Lore:Dinastia Septim

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Dinastia Remana
Dinastia Septim
Dinastia Mede
Guerras e Conflitos


Idioma Argoniano
Alfabeto Daédrico
Alfabeto Dracônico
Idioma Dracônico
Alfabeto Dwemer
Idioma Dwemer
Alfabeto Antigo
Idiomas Ehlnofex
Alfabeto Falmer
Alfabeto da Escrita Mágica
Idioma Órquico Antigo
Alfabeto Rúnico



A Dinastia Septim foi fundada pelo lendário Talos, que aderiu ao nome Cyrodílico de Tiber Septim, e estabeleceu o Terceiro Império de Tamriel em 2E 897 após décadas de guerra, marcando o fim da Segunda Era e o início da Terceira Era.

Com os Septims, Tamriel properou e suas províncias se aproveitaram de paz e estabilidade que nunca haviam sido vistas antes nos séculos caóticos do Interregno. Novos conflitos apareceriam, entretanto, e isso levaria o Império ao ponto de quebra pela Terceira Era. Uma batalha pela sucessão real começou durante a Guerra do Diamante Vermelho entre 3E 120 e 3E 127. O Usurpador Camorano conseguiu controle da Floresta de Valen e de Martelfell de 3E 249 a 3E 267. O Imperador Uriel Septim V liderou uma invasão frustrada a Akavir em 3E 288, resultando na morte do Imperador e perda de uma parte considerável da força militar do Império. O Mago de Batalha Imperial Jagar Tharn derrubou o Imperador de direito e governou por uma década que iniciou em 3E 389, um período que seria conhecido como o Simulacro Imperial.

Apesar de todos esses desafios, o Império se segurou e a linha Septim sobreviveu. O fim deles veio em 3E 433 com o início da Crise do Oblivion. O Imperador Uriel Septim VII e seus herdeiros foram assassinados pela Aurora Mítica em uma única noite, e as Brasas de Dragão pararam de queimar. O Príncipe Daedrico Mehrunes Dagon iniciou uma invasão massiva a Tamriel. Apesar de um último herdeiro Septim, Martin Septim, ter sido localizado, ele sacrificou a si mesmo para repelir os Daedria e selar Mundus da influência de Oblivion para sempre. Com os Septims falecidos e o destino do Império incerto, a Terceira Era se concluiu e a Quarta Era se iniciou.

Linhagem Septim

Nome Reinado
Tiber Septim 2E 854[1] - 3E 38[2][3]
Pelagius Septim I[nb 1] 3E 38[2][3]-3E 40[2][3][nb 2]
Kintyra Septim 3E 40[2][3] - 3E 53[3]
Uriel Septim I 3E 53[3] - 3E 64[2][3]
Uriel Septim II 3E 64[2][3] - 3E 82[2][4][3]
Pelagius Septim II 3E 82[2][4][3] - 3E 98[5][6][3]
Antiochus Septim 3E 99[2][5][nb 3] - 3E 120[7][8][nb 4]
Kintyra Septim II 3E 120[7][9][8] - 3E 121[10][nb 5][3]
Uriel Septim III 3E 121[2][nb 5] - 3E 127[10][11]
Cephorus Septim I 3E 127[10][12][11][3] - 3E 140[12]
Magnus Septim 3E 140[12] - 3E 145[12][8]
Pelagius Septim III 3E 145[12][11][6] - 3E 153[11][8][nb 6]
Katariah Ra'Athim 3E 153[11][8] - 3E 200[11][8][nb 7]
Cassynder Septim 3E 200[13] - 3E 202[13][nb 8]
Uriel Septim IV 3E 202[13][nb 8] - 3E 246[11][nb 9]
Cephorus Septim II 3E 246[11][nb 9] - 3E 268[13][nb 10]
Uriel Septim V 3E 268[13] - 3E 290[13][14][3]
Uriel Septim VI 3E 290 (3E 307)[nb 11][3] - 3E 313[15]
Morihatha Septim 3E 313 - 3E 339[15][3]
Pelagius Septim IV 3E 339[15][3] - 3E 368[15][nb 12]
Uriel Septim VII 3E 368[15][3][nb 12] - 3E 433[16]
Martin Septim 3E 433[17] - 3E 433[17]

