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County Chorrol in The Great Forest
(view on map)
Shops and Services
Guilds and Temples
The Great Oak of Chorrol

Chorrol is a medium-sized town in northwestern Cyrodiil, between the Great Forest of west Cyrodiil and the Colovian Highlands of the Hammerfell border. The city is divided into five main districts: Fountain Gate, Castle Chorrol, Chapel Street, West District and the Great Oak Place. Situated in the rugged highlands of Colovia, the city's grounds are strewn with large boulders that set the mountainous mood of the city as much as they serve as obstacles to pedestrians. The walls are well-fortified in anticipation against attack, with watchtowers placed at regular intervals along its length. The ruler of Chorrol at the time of the Oblivion Crisis was Countess Arriana Valga, widow of the hereditary Count of Chorrol.


Chorrol People

Countess Arriana Valga Arborwatch
Bittneld the Curse-Bringer
Chanel Trainer (Basic)Destruction (Basic)
Laythe Wavrick
Orgnolf Hairy-Legs
Orok gro-Ghoth
Fighters Guild
Kurz gro-Baroth
Lum gro-Baroth Trainer (Advanced)Block (Advanced)
Modryn Oreyn
Sabine Laul Blacksmith Repairs
Vilena Donton
Viranus Donton
Mages Guild
Alberic Litte Conjuration Spells Trainer (Advanced)Conjuration (Advanced)
Angalmo Alchemist Trainer (Basic)Mysticism (Basic)
Athragar Conjuration Spells Trainer (Advanced)Alteration (Advanced)
Contumeliorus Florius Recharge
Thieves Guild
Glistel Trainer (Basic)Sneak (Basic)
Malintus Ancrus Trainer (Basic)Security (Basic)
Gureryne Selvilo
Orag gra-Bargol Restoration Spells
Otius Loran
Emfrid Food (The Grey Mare) Innkeeper
Estelle Renoit Books (Renoit's Books)
Rasheda Blacksmith (Fire and Steel) Repairs Trainer (Advanced)Armorer (Advanced)
Seed-Neeus General (Northern Goods and Trade) Trainer (Advanced)Mercantile (Advanced) House Upgrades
Talasma Food (The Oak and Crosier) Innkeeper
Lazy Kaslowyn
Nermus the Mooch
Weynon Priory
Brother Piner
Prior Maborel
Bongond Chestnut Horse
Antus Odiil
Ariela Doran
Carmen Litte
Casta Scribonia
Eugal Belette
Francois Motierre
Gaturn gro-Gonk
Honditar Trainer (Advanced)Athletics (Advanced)
Jirolin Doran
Rallus Odiil
Rena Bruiant
Reynald Jemane
Rimalus Bruiant
Valus Odiil

† Only appears with the Knights of the Nine plug-in.

Quests Starting Here

View of The Great Oak Place from Fire & Steel in Chorrol
The statue in Chorrol


  1. Separated at Birth: Investigate rumors around Chorrol that indicate some strange behavior on the part of one Reynald Jemane.
  2. Legacy Lost: Help long-lost twins recover their childhood home.
  3. Sins of the Father: A thief wants you to recover an item stolen by the Jemane brothers' father.

Dark Brotherhood

  • Next of Kin: Next to the Great Oak in Chorrol, your next assignment demands the lives of an entire bloodline.

Fighters Guild

Mages Guild


Related Quests


  • It is possible to climb over the walls and out the city. See this for details.
  • Sometimes when entering Chorrol, the entire south-west portion of the city walls and the nearby shacks will be permanently and completely missing. This allows exiting the city limits, but otherwise has little impact on gameplay.
    • The only fix is to reload from before entering Chorrol and triggering the bug.


1. Gate to the Great Forest
2. Northeast Wall Tower
3. Chorrol Fighters Guild
4. Rimalus Bruiant's House
5. Chorrol Mages Guild
6. Castle Chorrol Arch Tower
7. Castle Chorrol Great Hall
8. Castle Chorrol Wall Tower North View
9. Castle Chorrol Barracks
10. Castle Chorrol Wall Tower East View
11. Northwest Wall Tower
12. Chapel of Stendarr
13. Arborwatch - House for Sale
14. Vilena Donton's House
15. Francois Motierre's House
16. Fire and Steel
17. Eugal Belette's House
18. Casta Scribonia's House
19. Alberic Litte's House
20. Jirolin Doran's House
21. Renoit's Books
22. The Oak and Crosier
23. Northern Goods and Trade
24. Reynald Jemane's House
25. Modryn Oreyn's House
26. Malintus Ancrus' House
27. Valus Odiil's House
28. Southwest Wall Tower
29. Chorrol Castle Gate Tower
30. Gate to the Great Forest
31. Chorrol Castle Gate Tower
32. The Grey Mare
33. Southeast Wall Tower