cloud Ruler Temple


Name Found Becomes Killable
Dagail Leyawiin Mages Guild never
Dahlia Rackham (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) The Sea Tub Clarabella, Anvil never
Dairihill Castle Anvil When Taking Care of Lex is completed
Deetsan Cheydinhal Mages Guild never
Delmar Imperial City Arcane University When A Mage's Staff is completed
Denel Vahtacen never
Diram Serethi Aleswell Inn, Aleswell When Zero Visibility is completed
Lady Drad Lord Drad's Estate never
Lord Drad Lord Drad's Estate never
Drarana Thelis Harlun's Watch When Mystery at Harlun's Watch is completed
Dredena Hlavel Shrine of Mephala When Mephala's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Dubok gro-Shagk Five Claws Lodge, Leyawiin never


Name Found Becomes Killable
Earana The Grey Mare, Chorrol When Fingers of the Mountain, Part II is completed
Engorm Shrine of Sanguine When Sanguine's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Enilroth Morvayn's Peacemakers, Anvil Stage 20 of Following a Lead
Er-Teeus Shrine of Peryite When Peryite's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Erina Jeranus West Weald Inn, Skingrad never
Eronor Weynon Lodge When Find the Heir is completed
Erthor Bleak Flats Cave When Skingrad Recommendation is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Fafnir Skingrad never
Falcar Cheydinhal Mage's Guild, until the Cheydinhal Recommendation quest is completed During Ambush
Fathis Aren Bravil During Arrow of Extrication
Fathis Ules Varies, refer to his profile never
Ferul Ravel Shrine to Sheogorath When Sheogorath's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Geel Blackwood Company in Leyawiin When Infiltration is completed
Geimund (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Priory of the Nine When he joins the Knights of the Nine
Glenroy Imperial City Prison During Tutorial (Scripted Death)
Gogan Anvil When The Siren's Deception is completed
Graman gro-Marad Imperial City Temple District Before and after An Unexpected Voyage
Gray Fox Various locations throughout the questline When The Ultimate Heist is completed
Guilbert Jemane Cheydinhal until completion of Separated at Birth, Chorrol until completion of Legacy Lost, ultimately at Weatherleah When Sins of the Father is completed
Gukimir (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Priory of the Nine When he joins the Knights of the Nine


Name Found Becomes Killable
Haekwon Shrine of Boethia When Boethia's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Hal-Liurz Castle Skingrad never
Hannibal Traven Arcane University During Confront the King (Scripted Death)
Henantier Bravil When Through A Nightmare, Darkly is completed
Hieronymus Lex Imperial City, then Anvil When Taking Care of Lex is completed
Hjolfrodi the Harrier Shrine of Namira When Namira's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Hundolin In front of the Arena in the Imperial City never


Name Found Becomes Killable
Ilvel Romayn Shrine of Peryite When Peryite's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Irlav Jarol Arcane University During The Bloodworm Helm (Scripted Death)
Irroke the Wide Pell's Gate When Clavicus Vile's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Itius Hayn Imperial City When Imperial Corruption is completed
Iver Outside Silorn[1] When Ambush is begun


Name Found Becomes Killable
J'skar Bruma, The Arcane University When A Plot Revealed is completed
Ja'Fazir Blackwood Company hall in Leyawiin When Infiltration is completed
Jak Silver (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Thieves Den never
Jakben, Earl of Imbel Imperial City During Boots of Springheel Jak
Janus Hassildor Castle Skingrad never
Jaras Invel Castle Leyawiin[1] When Sanguine's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Jauffre Weynon House, then Cloud Ruler Temple During The Defense of Bruma, and between stages 5 and 15 of the Weynon Priory quest
Jeanne Frasoric Bruma During A Plot Revealed (Scripted Death)
Jeetum-Ze Blackwood Company hall in Leyawiin When Infiltration is completed
Jensine Imperial City never
Jollring Imperial City never
Julienne Fanis Arcane University never


