Nomes Altmer — Nomes Argonianos — Nomes Bosmer — Nomes Bretões — Nomes Dunmer — Nomes Imperiais — Nomes Khajiit — Nomes Nórdicos — Nomes Órquicos — Nomes Rubraguarda
This is a list of all the known Breton names, compiled from the games by frequency.
Male Breton Names
Arena and Daggerfall
- Given names for male Bretons in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of thirteen prefixes and one of thirteen suffixes.
- The 13 prefixes for male Breton names are: Agr-, Alab-, And-, Bed-, Dun-, Edw-, Gond-, Mord-, Per-, Rod-, Theod-, Trist-, and Uth-.
- The 13 suffixes for male Breton names are: -ane, -ard, -astyr, -istair, -istyr, -ore, -oryan, -yctor, -yn, -ynak, -yrick, -yval, and -ywyr.
Therefore, all of the male Breton names in Arena and Daggerfall are:
Agrane, | Agrard, | Agrastyr, | Agristair, | Agristyr, | Agrore, | Agroryan, | Agryctor, | Agryn, | Agrynak, | Agryrick, | Agryval, | Agrywyr, |
Alabane, | Alabard, | Alabastyr, | Alabistair, | Alabistyr, | Alabore, | Alaboryan, | Alabyctor, | Alabyn, | Alabynak, | Alabyrick, | Alabyval, | Alabywyr, |
Andane, | Andard, | Andastyr, | Andistair, | Andistyr, | Andore, | Andoryan, | Andyctor, | Andyn, | Andynak, | Andyrick, | Andyval, | Andywyr, |
Bedane, | Bedard, | Bedastyr, | Bedistair, | Bedistyr, | Bedore, | Bedoryan, | Bedyctor, | Bedyn, | Bedynak, | Bedyrick, | Bedyval, | Bedywyr, |
Dunane, | Dunard, | Dunastyr, | Dunistair, | Dunistyr, | Dunore, | Dunoryan, | Dunyctor, | Dunyn, | Dunynak, | Dunyrick, | Dunyval, | Dunywyr, |
Edwane, | Edward, | Edwastyr, | Edwistair, | Edwistyr, | Edwore, | Edworyan, | Edwyctor, | Edwyn, | Edwynak, | Edwyrick, | Edwyval, | Edwywyr, |
Gondane, | Gondard, | Gondastyr, | Gondistair, | Gondistyr, | Gondore, | Gondoryan, | Gondyctor, | Gondyn, | Gondynak, | Gondyrick, | Gondyval, | Gondywyr, |
Mordane, | Mordard, | Mordastyr, | Mordistair, | Mordistyr, | Mordore, | Mordoryan, | Mordyctor, | Mordyn, | Mordynak, | Mordyrick, | Mordyval, | Mordywyr, |
Perane, | Perard, | Perastyr, | Peristair, | Peristyr, | Perore, | Peroryan, | Peryctor, | Peryn, | Perynak, | Peryrick, | Peryval, | Perywyr, |
Rodane, | Rodard, | Rodastyr, | Rodistair, | Rodistyr, | Rodore, | Rodoryan, | Rodyctor, | Rodyn, | Rodynak, | Rodyrick, | Rodyval, | Rodywyr, |
Theodane, | Theodard, | Theodastyr, | Theodistair, | Theodistyr, | Theodore, | Theodoryan, | Theodyctor, | Theodyn, | Theodynak, | Theodyrick, | Theodyval, | Theodywyr, |
Tristane, | Tristard, | Tristastyr, | Trististair, | Trististyr, | Tristore, | Tristoryan, | Tristyctor, | Tristyn, | Tristynak, | Tristyrick, | Tristyval, | Tristywyr, |
Uthane, | Uthard, | Uthastyr, | Uthistair, | Uthistyr, | Uthore, | Uthoryan, | Uthyctor, | Uthyn, | Uthynak, | Uthyrick, | Uthyval, | Uthywyr |
- In Daggerfall, there is a glitch that often causes male Breton NPCs to have female Breton names. Female Breton NPCs, however, do not appear to be glitched and only have female names.
