Skyrim:Arcane Enchanters
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< Places / Enchanting(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Arcane Enchanter)
Arcane Enchanters are workbenches where Enchanting can be done. New enchanted items can be created, or existing items can be broken down, allowing you to learn any new magical effects used in the item's enchantment. How an Arcane Enchanter is used is described on the Enchanting page. A category listing places where enchanters can be found is available at Skyrim-Places-Arcane Enchanters.
Ansilvund Excavation — A Nordic ruin situated northeast of Shor's Stone. (map)
Cragwallow Slope — A small cave southeast of Windhelm home to conjurers and atronachs. (map)
Cronvangr Cave — A medium-sized cave southwest of Kynesgrove, inhabited by frostbite spiders and vampires. (map)
Fort Amol — A Stormcloak fort located to the northwest of Darkwater Crossing along the White River. (map)
Morvunskar — A fort located to the southwest of, and overlooking, Windhelm. (map)
Palace of the Kings — A large castle at the far end of the Valunstrad district in Windhelm. (map)
Sacellum of Boethiah — The shrine for the Daedric Prince Boethiah located in the mountains directly east of Windhelm on the map. (map)
Snapleg Cave — A medium-sized cave carved into the side of a mountain. (map)
Windhelm — A major city in Eastmarch, located near the Dunmeth Pass to Morrowind in northeastern Skyrim. (map)
Falkreath Hold
Anise's Cabin — A small, open cabin in Falkreath Hold near where the White River meets Lake Ilinalta. (map)
Bloodlet Throne — A single level fort occupied by vampires, vampire thralls, and wolves. (map)
Brittleshin Pass — An underground tunnel that connects Whiterun Hold and Falkreath Hold. (map)
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary — One of two Dark Brotherhood sanctuaries located within Skyrim. (map)
Glenmoril Coven — A cave far to the northwest of Falkreath inhabited by a group of unique hagravens, the Glenmoril Witches. (map)
Haemar's Shame — A cavern that is home to vampiric worshippers of Clavicus Vile. (map)
Ilinalta's Deep — A medium-sized Imperial fort that mysteriously collapsed. (map)
Orphan Rock — A large rock formation within a wooded valley, home to a group of witches or hags, led by a hagraven. (map)
Southfringe Sanctum — A remote snowy cave that is home to the conjurer Bashnag and his coven. (map)
Sunderstone Gorge — A heavily trapped narrow cave system inhabited by warlocks, located west of Bloated Man's Grotto. (map)
Blue Palace — The current seat of power for Solitude, Haafingar, and Skyrim; and home to the High King of Skyrim. (map)
- Castle Dour — A large fortress in Solitude, the headquarters of the Imperial Legion and residence of the Emperor in Skyrim. (map)
- Erikur's House — A large mansion lying just northwest of the Blue Palace. (map)
Kilkreath Ruins — A temple dedicated to Meridia, situated below the Statue to Meridia, that is only used for the quest The Break of Dawn. (map)
Rimerock Burrow — A small cave located at the northwestern edge of Skyrim. (map)
Volkihar KeepDG — The home of the Volkihar vampire clan in Skyrim, located at Castle Volkihar on an island far west of Solitude. (map)
Dead Men's Respite — A Nordic barrow southwest of Morthal containing draugr and frostbite spiders. (map)
- Falion's House — The home of the town wizard in Morthal. (map)
Fort Snowhawk — A military fort located just west of Morthal. (map)
Labyrinthian — A sprawling Nordic ruin in Hjaalmarch, containing the entrances to several indoor dungeon areas. (map)
Ustengrav — A Nordic ruin northeast of Morthal containing Draugr, Warlocks, Bandits, Skeletons, and Frostbite Spiders. (map)
The Pale
Dimhollow CryptDG — A large cave southwest of Dawnstar where Serana is trapped. (map)
High Gate Ruins — A medium-sized Nordic ruin directly west of Dawnstar, and a short distance east of the Wreck of the Icerunner. (map)
Nightcaller Temple — A ruin located on the clifftop overlooking Dawnstar. (map)
- The White Hall — A large two-story structure that sits on a hillside overlooking most of Dawnstar. (map)
The Reach