Name Found Becomes Killable
K'Sharr Along the road east of Bruma During The Stone of St. Alessia
Kalthar Leyawiin During Leyawiin Recommendation
Kellen (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Great Chapel of Stendarr, Chorrol never
Kewan Shrine of Peryite When Peryite's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Khafiz (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Dunbarrow Cove never
Kovan Kren (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Dunbarrow Cove never
Kud-Ei Bravil When Through A Nightmare, Darkly is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Larthjar the Laggard Imperial City When Lost Histories is completed
Lathon (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) varies, see NPC page When he becomes a Knight of the Nine
Laythe Wavrick Castle Chorrol When Canvas the Castle is completed
Llevana Nedaren Cheydinhal When Corruption and Conscience is completed
Lucien Lachance Fort Farragut[1] Until you join The Dark Brotherhood during A Knife in the Dark (Scripted Death)


Name Found Becomes Killable
M'aiq the Liar outside Anvil and outside Leyawiin never
Ma'Raska Shrine of Clavicus Vile When Clavicus Vile's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed (see notes for details)
Mach-Na Cheydinhal never
Maelona Anvil When The Siren's Deception is completed
Maglir Skingrad[1], Anvil[1], Bravil[1], Leyawiin[1] During The Hist
Malene Roxey Inn never
Mankar Camoran Giving a speech in the Dagon Shrine quest During Paradise
Marcel Amelion Water's Edge never
Maren the Seal Shrine of peryite When Peryite's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Margarte Leyawiin When Drunk and Disorderly is completed
Count Marius Caro Leyawiin never
Brother Martin Kvatch, Cloud Ruler Temple During Defense of Bruma
Mathieu Bellamont Applewatch During Honor Thy Mother
Melisande Drakelowe When Vampire Cure is completed
Melisi Daren (added by Fighter's Stronghold official plug-in) Battlehorn Castle never
Melliwin (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Dunbarrow Cove never
Mels Maryon Shrine of Azura When Azura's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Melus Petilius A cabin just southwest of Brindle Home When Molag Bal's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Menien Goneld Oblivion Gate of Kvatch never, although he never appears in-game after Breaking the Siege of Kvatch is completed
Mercator Hosidus Castle Skingrad, outside Skingrad[1] During Ulterior Motives
Merete Outside Silorn[1] When Ambush is begun
Methredhel Imperial City When The Ultimate Heist is completed
Countess Millona Umbranox Castle Anvil When The Ultimate Heist is completed
Mirie Shrine of Peryite When Peryite's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Mirisa Crestbridge Camp When Goblin Trouble is completed
Modryn Oreyn Chorrol never
Mor gra-Gamorn Shrine of Nocturnal When Nocturnal's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Myvryna Arano Imperial City When The Elven Maiden is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Countess Narina Carvain Bruma never
Nerussa Weye never
Newheim the Portly Anvil never
The Night Mother Tomb below the "Lucky Old Lady Statue" in Bravil never
Nilphas Omellian (added by Fighter's Stronghold official plug-in) The Merchants Inn, Imperial City never
Norbert Lelles Anvil When The Unfortunate Shopkeeper is completed
Nordinor Bravil never


Name Found Becomes Killable
High Chancellor Ocato Imperial City Palace never
Ocheeva Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary During The Purification
Olav Bruma never
Ongar the World-Weary Bruma When The Ultimate Heist is completed
Orgnolf Hairy-Legs Castle Chorrol When Canvas The Castle is completed
Ormil Imperial City Waterfront District Before and after An Unexpected Voyage
Orok gro-Ghoth Castle Chorrol When Canvas The Castle is completed
Owyn Arena Bloodworks never


Name Found Becomes Killable
Phintias Imperial City never
Pinarus Inventius Anvil never
Plautis Rusonius (added by Fighter's Stronghold official plug-in Battlehorn Castle never
The Prophet (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in) Anvil never