Alodie, Andre, Arnand, Astien, Barnand, Bereditte, Birard, Ciel, Cirges, Danders, Daric, Debentien, Detritus, Dilborn, Elbert, Ernand, Ernard, Faric, Fenas, Ferarilie, Francois, Frizkav, Frostien, Gaban, Geon, Geor, Idhdean, Inwold, Irbran, Jadier, Jeanciele, Jerian, Jocien, Joncis, Juillen, Lanie, Listien, Louis, Manis, Marcel, Mebestien, Merard, Merthierry, Myn, Noleon, Ormax, Orrent, Paur, Perien, Phane, Relien, Rerlas, Roberto, Ruran, Simine, Socucius, Thetrard, Varnis, Verick, Ylbert
2x: Eduard (1, 2), Gaston (1, 2), Guilbert (1, 2)
1x: Achille, Aelwin, Alberic, Aleron, Alix, Ambroise, Amiable, Ancus, Andre, Antoine, Astav, Baragon, Barthel, Baurion, Beran, Bradon, Brucetus, Christophe, Claude, Colin, Corrick, Damian, Davide, Didier, Edgar, Ernest, Eugal, Ferrum, Floyd, Francois, Gan, Gaspar, Gepard, Gerard, Grantham, Gregory, Hannibal, Hastrel, Istirus, Jakben, Jauffre, Jean-Pierre, Jhared, Jim, Kastus, Lazare, Lewin, Marc, Marcel, Mathieu, Matthias, Norbert, Ogier, Philip, Renald, Reynald, Roderic, Roland, Rowley, Salomon, Samuel, Sam, Traelius, Theranis, Thorley, Timothee, Ulrich, Vicente, Vincent
2x: Morven (1, 2)
1x: Adeber, Alain, Amaund, Anton, Arniel, Belethor, Bendt, Blaise, Brandish, Celann, Clinton, Cynric, Dalan, Degaine, Delacourt, Delvin, Donnel, Dorian, Eltrys, Emmanuel, Erj, Esmond, Etienne, Francois*, Gauldur, Giraud, Glover, Hamelyn, Herluin, Jouane, Louis, Malkoran, Maurice, Mercer, Moric, Nepos, Octieve, Perth, Phinis, Rahd, Sam, Sebastian, Staubin, Stromm, Thomas, Willem
* Francois Beaufort is actually set up as an Imperial, despite having a clearly Breton name. No explanation is given for this, though as an orphan he may have had unrevealed mixed parentage.
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2x: Alain (1, 2), Clauvis (1, 2), Mael (1,2)
1x: Alard, Aloin, Arcady, Armel, Balin, Berjac, Bernard, Chervain, Christoph, Dantoine, Delric, Derrell, Drago, Emeric, Gabryel, Gailen, Gavin, Gelvin, Geonard, Guy, Hurien, Jakarn, Kareem, Lanis, Leclaude, Leonce, Marq, Merten, Michebert, Morric, Nicolard, Peverel, Pierraud, Pitof, Rallaume, Renwic, Robyn, Rogeraud, Roland, Ruffe, Vachel, Vaford, Vyrois, Wylon, Ylbore, Yncien, Zalbec
Out-of-Game Books
1x: Alain, Gilbard, Gryf, Gyron, Hennabear, Horstle, Lywel, Sylon, Wergital, Wynster
Female Breton Names
Arena and Daggerfall
- Given names for female Bretons in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of thirteen prefixes and one of thirteen suffixes.
- The 13 prefixes for female Breton names are: Barb-, Bellad-, Carol-, Chryst-, El-, Elyz-, Evel-, Gwyn-, Lys-, Morg-, Vann-, Vyct-, Ys-.
- The 13 suffixes for female Breton names are: -abyth, -anna, -ara, -ausa, -ayne, -olda, -ona, -orya, -yn, -yna, -yrrya, -yssa, -yvyra.