The table to the left shows the emperors and empresses and their regnal dates. The chart below details the lineage of the Septim family in the first-degree only. In both cases, the date of birth and death should be interpreted as Era / Year. For example, "2E/125" should be read as "Second Era in the year 125". All unknown dates and names are noted with the inclusion of "???". A † symbol next to a date of death indicates that the death was not natural. Names in bold indicate ruling emperors.

References are given in the usual style, but cases where calculation or inference are involved, or where contradictions exist, are marked as "nb" and appear in a separate section.

Tiber Septim
2E/828[nb 13]-3E/38[2][3]
Kintyra Septim
Pelagius Septim
Uriel Septim
Uriel Septim II
Amiel Septim
Galana Septim
Duke of Narsis
3E/???-3E/52[18][nb 14]
Pelagius Septim II
Quintilla Vulstaed or Qizara[nb 15]
?E/???-3E/99[nb 16]
Magna[nb 17]
Antiochus Septim
3E/50[6] or 3E/55[5][nb 18]-3E/120[7]
Gysilla[nb 17]
Cephorus Septim I
3E/78[5][nb 19]-3E/140[12][11][nb 20]
Potema Septim
3E/67[6][12][nb 21]-3E/137[12][11][6]
3E/19[18][nb 22]-3E/99[19][nb 23]
3E/???-3E/136[nb 24]
Magnus Septim
3E/79[5][nb 25]-3E/145[12][8]
Hellena or Utheilla
3E/???-3E/???[nb 26]
Kintyra Septim II
[nb 27]
3E/104[7][nb 28]-3E123†[20][nb 5]
Gallivere Lariat
Katariah Ra'Athim
3E/???-3E/199†[nb 7]
Pelagius Septim III
3E/119[8][11] or 3E/125[nb 29][10]-
3E/153[11][8][nb 6]
Jolethe Septim
Uriel Septim III
3E/97[6][5][nb 30]-3E/127†[10][11]
Uriel Septim IV
3E/???-3E/247[11][nb 9]
Cassynder Septim
3E/148[8][nb 31]-3E/201[13][nb 8]
Andorak Septim
Cephorus Septim II
3E/???-3E/268[13][nb 10]
Uriel Septim V
Uriel Septim VI
3E/286[15][nb 32]-3E/313
Ulfe Gersen
Morihatha Septim
3E/288[15][nb 33]-3E/339†[15]
3E/288[15][nb 33]-3E/335[15][nb 34]
Pelagius Septim IV
3E/314[15][nb 35]-3E/368
Caula Voria
Uriel Septim VII
3E/346[3][16][nb 36]-3E/433†[17]
Gemile[oog 1]
Calaxes Septim
3E/???-3E/398†[21][nb 37]
Geldall Septim
3E/377[16][nb 38]-3E/433†[17]
Enman Septim
3E/378[16][nb 38]-3E/433†[17]
Ebel Septim
3E/380[16][nb 38]-3E/433†[17]
Martin Septim


