Windhelm in the Eastmarch hold (view on map) |
WindhelmOrigin | ||
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Windhelm is a major city in Eastmarch, located near the Dunmeth Pass to Morrowind in northeastern Skyrim.
Lying near the coast on the very northern tip of Eastmarch, Windhelm is an extremely cold city and frequently experiences blizzards. The main gate can only be accessed by crossing a long stone bridge over the White River. The Jarl of Windhelm is Ulfric Stormcloak, who resides in the Palace of the Kings. Windhelm is home to the Stormcloak Rebellion, so most people in the city support them in the Civil War. Due in part to this, anti-foreign sentiment is common in the city from the Nord majority. Due to Stormcloak presence, Windhelm does not comply with the Imperial ban on Talos worship and features a Temple of Talos in the city.
The temple and inn lie along the main avenue of Windhelm, in the Stone Quarter. The oldest section of the city is known as Valunstrad, which means "Avenue of Valor" in the old Nord language, and contains the palace and several residential buildings.
Because of its proximity to Morrowind, Windhelm also contains a sizable population of Dark Elves, who sought refuge in Skyrim after the eruption of Red Mountain. The Dark Elves are confined to a cramped slum below the rest of Windhelm called the Gray Quarter, previously known as the Snow Quarter. The elves are not violently persecuted, but the local Nords are suspicious and outwardly xenophobic, and Ulfric Stormcloak turns a blind eye to their plight. Argonians also populate Windhelm, but are prohibited from entering the city itself and are forced to live and work on the docks outside the city walls. Brunwulf Free-Winter, a supporter of both Argonians and Dark Elves, believes that the Argonians must remain outside of the city simply for their own safety.
Windhelm has an open-air market in the Stone Quarter. Niranye operates a general goods stall, Aval Atheron sells fresh meats, and Hillevi Cruel-Sea sells produce. The market also has an arcane enchanter behind Niranye's stall.
For more information about Windhelm, see the lore article.
Windhelm People
Quests Starting Here
- Joining the Stormcloaks: Prove yourself worthy of being a Stormcloak rebel.
- The Jagged Crown: Find this crown for Ulfric Stormcloak.
- Message to Whiterun: Deliver an axe to the Jarl of Whiterun.
- Battle for Whiterun: Take Whiterun in the name of the Stormcloaks. (radiant)
- Liberation of Skyrim: Drive the Imperials from Skyrim. (radiant)
Dark Brotherhood
- Innocence Lost: Help an orphaned child avoid being returned to a sadistic caretaker.
- Blood on the Ice: Windhelm is plagued by a shadowy killer.
- The White Phial: Retrieve a legendary artifact to fulfill an old alchemist's wish in Windhelm.
- Repairing the Phial: Acquire the materials necessary to repair the White Phial.
- Rise in the East: Help the East Empire Company take care of some pirates.
Related Quests
- Battle for Windhelm: Conquer the Stormcloak capital and bring Ulfric to justice.
- Mourning Never Comes: Help Muiri get her revenge.
- Breaching Security: Kill and frame the son of a high-ranking Imperial guard.
Miscellaneous Quests
Quest Giver | Giver Location | Quest | Objective(s) | Requirement |
Adonato Leotelli | Candlehearth Hall | Delivery: Deliver an item to an associate. (radiant) |
Brunwulf Free-Winter | Brunwulf Free-Winter's House | Kill the Bandit Leader: Do a favor by slaying a bandit leader. (radiant) |
Thane of Eastmarch: Gain the title of Thane of Eastmarch. (radiant) |
Battle for Windhelm | ||
Hillevi Cruel-Sea | House of Clan Cruel-Sea | Delivery: Deliver a bottle of Nightshade Extract to Wuunferth the Unliving. |
Kjar | Windhelm | Harsh Master: Take care of a runaway crew member. (radiant) |
Malborn | New Gnisis Cornerclub | Find the Thalmor Assassin: The Thalmor are after Malborn. Help him get to safety. |
Diplomatic Immunity |
Oengul War-Anvil | Blacksmith Quarters | Dungeon Delving: Do a favor by retrieving an item from a cave. (radiant) |
Revyn Sadri | Sadri's Used Wares | That Was Always There: Return a ring to its rightful owner. |
Scouts-Many-Marshes | Argonian Assemblage | A Few Words with You: Do a favor by talking to someone about a problem. (radiant) |
Shahvee | Argonian Assemblage | Dungeon Delving: Do a favor by retrieving an item from a bandit hideout. (radiant) |
Stands-In-Shallows | Argonian Assemblage | Some Light Theft: Do a favor by stealing an item. (radiant) |
Torbjorn Shatter-Shield | House of Clan Shatter-Shield | Rare Gifts: Do a favor by finding a rare item. (radiant) |
Ulfric Stormcloak | Palace of the Kings | Thane of Eastmarch: Gain the title of Thane of Eastmarch. (radiant) |
Rescue from Fort Neugrad |
- Each white dot (or pog) corresponds directly to a door. All doors are numbered and relate to a Key on the side of the map.