Therefore, all of the female Breton names in Arena and Daggerfall are:
Barbabyth, | Barbanna, | Barbara, | Barbausa, | Barbayne, | Barbolda, | Barbona, | Barborya, | Barbyn, | Barbyna, | Barbyrrya, | Barbyssa, | Barbyvyra, |
Belladabyth, | Belladanna, | Belladara, | Belladausa, | Belladayne, | Belladolda, | Belladona, | Belladorya, | Belladyn, | Belladyna, | Belladyrrya, | Belladyssa, | Belladyvyra, |
Carolabyth, | Carolanna, | Carolara, | Carolausa, | Carolayne, | Carololda, | Carolona, | Carolorya, | Carolyn, | Carolyna, | Carolyrrya, | Carolyssa, | Carolyvyra, |
Chrystabyth, | Chrystanna, | Chrystara, | Chrystausa, | Chrystayne, | Chrystolda, | Chrystona, | Chrystorya, | Chrystyn, | Chrystyna, | Chrystyrrya, | Chrystyssa, | Chrystyvyra, |
Elabyth, | Elanna, | Elara, | Elausa, | Elayne, | Elolda, | Elona, | Elorya, | Elyn, | Elyna, | Elyrrya, | Elyssa, | Elyvyra, |
Elyzabyth, | Elyzanna, | Elyzara, | Elyzausa, | Elyzayne, | Elyzolda, | Elyzona, | Elyzorya, | Elyzyn, | Elyzyna, | Elyzyrrya, | Elyzyssa, | Elyzyvyra, |
Evelabyth, | Evelanna, | Evelara, | Evelausa, | Evelayne, | Evelolda, | Evelona, | Evelorya, | Evelyn, | Evelyna, | Evelyrrya, | Evelyssa, | Evelyvyra, |
Gwynabyth, | Gwynanna, | Gwynara, | Gwynausa, | Gwynayne, | Gwynolda, | Gwynona, | Gwynorya, | Gwynyn, | Gwynyna, | Gwynyrrya, | Gwynyssa, | Gwynyvyra, |
Lysabyth, | Lysanna, | Lysara, | Lysausa, | Lysayne, | Lysolda, | Lysona, | Lysorya, | Lysyn, | Lysyna, | Lysyrrya, | Lysyssa, | Lysyvyra, |
Morgabyth, | Morganna, | Morgara, | Morgausa, | Morgayne, | Morgolda, | Morgona, | Morgorya, | Morgyn, | Morgyna, | Morgyrrya, | Morgyssa, | Morgyvyra, |
Vannabyth, | Vannanna, | Vannara, | Vannausa, | Vannayne, | Vannolda, | Vannona, | Vannorya, | Vannyn, | Vannyna, | Vannyrrya, | Vannyssa, | Vannyvyra, |
Vyctabyth, | Vyctanna, | Vyctara, | Vyctausa, | Vyctayne, | Vyctolda, | Vyctona, | Vyctorya, | Vyctyn, | Vyctyna, | Vyctyrrya, | Vyctyssa, | Vyctyvyra, |
Ysabyth, | Ysanna, | Ysara, | Ysausa, | Ysayne, | Ysolda, | Ysona, | Ysorya, | Ysyn, | Ysyna, | Ysyrrya, | Ysyssa, | Ysyvyra |
Abelle, Aditte, Ales, Ama, Amarie, Arbene, Arielle, Asciene, Aurane, Aurnie, Belene, Bovkinna, Cienne, Dabienne, Darene, Derelle, Edre, Edwinna, Emusette, Fasele, Fasile, Frelene, Gulitte, Helviane, Heniele, Janand, Jeanne, Jeberilie, Joslin, Leles, Lielle, Lirielle, Mabrelle, Malielle, Maline, Maranique, Marelle, Marielle, Marthe, Masalinie, Maurrie, Melie, Milie, Mitanne, Muriel, Pierlette, Piernette, Relie, Rianciene, Ronerelie, Sosia, Surane, Synette, Vienne, Virene
2x: Marie (1, 2), Evangeline (1, 2)
1x: Adrienne, Alyssa, Annabelle, Antoinetta, Anya, Arielle, Beatrice, Bernadette, Bernice, Biene, Blanche, Callia, Candice, Caroline, Chana, Claudette, Delphine, Elisa, Erline, Estelle, Francine, Irene, Isabeau, Jeanne, Jolie, Julienne, Luciana, Marguerite, Mariette, Matilde, Melisande, Mirabelle, Nanette, Raelynn, Rochelle, Roxanne, Roxy, Sabine, Phebe, Ursanne, Yvara, Zoe
Angeline, Babette, Cairine, Carcette, Colette, Delphine, Fianna, Isabelle, Julienne, Laelette, Lisette, Madena, Michel, Mirabelle, Muiri, Sabine, Senna, Sorine, Sybille, Vivienne
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3x: Camille (1, 2, 3)
2x: Diane (1, 2)
1x: Ambre, Amelie, Angier, Celia, Diabelle, Denyse, Ella, Ennia, Eloise, Eselde, Evolitte, Evveline, Falisse, Frederique, Genevelle, Gessica, Granette, Hanana, Helane, Janeve, Kaera, Lanier, Lerisa, Lielle, Lionne, Lorene, Melina, Muazzaz, Neomi, Nicolene, Norine, Nurese, Renardine, Ronyssa, Roulena, Tahla, Vimy, Victoire, Violette, Visanne, Ylanie
Out-of-Game Books
1x: Amelie, Gyna, Jyllia, Malvina, Prolyssa, Rosalyn, Talara, Frieda.
