Oblivion:Lord Drad's Estate

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Lord Drad's Estate
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
LordDradsEstateExterior, LordDradsEstateFarm
Gold Coast
North of Anvil

Lord Drad's Estate is a farming estate north of Anvil (quest-related).

To find it, head north up a cobblestone road from the Gold Road; the junction is a little west of Brina Cross Inn.

The estate, owned by the Dunmer Noble Lord Drad, encompasses two slave quarters, some crop fields and the estate building itself. The estate grows the following plants: tobacco, potato, tomato, corn, and strawberry. Entering Lord Drad's Estate itself is considered trespassing. Although Lord and Lady Drad will still speak with you, they'd really prefer that you leave. You won't see any of the slaves until you start Malacath's quest.

Lord Drad mentions that he is building a mine, Bleak Mine, located east and uphill of the estate. The mine itself is inaccessible until you have started Malacath's Shrine quest.

NPCs Living Here

Lord Drad's Estate
Lady Drad
Lord Drad

Related Quests



Map of Lord Drad's Estate
  1. Lord Drad's Estate
  2. Slave Quarters
  3. Slave Quarters
  4. Bleak Mine