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Daenia is a forested region in western High Rock, in the southern part of Glenumbra. It borders Cambray Hills to the northeast. The region is home to the city of Daggerfall. It is also known for the culture of quests, where young people of the lower classes take on heroic tasks in order to feel more like nobility. There have even been cases where a task was so great, the person completing it became a noble themselves. Because of this ability to move up in social class, the people of Daenia are fiercely independent. The region is also home to the Beldama Wyrd, as well as several witch covens.


Daggerfall is the largest city in Glenumbra, located at the southwestern end of the peninsula. It is the capital of the kingdom of Daggerfall. The order Knights of the Dragon have the official duty of protecting the city and royal family of Daggerfall. The last census, in 3E 401, lists the population at over 110,000.

The city is split into four districts. South of the river lies the Trade District, whereas the Castle Town can be found north of it. In the northwest lies the Harbor District, while to the west sits Castle Daggerfall.

Dagon Fel

Dagon Fel is the northernmost town in Vvardenfell. It is an ancient settlement located on the main island of Sheogorad, along Morrowind's northern coast.

The area was originally inhabited by the Dwemer, with the settlement of Mzuleft just to the south. The Nords conquered the territory in the First Era during the Skyrim Conquests, when the First Empire of the Nords expanded into Resdayn. Nord settlers came to the region and built the town of Dagon Fel, making use of the ruined Dwemer towers. The settlement was eventually abandoned.

After Vvardenfell was opened for settlement in 3E 414, several Nord fishermen returned to the ancient site of the town and founded a small fishing village. By 3E 427, the settlement had an inn for traders and a detachment of Imperial Legion guards for protection. It is unknown how the village was affected by the Red Year of 4E 5.


Dak'fron is a region within northern Hammerfell in the Iliac Bay, dominated by Redguards. In the Second Era, it was known for its fine amethysts. In the late Third Era, before the Warp in the West, it bordered the Dragontail Mountains, the Alik'r Desert, and Santaki.

Darkwater Crossing

Darkwater Crossing is a settlement located along the banks of the Darkwater River in southern Eastmarch.

The area was first settled during the time of the Ebonheart Pact, when a group of Argonian migrants came from the west to settle at Fort Amol. The town was not big enough to absorb them, so instead they settled at Darkwater Crossing. Despite being an Argonian village, it was built using Nordic architecture. At some point, a Redguard named Asmalah the Caller came to the village with his sick wife. The village healer, a Dreamwalker named Stormy-Eyes, attempted to use his powers to cure her, but instead his methods resulted in her death. In 2E 582 Asmalah got his revenge by surrounding the village with blood, causing trolls to attack. The surviving Argonians fled to a nearby cave, and it was hoped that the town could be retaken after the death of the trolls' leader, Death-In-Winter.

The area was re-settled in the Fourth Era when Goldenrock Mine was opened after a Nord woman named Annekke Crag-Jumper discovered corundum deposits nearby. In 4E 201, during the Stormcloak Rebellion, Ulfric Stormcloak was captured near the settlement in an Imperial ambush before being taken to Helgen for execution. The Rebellion had a bad effect on Darkwater Crossing, with soldiers passing through constantly and the miners only scraping by.

Darkwater River

Darkwater River, or simply the Darkwater, is a river in eastern Skyrim connecting Lake Geir to the White River. Lake Geir drains into it at the western end of the Rift. The river flows northeast into Eastmarch, cascading down the famous cliff which divides the two holds. After this series of pools and waterfalls, the river bends northwest, and merges with the White River a few miles downstream, south-southwest of Windhelm and west of the famous fetid swamps of Eastmarch. Forts, ruins, caves, and major roads line its banks. The fishing is said to be good. A large tributary flows separately from Lake Geir. It passes north through Ivarstead, then curves northeast and creates its own series of waterfalls down the cliff, then connects with Darkwater River in Eastmarch, which then merges shortly after with the White River and terminates.


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Dawnstar is a settlement on the northern coast of Skyrim, and the hold capital of the Pale. It was originally a garrison town, which often served as an exile post due to the harsh climate. The settlement seemingly got its name due to its reputation for "greeting the sun as it begins its journey".

The Deadlands

The Deadlands are a Daedric realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon. The embodiment of its creator's sphere, the dimension is fraught with natural disasters and destructive change. The realm is covered by an ocean of lava, scattered with scorched volcanic islands and ruined structures. Many lesser Daedra roam the realm freely, but Dremora dominate the hierarchy. Very little flora grow in the realm's hostile environment. Burnt grass and dead trees dot the landscape, while Bloodgrass, aggressive Harrada Roots and poisonous Spiddal Plants grow abundantly in the charred soil.

