Oblivion:Water's Edge

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Water's Edge
(view on map) (lore page)
Console Location Code(s)
WatersEdgeExterior, WatersEdgeExterior02
North of Leyawiin
Water's Edge

Water's Edge is a village north of Leyawiin (quest-related).

The citizens of Water's Edge live a simple life, wandering around and enjoying the river nearby. Biene Amelion has a family crypt nearby the small town.

It consists of three houses and a few gardens.

During the Infiltration quest, the entire population of Water's Edge is massacred by the Blackwood Company. The exception is Marcel Amelion, who was absent at the time.

NPCs Living Here

Water's Edge
Biene Amelion
Eduard Retiene
Jolie Retiene
Marcel Amelion
Marie Alouette

Related Quests