Name Found Becomes Killable
Quill-Weave Anvil When A Rat Problem is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Rallus Odiil Odiil Farm During The Killing Field
Raminus Polus Arcane University never
Rana Blackwood Company hall in Leyawiin When Infiltration is completed
Rellian Leyawiin[1] never
Captain Renault Imperial City Prison During Tutorial (Scripted Death)
Reynald Jemane Chorrol, Weatherleah When Sins of the Father is completed
Ri'Bassa Border Watch When Sheogorath's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Lady Rogbut gra-Shurgak Lord Rugdumph's Estate When The Noble's Daughter is completed
Rona Benanius (added by Fighter's Stronghold official plug-in) Battlehorn Castle never
Rosentia Gallenus Leyawiin never
Rowley Eardwulf (added by Vile Lair official plug-in) Wawnet Inn When all Deepscorn Hollow upgrades have been purchased
Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak Lord Rugdumph's Estate When The Noble's Daughter is completed
Rythe Lythandas Cheydinhal, Rythe's Painting When A Brush with Death is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
S'Krivva Bravil When The Ultimate Heist is completed
Savlian Matius Kvatch never
Seed-Neeus Chorrol When A Shadow Over Hackdirt is completed
Seridur Imperial City, Temple District During The Order of the Virtuous Blood, in Memorial Cave
Shagrol gro-Uzug (added by Fighter's Stronghold official plug-in) Battlehorn Castle never
Shobob gro-Rugdush Shrine of Malacath When Malacath's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Sir Roderic (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in varies, see NPC page At the start of the The Sword of the Crusader (Scripted Death)
Sir Thedret (added by Knights of the Nine official plug-in Fort Bulwark When Umaril the Unfeathered is completed
Skaleel Vahtacen never
Scurvy John Hoff (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Dunbarrow Cove never
Snak gra-Bura Chestnut Handy Stables outside the Imperial City never
Captain Steffan Cloud Ruler Temple When Spies is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Talan (added by Fighter's Stronghold official plug-in) Battlehorn Castle never
Tandilwe Imperial City never
Tahm Blackwell added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Dunbarrow Cove never
Tar-Meena Arcane University never
Teekeeus Chorrol Mages Guild never
Teinaava The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary During The Purification
Termanwe Leyawiin When Sanguine's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Thalfin Outside Silorn[1] When Ambush is begun
Thoronir Imperial City, Market District When Unfriendly Competition is completed
Tolgan Bruma When Lifting the Vale is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Ulfgar Fog-Eye Anvil Lighthouse When Following a Lead is begun
Ulrich Leland Cheydinhal When Corruption and Conscience is begun
Umbacano Imperial City, Talos Plaza During Secrets of the Ayleids, when he is met outside Nenalata
Ungolim Bravil In the quest A Kiss Before Dying
Uriel Septim VII Imperial Prison During the Tutorial (Scripted Death)


Name Found Becomes Killable
Vajhira Shrine of Hircine When Hircine's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Valus Odiil Chorrol When The Killing Field is completed
Vantus Prelius Leyawiin never
Varon Vamori Bravil When Bravil Recommendation is completed
Varulae Anvil, on the ship Serpents Wake Until The Ghost Ship of Anvil is begun, and after it is completed
Velwyn Benirus Anvil (The Counts Arms), Imperial City (The King and Queen Tavern) When Where Spirits Have Lease is completed
Vicente Valtieri Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary During The Purification
Vilena Donton Chorrol never
Viranus Donton Chorrol At the start of Trolls of Forsaken Mine (Scripted Death)
Vlarimil Orius Leyawiin When Sanguine's Daedric Shrine Quest is completed
Volanaro Bruma Mage's Guild When Bruma Recommendation is completed


Name Found Becomes Killable
Yinz'r (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Dunbarrow Cove never
Ysabel Andronicus Arena Bloodworks never
Yellow Team Champion Arena Bloodworks At the start of the final arena match [2]


Name Found Becomes Killable
Zedrick Green (added by Thieves Den official plug-in) Dunbarrow Cove never
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Only valid during or after their associated quest
  2. ^ technically the Yellow Team Champion never becomes killable - the champion that appears in the arena is a different NPC.


In addition, there are two creatures that are also marked essential.

Name Found Becomes Killable
Porkchop Arena District, Bloodworks Until the start of the Arena Champion contest
Shadowmere Fort Farragut never