Dragonborn:Skaal Village

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Skaal Village
(view on map) (lore page)
Console Location Code(s)
DLC2SkaalVillage01, DLC2SkaalVillage02, DLC2SkaalVillage03
Northeast of the Temple of Miraak
East-southeast of the Wind Stone

Skaal Village is a small village in northeastern Solstheim that is home to the Skaal tribe.

Skaal Village Residents

Baldor Iron-Shaper's House
Baldor Iron-Shaper Blacksmith
Deor Woodcutter's House
Deor Woodcutter
Edla's House
Edla Alchemist
Fanari Strong-Voice
Morwen's House
Oslaf's House
Shaman's Hut
Frea Follower
Storn Crag-Strider
Wulf Wild-Blood's House
Wulf Wild-Blood Trainer (Master)Two-handed (Master)

Related Quests

Quest Giver Giver Location Quest Objective(s) Requirement
Deor Woodcutter Deor Woodcutter's House A New Source of Stalhrim: Find a blacksmith missing from Skaal Village.
  • Ask Deor about Baldor's disappearance
The Fate of the Skaal
Edla Edla's House Convince Nikulas to stay in Skaal Village: Counsel a young Skaal on the dangers of life as an adventurer.
  • Convince Nikulas to stay in Skaal Village
  • Speak to Edla
The Fate of the Skaal
Fanari Strong-Voice Greathall Kill the Bandit Leader: Do a favor by slaying a bandit leader. (radiant)
  • Kill the leader of <Alias=Dungeon>
  • Tell Fanari the bandit is dead
The Fate of the Skaal
Morwen Morwen's House Skaal Village Dialogue: Take Bera's necklace to Runil in Falkreath.
  • Take Bera's Necklace to Runil in Falkreath
  • Return to Morwen in Skaal Village
The Fate of the Skaal
  Only the first part of this quest is classed as miscellaneous, but both are documented on the same page.


  • There is a bedroll in the middle of the village next to the spit. However, it is not usable. So technically, the closest place to get some sleep is a camp in the south down the coast or a mead hall in the south west, depending on how you have progressed the related quests. The bed in Greathall may also become usable after the "Kill the Bandit Leader" quest for Fanari Strong-Voice.[verification needed — Does it or doesn't it? Needs confirmation]


  • None of the residents of Skaal Village will ever sleep, as all beds in the village are incorrectly owned by Crescius Caerellius in Raven Rock.
  • The Skaal Village residents have crime detection and will call for guards if they witness a crime. However, they do not actually have any guards, or a jail, and have no way of even arresting you.
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