Breton Family Names
Arena and Daggerfall
- Surnames for Bretons in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of thirteen prefixes and one of thirteen suffixes.
- The 13 prefixes for Breton surnames are: Ash-, Bucking-, Copper-, Gaer-, Green-, Hawk-, Hearth-, King-, Master-, Moor-, Wick-, Wood-, and Yeom-.
- The 13 suffixes for Breton surnames are: -croft, -field, -ford, -ham, -hart, -house, -ing, -sley, -sly, -smith, -ston, -ton, and -wing.
Therefore, all of the Breton surnames in Arena and Daggerfall are:
Ashcroft, | Ashfield, | Ashford, | Ashham, | Ashhart, | Ashhouse, | Ashing, | Ashsley, | Ashsly, | Ashsmith, | Ashston, | Ashton, | Ashwing, |
Buckingcroft, | Buckingfield, | Buckingford, | Buckingham, | Buckinghart, | Buckinghouse, | Buckinging, | Buckingsley, | Buckingsly, | Buckingsmith, | Buckingston, | Buckington, | Buckingwing, |
Coppercroft, | Copperfield, | Copperford, | Copperham, | Copperhart, | Copperhouse, | Coppering, | Coppersley, | Coppersly, | Coppersmith, | Copperston, | Copperton, | Copperwing, |
Gaercroft, | Gaerfield, | Gaerford, | Gaerham, | Gaerhart, | Gaerhouse, | Gaering, | Gaersley, | Gaersly, | Gaersmith, | Gaerston, | Gaerton, | Gaerwing, |
Greencroft, | Greenfield, | Greenford, | Greenham, | Greenhart, | Greenhouse, | Greening, | Greensley, | Greensly, | Greensmith, | Greenston, | Greenton, | Greenwing, |
Hawkcroft, | Hawkfield, | Hawkford, | Hawkham, | Hawkhart, | Hawkhouse, | Hawking, | Hawksley, | Hawksly, | Hawksmith, | Hawkston, | Hawkton, | Hawkwing, |
Hearthcroft, | Hearthfield, | Hearthford, | Hearthham, | Hearthhart, | Hearthhouse, | Hearthing, | Hearthsley, | Hearthsly, | Hearthsmith, | Hearthston, | Hearthton, | Hearthwing, |
Kingcroft, | Kingfield, | Kingford, | Kingham, | Kinghart, | Kinghouse, | Kinging, | Kingsley, | Kingsly, | Kingsmith, | Kingston, | Kington, | Kingwing, |
Mastercroft, | Masterfield, | Masterford, | Masterham, | Masterhart, | Masterhouse, | Mastering, | Mastersley, | Mastersly, | Mastersmith, | Masterston, | Masterton, | Masterwing, |
Moorcroft, | Moorfield, | Moorford, | Moorham, | Moorhart, | Moorhouse, | Mooring, | Moorsley, | Moorsly, | Moorsmith, | Moorston, | Moorton, | Moorwing, |
Wickcroft, | Wickfield, | Wickford, | Wickham, | Wickhart, | Wickhouse, | Wicking, | Wicksley, | Wicksly, | Wicksmith, | Wickston, | Wickton, | Wickwing, |
Woodcroft, | Woodfield, | Woodford, | Woodham, | Woodhart, | Woodhouse, | Wooding, | Woodsley, | Woodsly, | Woodsmith, | Woodston, | Woodton, | Woodwing, |
Yeomcroft, | Yeomfield, | Yeomford, | Yeomham, | Yeomhart, | Yeomhouse, | Yeoming, | Yeomsley, | Yeomsly, | Yeomsmith, | Yeomston, | Yeomton, | Yeomwing |
2x: Geles (1, 2), Stoine (1, 2)
1x: Acques, Adrard, Adrognese, Amedee, Ancois, Andre, Arthe, Auline, Aurelie, Aurilie, Aurmine, Beauchamp, Beluelle, Bielle, Bienne, Bierles, Birian, Bracques, Broles, Brutya, Caria, Caristiana, Charascel, Charien, Chriditte, Cienne, Dalomax, Desele, Dolbanitte, Elbert, Ence, Endre, Ephine, Erelie, Ergalla, Farr, Fralinie, Frenck, Frernis, Gemain, Genis, Geontene, Gernis, Geves, Gilelle, Hastien, Jastal, Jeannie, Jeline, Jes, Jodoin, Jolvanne, Julalanie, Kirbatha, Laelippe, Leoriane, Limax, Liric, Macile, Madach, Mannick, Marquardt, Masolaude, Masoriane, Maston, Matreinace, Maul, Maulinie, Maurard, Mene, Merian, Meric, Milielle, Mon, Moniel, Mornardl, Nermarc, Nestal, Nin, Oges, Panoit, Phiencel, Philulanie, Phirrienele, Rane, Retene, Rielle, Rirne, Riscel, Rolston, Rostorard, Sele, Sette, Sintieve, Stieve, Sylbenitte, Tailas, Thierry, Vanne, Vette, Viralaine, Virmaulese, Ysciele, Yvienne