Deepscorn Hollow

Deepscorn Hollow is a hidden underground lair located beneath a small island in Topal Bay, off the coast of Cyrodiil. The island is located within the Blackwood region, south of the swamps of Bogwater and far southeast of the city of Leyawiin.

Originally, Deepscorn was simply a system of natural caves. Like all natural caves, the tunnels once served as the capillaries of Nirn, pulsing with the divine essence of the Aedra.. A homestead was built on the island at some stage along with a bridge connecting it to the mainland, although the house burned down and was abandoned. During his travels as a novice of the Dark Brotherhood, the vampire Greywyn Blenwyth discovered the caves and briefly used them as a hideaway, aptly naming them Deepscorn Hollow.

Greywyn later went on to found the Crimson Scars, a vampiric splinter faction of the Dark Brotherhood that planned to infect the entire guild. When the group's treachery was revealed to the Black Hand in 3E 421, Greywyn was forced to flee from purification. He retreated to Deepscorn, planning to use it as the new headquarters of the Scars. Months passed while Greywyn waited for any surviving Scars to contact him. Eventually, a Breton Scar named Rowley Eardwulf made contact, and helped Greywyn in acquiring the resources needed to restore Deepscorn to its former glory. The caves were transformed into a crypt complex, and Greywyn constructed a great shrine to Sithis in the hope of reconciling his treachery.

After many sacrifices, Sithis deigned to speak with Greywyn. He agreed to accept the Crimson Scars as the rightful leaders of the Brotherhood, as long as Greywyn cured himself of his vampirism as punishment. With a heavy heart, Greywyn labored to create a cure, eventually learning of the alchemical processes needed to create Purgeblood Salts. He spent months gathering the ingredient necessary to refine the salts. After gathering the ingredients, he infused the rock walls of Deepscorn Hollow with veins of Purgeblood crystal formations and built a Font of Renewal to bathe himself in. In 3E 433, almost twelve years after having found the cure, Greywyn sensed his impending death. He watched the Champion of Cyrodiil from afar, and eventually delivered a note making himself known. He provided the Champion with a map to Deepscorn Hollow, requesting only that the Champion honor Sithis with the darkest of deeds. With all his preparations for the cure complete, Greywyn approached his shrine to Sithis for one last prayer, when he was stabbed in the back by an assassin from the Dark Brotherhood, which had finally tracked him down.

After arriving in Deepscorn Hollow, the Champion made contact with Rowley Eardwulf in the village of Weye, and arranged for further improvements to the lair. Among these was the Garden of Venomgrowth, a garden designed to cultivate various poisonous plants, including the rare Chokeberry Vine. Eardwulf also arranged for human cattle to be brought to the lair for vampiric feeding purposes, as well as a Dunmer vampire minion who maintained the lair and regularly killed in the name of Sithis.


Delodiil was an Ayleid city populated mostly by worshipers of Meridia. It notably came into conflict with the nearby mercenary city of Abagarlas, which was ruled by worshipers of Molag Bal.


Deshaan é uma ampla e fértil planície ao sul de Morrowind, cuja altitude entra em declive e se funde com os mangues de Pântano Negro. Guar e netches pastam por toda a verde bacia do Lago Amaya, enquanto os Dunmer locais tiram vantagem do excepcionalmente fértil solo negro para o cultivo de salgarroz e outras culturas. Deshaan também é lar de exuberantes florestas fúngicas e profundas minas de kwama. Alguns de seus notáveis lugares são Forte da Lamentação, Narsis e o Vale da Cobra Fantasmagórica.

Direnni Tower

A Torre Direnni, também conhecida como a Torre Adamantina, Ada-mantia, Torre-Ur e Torre Zero, é a alta, circular, e antiga torre no ponto mais alto da Ilha de Balfiera na Baía Ilíaca. A Torre foi usada como uma fortaleza, prisão, e palácio pela Hegemonia Direnni, mas seu verdadeiro propósito permanece um mistério. A mais recente adivinhação mágica de sua época põe sua construção em torno de ME 2500, tornando-a a estrutura mais antiga conhecida em Tamriel. A torre foi modificada inúmeras vezes através dos anos, porém seu núcleo cilíndrico de metal permanece intocado e há rumores de que este se estenda profundamente por debaixo da torre assim como faz na superfície, no entanto suas profundezas nunca foram completamente exploradas.


Diss is a city on the western coast of Valenwood.

Dragon Bridge

Dragon Bridge is a town in northwestern Skyrim, southwest of Solitude. It is home to the eponymous Dragon Bridge, which predates the settlement by untold years. To this day, the ornately carved bridge over the Karth River remains strategically and economically vital. Dragon Bridge's economy is based mostly around logging and fishing, though they also get many travelers on their way to or from Solitude.