Dead Crone Rock — A Forsworn-inhabited Nordic tower located south-southwest of Markarth, just above Hag Rock Redoubt. (map)
Deepwood Redoubt — A Nordic ruin west of Solitude and far northeast of Markarth containing Forsworn. (map)
Dragontooth Crater — A dragon lair located due north of Karthwasten. (map)
Hag's End — A small Nordic ruin with a few magic users present (witches, hags, and hagravens). (map)
Ragnvald — A medium-sized Nordic ruin north of Markarth containing draugr. (map)
Understone Keep — An ancient Dwarven keep built into the mountainside, used as a palace by the Jarl of Markarth. (map)
The Rift
Darklight Tower — A tower occupied by hagravens. (map)
Darkwater Pass — A cave near Darkwater Crossing home to Falmer and chaurus. (map)
Forelhost — A ruined fortress on a peak southeast of Riften which contains a word wall for the Storm Call shout. (map)
Fort DawnguardDG — A large fort southeast of Riften which serves as the Dawnguard's base of operations. (map)
Geirmund's Hall — A small crypt east of Ivarstead containing draugr, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)
Mistveil Keep — A castle located at the southern end of Riften. (map)
Redwater DenDG — A drug den hidden beneth a dilapidated shack, supplying Redwater skooma, located west of Autumnshade Clearing. (map)
Treva's Watch — A fort situated to the southeast of Ivarstead and to the west of Riften. (map)
Altar of Thrond — A landmark due west of the Temple of Miraak adjacent to a cave inhabited by hagravens. (map)
Ashfallow Citadel — An old Imperial fort, currently being used as a base of operations by the Morag Tong. (map)
Highpoint Tower — A ruined fort in the Ash Wastes northeast of Raven Rock and west of Tel Mithryn. (map)
- Morvayn Manor — The home of Lleril Morvayn. (map)
- Raven Rock Mine — A mine located in the settlement of Raven Rock. (map)
- Severin Manor — A home in Raven Rock, initially inhabited by Mirri, Tilisu, and Vendil Severin. (map)
- Shaman's Hut — A house in the southeastern part of Skaal Village. (map)
- Tel Mithryn — The main tower in the settlement of Tel Mithryn, home of Neloth, and his apprentice, Talvas Fathryon. (map)
Whiterun Hold
Brittleshin Pass — An underground tunnel that connects Whiterun Hold and Falkreath Hold. (map)
Broken Fang Cave — A small cave situated between Swindler's Den and Sunderstone Gorge. (map)
Dragonsreach — The residence of the jarl of Whiterun Hold, the hold's seat of political power, and the location of the hold's jail. (map)
Drelas' Cottage — An isolated cottage at the foot of a mountain in northern Whiterun Hold. (map)
Dustman's Cairn — An ancient Nordic barrow located in the central tundra of Whiterun Hold. (map)
Fellglow Keep — A huge fort east-northeast of Whiterun, and home to a group of renegade mages from the College of Winterhold. (map)
Serpent's Bluff Redoubt — A small Forsworn camp and ruin near Rorikstead. (map)
- Sleeping Giant Inn — A small inn and tavern in the town of Riverwood. (map)
- Arch-Mage's Quarters — The area within the College of Winterhold in which its current Arch-Mage resides. (map)
- Blackreach — An immense, naturally lit cavern inhabited by hordes of Falmer and containing the ruins of a Dwemer city. (map)
- Hall of Countenance — The main living and sleeping quarters for most of the higher ranked mages of the College of Winterhold. (map)
Hob's Fall Cave — A small cave on the coast between Winterhold and Dawnstar inhabited by leveled warlocks and skeletons. (map)
- Reeking Tower — A Dwarven structure within Blackreach occupied by frostbite spiders.
- Sea Cave — A cave located in the Japhet's Folly area. The cave leads to the lower section of Japhet's Folly Towers. (map)
Player Owned Houses
- Hjerim — The house in Windhelm you can purchase. (map)
- Honeyside — A two-story house in the northwest corner of Riften. (map)
- Severin ManorDB — A home in Raven Rock, initially inhabited by Mirri, Tilisu, and Vendil Severin. (map)
- Proudspire Manor — A three-story house that can be purchased in Solitude. (map)
- Vlindrel Hall — A house available for purchase in Markarth. (map)
- With the Hearthfire add-on, you can build an enchanter in any of your constructed homes, either in the Main Hall, or by building an Enchanter's Tower.HF