  1. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: CyrodiilImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n [[Lore:História Resumida do Império v 1|]]
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Linha do Tempo de Tamriel, As Crônicas de Daggerfall — Ronald Wartow
  4. ^ a b [[Lore:A Rainha Lobo, v2|]]
  5. ^ a b c d e f g [[Lore:A Rainha Lobo, v3|]]
  6. ^ a b c d e f g [[Lore:Biografia da Rainha Lobo|]]
  7. ^ a b c d The Wolf Queen, Book FiveWaughin Jarth
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j The Madness of PelagiusTsathenes
  9. ^ The Wolf Queen, Book SixWaughin Jarth
  10. ^ a b c d e The Wolf Queen, Book SevenWaughin Jarth
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Brief History of the Empire, Part IIStronach k'Thojj III, Imperial Historian
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i The Wolf Queen, Book EightWaughin Jarth
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i Brief History of the Empire, Part IIIStronach k'Thojj III, Imperial Historian
  14. ^ a b Relatório: Desastre em IonithLord Pottreid, Chairman
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Erro de citação: Código <ref> inválido; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome BHotE4
  16. ^ a b c d e The Black Horse Courier, Special Edition
  17. ^ a b c d e f g Events during TES IV: Oblivion
  18. ^ a b The Wolf Queen, Book OneWaughin Jarth
  19. ^ The Wolf Queen, Book FourWaughin Jarth
  20. ^ Diamantes PartidosRyston Baylor
  21. ^ Palavras e Filosofia