Dragon's Teeth Mountains

A mountain range along western Tamriel. It's said that the southern tip of the mountain range, which stretches from the ice-covered mounts of High Rock to the wooded forests of Valenwood, can be seen on the horizon from the top parapet of the Crystal Tower in the Summerset Isles. Fang Lair, a Dwemer stronghold in Hammerfell, is located in these mountains. "By the Dragon's Teeth" is a common saying among Redguards.


Dragonstar is a city-state in Hammerfell, just south of the border with High Rock and Skyrim. It is located on the foothills of the Dragontail Mountains, in the region of Craglorn.

Like much of Craglorn, Dragonstar is very cosmopolitan compared to the rest of Hammerfell, often inhabited by those deemed "unfit" for life in the Empire. In the Second Era, it was a small, fortified settlement dominated by Nord miners and mercenaries. The Dragonstar Caravan Company began operations there, but later moved its headquarters to Ska'vyn. In 2E 582 the local miners were contracted with extracting fast amounts of nirncrux, known as "red brittle" to the locals. Although abundant and seemingly inert, the stone is very dangerous to mine due to the toxic fumes released. The patron of this operation was Cassipia, who aided and later betrayed the dangerous Scaled Court. Nirncrux mining presumably halted following her death and the destruction of the Court. The entrance to an otherworldly arena also appeared in the mountains north of the settlement that year.

By the time of the Imperial Simulacrum, Dragonstar had grown to become a major city. It was described as the "home of the sacred rage".

During the War of Bend'r-mahk, the forces of Skyrim advanced into Hammerfell and besieged the city, eventually establishing a separate government within the city. During this time, the city was divided into western and eastern sections, walled off from each other, each with their own government. Dragonstar West was still under the control of Hammerfell, while Dragonstar East was controlled by Skyrim. An atmosphere of deep mutual distrust prevailed between the two sides. The city had an arena pit, a prison and guild halls for the Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild. Shadow Gates could also be found in the city.

The occupation persisted after the end of the war, and by 3E 432 the situation remained unchanged.

Dragonstar Arena

Dragonstar Arena (known in the past by many other names, including Skyrim Arena and Valenwood Arena) is an inter-planar arena complex devoted to Boethiah. Although the entrance is located in a fixed position in Tamriel, portals within transport combatants to all manner of environments before ultimately ending up within Boethiah's realm of Oblivion. The arena is an ancient Nordic ruin, but the entrance regularly changes location whenever competition in the area begins to falter.

It is unknown how long the arena has been in existence for, although based on the small number of recorded champions it seems to have been established in the mid-Second Era. To become a champion of the arena, teams needed to reach the tenth round and defeat the previous champion. The first champion was Faithful Adrasa, who was bested by Biiri the Beautiful when the complex was known as the Valenwood Arena. The arena entrance later moved from Valenwood to Skyrim, where it was dominated by the fourth champion, Holgstad the Horrible.

In 2E 582 it moved again, from Skyrim to the Upper Craglorn region of Hammerfell, high in the Dragontail Mountains. It was renamed the Dragonstar Arena, after the city of Dragonstar to the south. The arena's true nature was not made public, and combatants, spectators and merchants all flocked to the ruins. Notable participants include Fighters Guild and Mages Guild members, Nords from Skyrim, Reachmen, House Dres slavers, Green Pact Bosmer, werewolves, and vampires. An Imperial Legion even entered into the arena, with plans to neutralise the region's strongest warriors so that the Empire could retake Craglorn. The Mages Guild team was enslaved after falling in battle, and forced to fight alongside Dwemer Animunculi. All manner of beasts were similarly employed in the arena, including undead Anka-Ra warriors and victims of Corprus. Boethiah's Daedric servants also took part, such as Bloodwraith Dremora and Daedric Titans. The sixth champion of the arena, a Dunmer named Hiath the Battlemaster, was defeated by the Soulless One.

Dragontail Mountains

The Dragontail Mountains are a mountain range in northern Hammerfell. They contain the Upper Craglorn region and then curve to the southwest, towards the Fallen Wastes and the Iliac Bay.

The Dragontail Mountains are inhabited mostly by the Redguards and the Orcs, but were also inhabited by the Nedes and the goblins in the past. In the First Era, the goblins of the Dragontail Mountains, led by Warchief Mahgzoor Rockhand, marched through the Fallen Wastes and attacked the great Redguard city of Ojwambu. Even though they seemed numberless, the invasion was eventually repelled thanks to the efforts of the Redguard hero Derik Hallin, who died in the final battle. The city of Ojwambu was then renamed Hallin's Stand after him.. The mountains were also inhabited by the Dwemer, who dwelled in their underground cities such as Mzeneldt.

