Oblivion:Estelle Renoit

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Estelle Renoit
(RefID: )
Home City Chorrol
Store Renoit's Books
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 5 Class Bookseller
RefID BaseID
Available 8am-8pm every day
32px 8am-8pm; 12am-6am
Gold 600 Mercantile Apprentice (30)
Sells Books,
Stormrider Scroll
Other Information
Health 52 Magicka 202
Respons. 80 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Chorrol Citizen
Estelle Renoit

Estelle Renoit is a Breton bookseller at Renoit's Books in Chorrol. The unique Stormrider Scroll can be purchased from her and nobody else.

Estelle wears a set of middle class clothing: a brown shirt, light brown linens and a pair of pigskin shoes. She carries the key to her shop, a bread loaf and a large amount of gold.

When you speak to her for the first time she will say: "Welcome to Renoit's Books. I'm the owner, Estelle Renoit. Look around. If you don't see what you want, please ask."

The citizens of Chorrol will often talk about getting books at Estelle's store, saying, "I'm thinking of heading over to Renoit's to buy some books. There's quite a selection." and "Picked up a good book at Renoit's this week. Sure wish I could read it." Other citizens will respond: "Yes, Renoit does have a fine assortment of books.", "I should visit Renoit's more often.", "I've heard that Renoit has a good selection, and at reasonable prices.", or "I'm not much of a reader, myself." You may also overhear people talking about Estelle having some new books in stock: "Have you heard Renoit got some new books in stock?" After hearing about this news, some citizens will comment: "He [sic] did? Excellent. I wonder if he [sic] got "The Lusty Argonian Maid" in. I've been dying to read that.", or "New books? Who has the money to afford all those books? I know I don't."

Phintias, proprietor of the book store First Edition in the Imperial City, will recommend Renoit's Books in passing, saying, "This is the only book store in the city. There's also Renoit's Books in Chorrol, Mach-Na's in Cheydinhal, and Southern Books in Leyawiin." Within the town of Chorrol, Seed-Neeus in Northern Goods and Trade will also point you toward Renoit's Books: "If I don't have what you need, you might try the other Chorrol merchants. Renoit's has books. Fire and Steel for your armor and weapons."


  • Renoit was featured in the "making of" documentary for Oblivion, showcasing "intelligent radiant AI". The trailer shows Renoit drinking a marksman potion, practicing her marksman skill, and interacting with her dog, Thunder. At the end of the trailer, Renoit scolds and fires the Flare spell at the dog. In the final game, Thunder is not present. However, there is now what is clearly a dogskin rug present on the upstairs level.
  • This store is criticized by Alessia Ottus in a guide to Chorrol for not selling a single copy of the Ten Commands.


  • The bed in Renoit's shop is not marked as being owned by her; this means you can sleep in it at any time.
  • Other NPCs will sometimes refer to Estelle as male.