  1. ^ "Houve certo desconforto no relacionamento de Pelagius com Tiber Septim. Uma versão de Uma História Resumida do Império referiu a Pelagius como filho mais velho de Tiber, mas isso foi revisado. Alguns passagens em A Verdadeira Barenziah sugere que a esposa de Tiber, referida como a Imperatriz, teve vários "filhos". As explicações mais comuns incluem que Tiber e a Imperatriz tiveram filhas mulheres que não foram registradas pela história, ou que o público geral foi referido como "filhos" da Imperatriz. Outras possibilidades incluem que a Imperatriz teve filhos que não eram de Tiber, dois deles de gravidezes secretas, ou que isso seja um erro por parte do autor. De qualquer forma, o trono acabou com Kintyra.
  2. ^ Uma História Resumida do Império diz que Pelagius reinou por "menos de três anos", sugerindo a data de 3E 40. As Crônicas de Daggerfall explicitamente usa essa data.
  3. ^ Book 3 of The Wolf Queen indicates that Antiochus was not offered the throne until some time had passed after the death of Pelagius II. A Brief History of the Empire indicates that he took the throne twelve years before the War of the Isle in 3E 110, which leads to the same date.
  4. ^ Book 5 of The Wolf Queen states that Antiochus fell into a coma in 3E 119 and that his funeral was in 3E 120. The Madness of Pelagius agrees, stating that Kintyra ascended the throne "just over a year" after Pelagius' birth in 119. Both books are contradicted in the Biography of the Wolf Queen, which explicitly places his death in 3E 112. To add to the confusion, see the note about the date of Pelagius III's birth. This chart uses the 120 date, since most references state that to be the correct date.
  5. ^ a b c In The Wolf Queen, although there is uncertainty over the date of Kintyra's death, it is stated that Uriel III was crowned "four years previously" to the year 3E 125, implying that he was crowned in 3E 121. A Brief History of the Empire explicitly states that Uriel took the throne in 121. The Biography of the Wolf Queen states that Kintyra was executed in 3E 114 and that Uriel ascended to the throne "seven years later". Thus, while all three books agree on the date of Uriel's ascension, the Biography implies a seven year interregnum during the War of the Red Diamond when nobody wore the Imperial crown. The precise date given in Broken Diamonds implies that Kintyra was held in captivity for some time before her death.
  6. ^ a b The Madness of Pelagius says that Pelagius III died in the 34th year of his life, which translates to 3E 153.
  7. ^ a b Both Brief History of the Empire and The Madness of Pelagius put the length of Katariah's reign at 46 years. To fit in with later events, this reign must end in 3E 200.
  8. ^ a b c The Daggerfall version of Brief History says "In two years, he was dead" while the later version says that Cassynder died "Three years after [his accession]". It is impossible to determine exactly which year these statements are intended to mean, but 3E 202 seems reasonable.
  9. ^ a b c Brief History of the Empire describes the reign of Uriel Septim IV lasting 43 years. This must have extended into 3E 246, as The Rear Guard describes a law made "in 3E 246, during the reign of Uriel IV". The Daggerfall Chronicles place Uriel's death in 3E 247, but it doesn't seem possible to stretch his reign into this year given other events. It is possible this date has been superseded.
  10. ^ a b Although the Brief History of the Empire states Cephorus II became emperor in 3E 268, this is clearly an error. The same book states that Uriel Septim V also became emperor in 268, so it is more logical to assume the latter is correct and that Cephorus simply followed on from Uriel IV. Cephorus is described as "a cousin more closely related to the original Septim line", although his precise line of descent is not clear.
  11. ^ Uriel VI was too young to rule in his own right when he was crowned, so his mother Thonica ruled as regent. He was eventually allowed to ascend the throne and assume full Imperial powers in 3E 307.
  12. ^ a b The Brief History of the Empire states that Pelagius reigned for 49 years, but this has been acknowledged as an error - the correct span is 29 years.
  13. ^ The Wolf Queen, v1 suggests Tiber Septim was born in 2E 288, but since that would mean he was nearly 650 years old when he died, it seems more likely that Potema was misremembering her lessons. The Arcturian Heresy states that Tiber was 108 when he died, which places his birth in around 2E 827-828. If Potema simply had the digits in the wrong order, 828 seems more likely.
  14. ^ The Wolf Queen states the Pelagius had been "eleven years a widower" when he visited Camlorn in 3E 63, implying that his first wife died in 3E 52.
  15. ^ Books 1, 3 and 6 of The Wolf Queen name the wife of Pelagius II as Quintilla Vulstaed, but the Biography of the Wolf Queen calls her Qizara.
  16. ^ Book 3 of The Wolf Queen contains a scene in 3E 99 where Quintilla prophesies that she will die soon, followed by King Mantiarco shortly thereafter. Other sources attest to Mantiarco's death in 3E 99, so assuming Quintilla's prophecy was correct, she must have died in the same year. Certainly, the only reference to her in the book - in 3E 121 - is in the past tense..
