Oblivion:Isabeau Bienne

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Isabeau Bienne
(RefID: )
Home City Bravil
House Bay Roan Stables
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 4 Class Ostler
RefID BaseID
Horses Bay Horses, 1000 gold
Other Information
Health 42 Magicka 180
Respons. 100 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Bravil Faction; Bravil Stables
Isabeau Bienne

Isabeau Bienne is a Breton ostler who sells bay horses at Bay Roan Stables outside Bravil.

With her employee, Antoine Branck, in charge of tending the horses and luring potential customers inside, Isabeau primarily takes care of the business and never even leaves the stables. She gets out of bed every morning at 6am and starts the day by wandering around for two hours before unlocking the door at 8am. For the next twelve hours, the stables will be open and Isabeau will be available for a transaction at all times, even between noon and 2pm, when she is having her lunch. At 6pm, she sits down and enjoys her dinner until closing time at 8pm. Once the stables are locked up, she relaxes for two hours until 10pm, when she goes to bed. Isabeau will sell horses 24 hours a day, but the door to the stables will be locked outside the regular opening times.

She wields an iron shortsword and wears lower-class clothing, a stitched green shirt with green felt linens and clogs. She only carries a small amount of gold.

When you approach her, she will get right to the point: "This is the Bay Roan Stables. Are you interested in a horse?" If you ask her about her city of choice, she will start to advertise her own business: "You MUST have a fast horse! Travel quickly to ruined forts and caves nearby! It will pay for itself with precious time saved!" On the subject of horses, you will get the full sales speech: "We have some of the best bay horses in Cyrodiil. They are hardier than the Chestnut and faster than the Paint horses." Should you change your mind and decline her offer, she will say: "How unfortunate. Don’t be a stranger. We have a fine selection of Bay horses if you change your mind." Should you choose to accept her offer, she will point you towards Antoine with the words: "Excellent! Go out to the corral. Antoine will have your new Bay saddled and ready for you."

Antoine will point you toward Isabeau should you approach him: "If you are looking to buy a horse, go inside and talk to Isabeau."