Riften in The Rift hold (view on map) |
RiftenOrigin | ||
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Riften is the capital city of the Rift, located in the southeast corner of the hold. The city lies near the borders of both Morrowind and Cyrodiil, and is home to the Thieves Guild, who inhabit the sewers beneath Riften known as the Ratway. Honorhall Orphanage is located in the city, as well as Mistveil Keep, the jarl's residence.
When you come to Riften for the first time, the guards will tell you to head to the north gate, where you need to pay a tax before entering the city. You can choose to pay the tax (the amount depends on the level of your character), or try to persuade or intimidate the guards, convincing them to open the door for free. Another option is to commit a crime and be arrested. You will be taken to the city's jail inside the walls, and released outside the jail, or you can escape. Or you can enter from the Black-Briar Meadery's back door (near the western gate), or through the sewer grate next to the docks that leads into the jail. Alternately, with a good enough pickpocket level, one can steal the key off of the guard demanding pay.
The market at Riften Grand Plaza is made up of stalls run by a few of Riften's citizens: Madesi, an Argonian jeweler whom you can assist in finding materials for his jewelry; Grelka, a cranky armor merchant who offers expert Light Armor training; Brand-Shei, an Argonian-raised Dunmer who sells a little bit of everything, and Marise Aravel, who sells fresh meat and produce. Brynjolf, a merchant of ill-repute, can also be found here. Down on the lower decks near the canals is Elgrim's Elixirs, which is run by Elgrim and his wife Hafjorg. The forge is run by Balimund, who seems quite proud of his work, along with his apprentice Asbjorn Fire-Tamer. The Pawned Prawn is run by Bersi Honey-Hand and his wife, Drifa. Finally, there’s the Black-Briar Meadery and the town inn, the Bee and Barb, which is run by Keerava and Talen-Jei.
Riften is also home to a powerful noble family, the Black-Briars. Maven, the head of the family, owns the Black-Briar Meadery, and has ties to the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. According to Maul, "If she tells you to do something, you damn well better do exactly what she says", indicating that she is not someone to trifle with.
For more historical information on Riften, see the lore article.
Riften People
* Only becomes a merchant if Balimund is killed
† Thieves Guild ally
‡ Thieves Guild member
Quests Starting Here
Most of the Thieves Guild quests start here. For details, see its page.
- I Done Got Thaned!: Help out the Jarl and citizens of the Rift, and be named Thane for your service. (radiant)
- The Book of Love: Help the Temple of Mara spread the cause of love throughout Skyrim.
- A Night To Remember: Find your lost friend, Sam, as you recover from a bad hangover. (one of several possible start locations)
- Unfathomable Depths: Uncover the memories of the Dwemer.
- Promises to Keep: Help Louis Letrush get Frost from Sibbi Black-Briar.
Quest Giver | Giver Location | Quest | Objective(s) | Requirement |
Alessandra | Hall of the Dead | Pilgrimage: Help Alessandra make peace with her dead father. |
Balimund | The Scorched Hammer | Stoking the Flames: Find 10 fire salts to restore Balimund's forge. |
Bolli | Riften Fishery | Special Delivery: Deliver a purchase agreement to Kleppr in Markarth. |
Brand-Shei | Haelga's Bunkhouse | Distant Memories: Help Brand-Shei uncover his past. |
Constance Michel | Honorhall Orphanage | Consider Adoption: Speak with Constance Michel about Adoption (HF) |
Innocence Lost |
Dinya Balu | Temple of Mara | Spread the Love: Distribute religious literature to the citizens of Riften. |
Hafjorg | Elgrim's Elixirs | Truth Ore Consequences: Retrieve an ore sample from Filnjar. |
Harrald | Mistveil Keep | Bring It!: Deliver Harrald's sword. |
Hofgrir Horse-Crusher | Riften Stables | Bloody Nose: Defeat Hofgrir Horse-Crusher in a brawl. |
Ingun Black-Briar | Elgrim's Elixirs | Few and Far Between: Help Ingun restock Elgrim's rare ingredients. |
Laila Law-Giver | Mistveil Keep | Supply and Demand: Clear Cragslane Cavern for the Jarl of Riften. |
I Done Got Thaned!: Help out the Jarl and citizens of the Rift, and be named Thane for your service. (radiant) |
Supply and Demand | ||
Madesi | Riften | Ringmaker: Help Madesi make jewelry. |
Maramal | Temple of Mara | The Bonds of Matrimony: Find someone in Skyrim to marry. |
Marise Aravel | Marise Aravel's House | Ice Cold: Find five ice wraith teeth for Marise Aravel. |
Maven Black-Briar | Mistveil Keep | Supply and Demand: Clear Cragslane Cavern for the Jarl of Riften. |
I Done Got Thaned!: Help out the Jarl and citizens of the Rift, and be named Thane for your service. (radiant) |
Supply and Demand | ||
Mjoll the Lioness | Aerin's House | Grimsever's Return: Recover Mjoll's beloved sword, Grimsever, from Mzinchaleft. |
Romlyn Dreth | Black-Briar Meadery | Under the Table: Deliver a smuggled Black-Briar Mead keg to the inn at Ivarstead. |
Shadr | Riften | Stabilized: Help Shadr clear his debt with Sapphire. |
Sibbi Black-Briar | Riften Jail | The Lover's Requital: Help Sibbi Black-Briar locate his former fiancee, so he can kill her. |
Svana Far-Shield | Haelga's Bunkhouse | Caught Red Handed: Gather three marks of Dibella to help Svana Far-Shield against Haelga. |
Talen-Jei | The Bee and Barb | Sealing the Deal: Find three flawless amethysts for Talen-Jei's engagement ring. |
Wujeeta | Haelga's Bunkhouse | Helping Hand: Help Wujeeta cure her skooma addiction. |
The Raid: Help the Jarl of Riften to uncover and stop the illegal skooma trade in town. |
Wylandriah | Mistveil Keep | Hunt and Gather: Retrieve Wylandriah's spoon, ingot, and soul gem. |
- Each white dot (or pog) corresponds directly to a door. All doors are numbered and relate to a Key on the side of the map.
- If the Rift is transferred to Imperial control during Season Unending, you may find Imperial soldiers fighting with one or more Riften guards.
- After completing A Chance Arrangement, there is a 20% chance of encountering a thief inside one of the stores or houses.
- There are many barrels in Riften containing raw meat or fish, in addition to numerous salt piles.
- Attempting to persuade the guard to enter Riften always succeeds.
- PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1.3.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
- If the Empire takes Riften, you will routinely see the new Imperial guards fighting with Stormcloak guards who weren't disabled properly, similar to Sarethi Farm. You will receive a bounty if you try to intervene. ?