  17. ^ a b There is slightly contradictory evidence about Antiochus' wives and the mother of his daughter, Kintyra. The Biography of the Wolf Queen says that Kintyra's mother was called Magna, and mentions no other wife. The Wolf Queen, v4, however, states that Kintyra was born to Antiochus' second wife, Gysilla, but doesn't mention the name of his first wife. Adding to the confusion, The Wolf Queen, v5 copies the Biography's paragraph on the subject almost word for word, with the only major change being the substitution of "Magna" with "Gysilla". Neither woman is mentioned in any other book. Since the Biography is known to be inaccurate on several other points, it makes sense to follow the lineage described in The Wolf Queen, and to use Magna as the name of Antiochus' first wife.
  18. ^ The Wolf Queen states that Antiochus was 43 in 3E 98, implying a birth year of 3E 54-55. The Biography of the Wolf Queen has him aged 48 in 3E 98, suggesting that he was born five years earlier.
  19. ^ The Wolf Queen states that Cephorus was 21 in 3E 98 and 60 in 3E 137, implying a birth year of 3E 77-78.
  20. ^ Book 2 of Brief History of the Empire states that Cephorus outlived Potema by three years.
  21. ^ The Wolf Queen states that Potema was 14 in 3E 80, 53 in 3E 120 and 70 in 3E 137, implying a birth year of 3E 66-3E 67; it also states that she was 30 in 3E 98, which favors the latter date.
  22. ^ The Wolf Queen states that Mantiarco was 62 in 3E 80, implying a birth year of 3E 18-19.
  23. ^ The Wolf Queen states that 3E 109 was nine years after Mantiarco's death, implying that he died in 3E 99-100, and the Biography of the Wolf Queen states he "the springtide after Pelagius II", whose death in 3E 98 is well-documented.
  24. ^ The Wolf Queen makes several references to Cephorus' Redguard Bride named Bianki but The Madness of Pelagius is equally clear, stating that "Cephorus never married and died childless". Bianki is included here for completeness. Her death in 3E 136 comes from a phrase in the Wolf Queen, where Pelagius reflects that "Aunt Bianki" died "last year" in an entry dated 3E 137. Book 4 suggests that the marriage resulted in "a healthy brood of children", but Book 8 states they all died either in the war or as the result of famine after it.
  25. ^ The Wolf Queen states that Magnus was 19 in 3E 98, implying a birth year of 3E 78-79.
  26. ^ Book 7 of The Wolf Queen clearly names Magnus' wife and Pelagius' mother as "Hellena"; The Madness of Pelagius is equally clear that her name is "Utheilla".
  27. ^ Book 4 of The Wolf Queen says that Antiochus named Kintyra after his "great-great-great grandaunt", but from other sources, she was actually his great-great grandmother.
  28. ^ The Wolf Queen states that Kintyra was 15 in both 3E 119 and 3E 120, implying a birth year of 3E 104.
  29. ^ It is impossible to be certain about the date of Pelagius III's birth. The Wolf Queen explicitly states it as 3E 125 while The Madness of Pelagius is equally explicit in a date of 3E 119. Book 2 of Brief History of the Empire says that Pelagius died at the age of 34 in 3E 153, which supports the date of 119.
  30. ^ He was one year old in 3E 98 according to The Wolf Queen, and the Biography of the Wolf Queen explicitly states 3E 97. Book 4 of The Wolf Queen, however, has Uriel's age as 11 in 3E 110, which may push his birth up to 3E 98. The same book calls Tiber Septim Uriel's "great great great great great granduncle". This either contains one too many "greats" or the "grand" should be removed; in reality, Tiber is Uriel's great-great-great-great-great uncle, or great-great-great-great-grand uncle.
  31. ^ The Madness of Pelagius says that Katariah became pregnant just after Pelagius was sent to a private asylum, which happened two years into his reign. Assuming a full nine-month pregnancy, Cassynder's birth would be some time between 3E/147 and 3E/149. This would also fit with a Brief History of the Empire, which notes that he was middle-aged when he came to the throne - with these dates he would have been in his early 50s.
  32. ^ Uriel VI is described as being five years old on his father's death in 3E 290 and 22 in 3E 307, implying he was born in 3E 285-286.
  33. ^ a b Morihatha and Eliosa are described by the Brief History of the Empire as being twins born a month after their father left for Akavir. Since the report of the Disaster at Ionith states the fleet left in Rain's Hand, 3E 288, they must have been born in Second Seed of the same year.
  34. ^ Book 4 of Brief History of the Empire says that Eloisa died of fever four years before Morihatha, making the date 3E335.
  35. ^ Pelagius IV is stated to be 25 years of age at his succession in the year 3E 339 in Brief History of the Empire, implying a birth date of 3E 314-315.
  36. ^ The Black Horse Courier describes Uriel VII as being 87 in 3E 433, implying a birth year of 3E 346-347. The Daggerfall Chronicles explicitly give a date of 3E 346.
  37. ^ Words and Philosophy gives the date of Calaxes' disappearance as 3E 498, which is clearly a misprint since the third age ended in 433. A date of 3E 398 was probably intended, although since his father would only have been 52 by this date, Calaxes would have been very young to be given a position as powerful as Archbishop. Although no source states definitively that Calaxes died, no other outcome seems likely.
  38. ^ a b c The Black Horse Courier has Geldall, Enman and Ebel being 56, 55 and 53 respectively in the year 3E 433, implying birth years of 3E 377, 3E 378 and 3E 380.

Nota: as seguintes referências não são encontradas no jogo. Elas são incluídas para providenciar um fundo mais sólido ao artigo, mas podem não refletir lore estabelecida.

  1. ^ The only source for the name of Martin's mother is a forum post by Ken Rolston in which Caius Cosades suggests the name while visiting Uriel's newly-dug grave.