Argonianos (em sua língua nativa de Jel eles são chamados de Saxhleel, ou Povo da Raiz) são os nativos reptilianos de Pântano Negro, um vasto pantanal no sudeste de Tamriel. As outras raças preferem chamá-los de “lagartos” ou “Povo Lagarto”, especialmente quando querem ser desdenhosos. Eles são conhecidos como os principais especialistas em guerrilha por todo Coração Estrelado, uma reputação dada por defenderem suas fronteiras de inimigos durante incontáveis séculos. Argonianos tem uma expectativa de vida similar a dos humanos. De acordo com o estudioso da Primeira Era Brendan, o Persistente: “os Argonianos, ao longo da história Tamriélica, talvez tenham sido os mais incompreendidos, difamados e injuriados de todas as raças sencientes. Porém, aqueles que tiveram um tempo para experimentar a cultura Argoniana obtiveram uma maior apreciação por esse nobre e lindo povo”. Entretanto, deve notar-se que ele desapareceu na sua expedição final nos pântanos profundos da terra natal deles.
For more information, see the main lore article.
In-Game Description
This reptilian race, well-suited for the treacherous swamps of their Black Marsh homeland, has developed a natural resistance to diseases and the ability to breathe underwater. They can call upon the Histskin to regenerate health very quickly.
- Resist Disease ability (FormID
): Your Argonian blood is 50% resistant to disease, constant. - Waterbreathing ability (FormID
): Your Argonian lungs can breathe underwater, constant. - Histskin greater power (FormID
): Invoke the power of the Hist to recover health ten times faster for 60 seconds, once per day. - Height: 1.01 (M), 1 (F)
- In addition, they do +6 damage in unarmed combat
Argonians make good thieves, as they have the right stat boosts. The underwater breathing makes them good underwater treasure hunters and fishers; it also provides them with a good way to escape enemies by swimming. A +5 boost to Alteration and Restoration gives them good magical potential.
Their Histskin power plays a vital role (particularly in early gameplay), saving players from near death against more powerful opponents by making them essentially invincible for a minute.
- +10 Lockpicking
- +5 Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, Sneak
- Argonians are no longer resistant to Poison like they were in previous games.
- If you put on a Shrouded Cowl (with the mask) and the character has horns, the horns disappear, with no head gear shown.
- PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1.2 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
- Argonians are unable to use Disarming Bash unless they're a vampire.
- PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
- Decapitating a male Argonian will cause the skin texture on his head to disappear with the eyes, mouth, and horns still remaining.
- PC Only This bug is fixed by version 2.0.5 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.