2x: Amelion (1, 2), Bantien (1, 2), Jemane (1, 2), Lirrian (1, 2), Loche (1, 2), Pierrane (1, 2), Retiene (1, 2), Surilie (1, 2)
1x: Aethelred, Afranius, Alouette, Aric, Arne, Aumilie, Beanique, Belette, Bellamont, Berene, Bienne, Bincal, Blakeley, Branck, Brigette, Brolus, Canne, Channitte, Corgine, Denile, Diel, Don, Draconis, Eardwulf, Ernarde, Fanis, Fanriene, Festinius, Franc, Frasoric, Galena, Galien, Gene, Geonette, Georick, Gernand, Gulitte, Herrick, Imbel, Jeanard, Jend, Jenseric, Jurard, Labouche, LaRouche, Laul, Leland, Lelles, Lemonds, Lencolia, Litte, Luseph, Maborel, Magius, Malene, Manis, Marane, Maric, Marie, Mastien, Melie, Merowald, Metrick, Milvan, Mona, Monet, Montrose, Motierre, Nathans, Northwode, Ottus, Palielle, Peneles, Perrick, Petit, Renault, Renoit, Rielle, Selone, Stedrine, Stegine, Tilwald, Traven, Tussaud, Valtieri, Vautrine, Velain, Viernis, Wirich
3x: Lylvieve (1, 2, 3)
2x: Mallory (1, 2)
1x: Admand, Beaufort, Dufont, Endell, Ervine, Frey, Gane, Gemane, Gestor, Guevenne, Ildene, Jondrelle, Jurard, Letrush, Lort, Lothaire, Manette, Marence, Merchad, Morrard, Motierre, Nytte, Onis, Rarnis, Rolaine, San, Sidrey, Stentor, Stroud, Tyne, Virane
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2x: Bruhl (1, 2), Diel (1, 2), Edier (1, 2), Feldrin (1, 2), Ginise (1, 2), Miller (1, 2), Noellaume (1, 2), Remly (1, 2)
1x: Ancent, Ashton, Auberdine, Bacqure, Bouchard, Brassac, Broc, Chaudry, Conrele, Dailland, Dechery, Dercirent, Dorell, Emax, Euginie, Falbert, Faleille, Farnele, Foucher, Gavonne, Georence, Guissant, Lacroix, Lamont, LeBlanc, Leraud, Levys, Lia, Loghammer, Luric, Lynielle, Malanie, Malyne, Menillet, Montclair, Montgren, Montieu, Nisirrien, Ondre, Pajaud, Pathierry, Redain, Rotvine, Shaldon, Stemuseph, Stogrin, Stower, Tamrith, Tramnil, Tremouille, Virelande, Winvale
Out-of-Game Books
2x: Hoïnart (1, 2)
1x: Antieve, Sorick
2x: Raze
1x: Bontecou, Larocque, Mallon, Montrose, Vardengroet
Reachmen Names
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Male Reachmen Names
1x: Ainethach, Banning, Belchimac, Braig, Cedran, Cosnach, Dryston, Duach, Enmon, Ennoc, Garvey, Hathrasil, Imedhnain, Krag, Madanach, Odvan, Omluag, Rondach, Tuthul, Tynan, Uraccen, Weylin
1x: Angof, Brinarch, Caoiss, Celarion, Duraeg, Grivier, Kaenach, Kevinne, Labhraidh, Mael, Stral, Strastnoc, Vardan, Velian, Verrik
Female Reachmen Names
1x: Bothela, Daighre, Eola, Erith, Kaie, Mena, Modhna, Nana, Rhiada, Uaile, Voada
1x: Alona, Ambre, Drusilla, Lilou, Linele, Lydi, Shorrin, Vivian
1x: Cairine, Cayleigh, Edana, Malvina, Muriel, Riane, Sorcha.
Reachmen Family Names
1x: Ildene
2x: Frostfang (1, 2), Skullcarver (1, 2)
1x: Blackthroat, Blightheart, Bloodcaller, Gnarltree, Nerva, Rotvine, Snowpelt, Thorncastle, Witchclaw