Skyrim:Ysgramor (dog)

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Este artigo é sobre the dog at Hollyfrost Farm. Para the Sovngarde hero, veja Ysgramor.

Ysgramor (RefID: )
Home City Windhelm
House Hollyfrost Farm
Species Dog Soul Petty
Level 2 Type Animals
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 21 Magicka 0
Stamina 24
Primary Skills Sneak
Faction(s) Creature Faction; DogFaction; Hollyfrost Farm Faction
Ysgramor the Dog

Ysgramor is one of two dogs who live on Hollyfrost Farm. The other dog is named Tiber.


  • It is presumably named after the Nord hero and historical figure Ysgramor who drove the Snow Elves from Skyrim.
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