The Valley of Blades, an ancient training site for the Redguard warriors, was located in the Dragontail Mountains. In 2E 582, it was heavily damaged in an attack of Mannimarco's minions. In the same year, the Upper Craglorn region in the northeastern part of the mountains fell under the influence of the Celestial Serpent.

The Empress Kintyra Septim II crossed the Dragontail Mountains with an army during her ill-fated attempt to crush her aunt, the Wolf Queen Potema, during the War of the Red Diamond. In the late Third Era, before the Warp in the West, the Dragontail Mountains were considered a political entity, whose capital was the city of Dragontail. During that time, Mannimarco's headquarters, Scourg Barrow, was located in the region. During the War of the Bend'r-mahk, parts of Upper Craglorn, along with half of the city of Dragonstar, fell under the control of Skyrim.

Legends say that Diagna, the Orichalc God of the Sideways Blade, resides within the mountains. The Scenarist Guild is based out of a citadel nestled high in the mountain range, protected from trespassers by a magical barrier.


Drakelowe is a settlement located along the Reed River in the Nibenay Basin of Cyrodiil.

During the Alliance War of 2E 582, Drakelowe Keep was an expansive and strategically important fortress located on the western bank of the river. It had its own farm, mine and lumbermill, and was heavily fortified. It was initially located within the territory held by the Ebonheart Pact, although the keep changed hands many times over the course of the war. By 3E 433, nothing remained of the keep. Drakelowe consisted of a small farmhouse on the east bank, inhabited by an ex-member of the Glenmoril Wyrd named Melisande.

Druadach Mountains

The Druadach Mountains are a mountain range which separate western Skyrim and eastern High Rock and Hammerfell. The misty peaks tower over Markarth and Karthwasten in the Reach, though they gradually diminish closer to Haafingar and Solitude. The range curves around the Karth River, and nearly stretches into Falkreath Hold. The mountains border the High Rock regions of Wrothgar and Bangkorai to the east. The Forgotten Vale, an enormous glacial valley, is located deep within the Druadach Mountains, on the border between Skyrim and High Rock.

Since the First Era, the Reachmen have been taking advantage of the cliffs, caves, and rugged terrain of the Druadach Mountains in guerrilla warfare campaigns against invading armies. They are home to many ancient ruins, fortresses, and Orc strongholds.


Dunbarrow was a small town on the northern coast of Skyrim. It was the birthplace of Captain Torradan ap Dugal and the namesake of Dunbarrow Cove in Anvil. By 4E 201, nothing remained of the settlement.


Dune is a city in Anequina in northwestern Elsweyr, near the border with Valenwood.

Dune was attacked by the forces of Molag Bal twice during his attempted Planemeld. The first time was in 2E 581, when a Dark Anchor was opened outside the city. Daedra and undead swarmed the battlements, but the invaders were defeated with the help of a group of hunters from the Fighters Guild, who had seen the events unfold in a dream. In 2E 582, Molag Bal's forces returned under the guidance of Javad Tharn. Hoping to ally himself with the dro-m'Athra and destroy the Mane, Javad opened portals throughout the city and unleashed a Dark Anchor inside the derelict shrine of Lorkhaj at the temple of the Two Moons Path. However, the Soulless One succeeded in driving back the Daedra and defeating Javad, allowing a new Mane to be chosen and saving the first Aldmeri Dominion from destruction.

Dunmeth Pass

Desfiladeiro Dunmeth é a principal passagem e uma das poucas estradas viajáveis que levam pelas Montanhas Velothi entre noroeste de Morrowind e o leste de Arcéu. No lado de Morrowind é encontrada próxima a cidade de Luz Negra e em Arcéu emerge das montanhas próximas a Ventúria. Serviu históricamente como uma importante avenida de comércio para Ventúria, mas o tráfego diminuiu consideravelmente desde o Ano Vermelho.


Dusk is a city on the southeastern shore of Summerset Isle.


Dwynnen was a barony on the southern coast of High Rock, in the Iliac Bay. It existed in the late First Era, as well as in the late Third Era. It shared borders with Anticlere and Urvaius in the south, Phrygias to the west and north, Bhoriane and Kambria to the east, and the Wrothgarian Mountains to the north. Its capital was the city of Dwynnen. According to legend, the province was created shortly after the man who would become the first Baron Othrok emerged from the wilderness and defeated the lich of Castle Wightmoor and its undead force. The Battle of Wightmoor is believed to have taken place in in 3E 253, and is celebrated by the people of the barony every 5th of Suns Dawn.
