Online:Ebonheart Pact
The Ebonheart Pact is one of the three joinable factions participating in the Alliance War, the other two being the Daggerfall Covenant and the Aldmeri Dominion. The crest of the Ebonheart Pact is a dragon, and its colors are red and black. It consists of the Dunmer of Morrowind, the Nords of Skyrim and the Argonians of Black Marsh. The alliance was reluctantly formed out of necessity; despite the three races' ancestral hatred for each other, they recognized the threat posed by their unified enemies, both at home and from across the sea, and banded together to protect their borders and freedom. Led by Jorunn the Skald-King, who presides over the Great Moot in the Pact's capital of Mournhold, the alliance seeks to defeat the corrupt Empire and preserve the independence of its homelands. Pact players will begin in the city of Davon's Watch in Stonefalls, after being washed up unconscious on the shores of Bleakrock Isle following their escape from Molag Bal's realm of Coldharbour. They will have the option to visit Bleakrock Isle to find the person who rescued them from the sea.
The Great Houses hold a lot of power in Morrowind. All but House Telvanni agreed to join the Pact, and have now become somewhat estranged from the other houses because of it. Black Marsh has no monarchy, but certain Saxhleel tribes joined the Pact to protect their interests. Under the terms of the Alliance, Dunmer were allowed to keep all non-Argonian slaves, with Khajiit being the most common race currently enslaved. All Argonian slaves were released.
For historical information, see the lore article.
The Ebonheart Pact's home territory covers Eastern Skyrim and the traditional provinces of Morrowind and Black Marsh.
Bal Foyen — A small coastal zone neighboring Stonefalls in Morrowind.
Bleakrock Isle — A small, barren island in the sea northeast of Morrowind, just to the south of Solstheim.
Deshaan — A region in southern Morrowind.
Eastmarch — The easternmost hold in Skyrim.
The Rift — The southeastern hold of Skyrim.
Shadowfen — The northwestern region of Black Marsh.
Stonefalls — A zone in central Morrowind.
The Pact also have a territorial claim over the eastern and northeastern parts of Cyrodiil.
Cyrodiil — The central province of Tamriel and home of the Imperials, who stand alone in the Alliance War.
Ebonheart Territory — The northeastern region of Cyrodiil.
Quests with this marker are required for Cadwell's Almanac. For a full list of Almanac objectives, including any required side quests, please see Cadwell's Almanac: Ebonheart Pact.
Bleakrock Isle and Bal Foyen
These quests are given by Captain Rana, and take place on the island of Bleakrock Isle.
- A Beginning at Bleakrock: Travel to Bleakrock Isle to help those who saved you from the sea.
- Hozzin's Folly: Investigate a bandit camp near an abandoned mine once used for Daedra worship.
- The Frozen Man: Save a villager from the clutches of an insane ghost.
- What Waits Beneath: Defeat the necromancer in Skyshroud Barrow.
- The Missing of Bleakrock: Scour the island for villagers to prepare for evacuation.
- Sparking the Flame: Fight your way to the signal fire to warn the mainland of the attack by the Daggerfall Covenant.
- Escape from Bleakrock: Use an ancient tomb to escape from the attacking Covenant forces.
These quests, also initiated by Captain Rana, take place in Bal Foyen.
- If By Sea: Warn Davon's Watch of an impending attack.
- Crossroads: Choose who you will help with the defense of Bal Foyen.
- Breaking the Tide: Defend the docks from the Covenant.
- Zeren in Peril: Protect Fort Zeren from the Covenant.
- Warning Davon's Watch: Warn Davon's Watch about the Covenant attack.
These quests take place in the city of Davon's Watch.
Legacy of the Ancestors: Help retrieve a component to defend Davon's Watch.
Delaying the Daggers: Disrupt a Covenant siege of Davon's Watch.
City Under Siege: Protect Tanval as he performs the ritual.
- Quiet the Ringing Bell: Head to the heart of Daen Seeth to return the juggernaut to its cage.
These quests take place around Ash Mountain.
- Mystery of Othrenis: Seek out an Argonian scout at Othrenis.
Wake the Dead: Wake a powerful mage to help contain Balreth.
Rending Flames: Retrieve Mavos' personal effects to view a vision of the past.
- To Ash Mountain: Help the Pact troops at Ash Mountain.
Restoring the Guardians: Restore the two guardians of Balreth.
The Death of Balreth: Defeat Balreth and end his threat forever.
These quests take place in Vivec's Antlers.
- In With the Tide: Investigate reports of an invasion force washing up on the shores of Zabamat.
The Coral Heart: Stop the Covenant from exploiting a powerful artifact.
- To Fort Virak: Assist the Pact troops at Fort Virak.
These quests take place at Fort Virak.
Breaking Fort Virak: Help liberate Fort Virak from the Covenant forces.
Evening the Odds: Help the Pact troops get inside Fort Virak's courtyard.
The General's Demise: Put an end to the Covenant invasion of Stonefalls.
These quests take place around Kragenmoor and the Tormented Spire.
- City at the Spire: Stop the second Brother of Strife from being released in Varanis.
Aggressive Negotiations: Find out what the Indoril Grandmaster wanted in Kragenmoor.
Saving the Son: Rescue the missing son of the Dres Grandmaster.
- To the Tormented Spire: Start your ascent of the Tormented Spire.
Climbing the Spire: Make your way to the top of the Tormented Spire.
Opening the Portal: Gain access to Sadal's prison.
Sadal's Final Defeat: Rebind Sadal and end the threat to Stonefalls.
These quests take place in Quarantine Serk in Deshaan.
- A Letter for Deshaan: Deliver a letter to a refugee's cousin in Deshaan.
- Bad Medicine: Discover the source of the Llodos Plague.
- Proprietary Formula: Collect samples of the Maulborn curative.
- Quest For the Cure: Create a real cure for the Llodos Plague.
- The Llodos Plague: Alert the Narsis guard to the Maulborn plot.
These quests are given by House Hlaalu and the Narsis guard.
- For Their Own Protection: Investigate the disappearances in Narsis.
- Unwanted Guests: Help House Hlaalu prepare to seal the town.
- Fighting Back: Find the location of a secret meeting place.
- Ratting Them Out: Disrupt a meeting of agitated citizens.
- A Timely Matter: Get weapons for townsfolks.
- Hiding in Plain Sight: Help rescue the missing Narsis villagers.
- Tracking the Plague: Track the Llodos Plague across Redolent Loam.
These quests take place in the Obsidian Gorge.
Death Trap: Find out what's happening in the Obsidian Gorge.
Payback: Infect the Maulborn with their own plague.
Plague Bringer: Locate and defeat the creator of the Llodos Plague.
- Message to Mournhold: Take a report of the events at Obsidian Gorge to the Ordinators of Mournhold.
These quests take place in Mournhold.
A Favor Returned: Register your presence in the Ebonheart Pact's capital.
The Mournhold Underground: Investigate the Mournhold Sewers for signs of the Maulborn.
The Seal of Three: Prevent the Maulborn from completing their scheme against the Tribunal.
These quests take place in Selfora.
- Chasing the Magistrix: Pursue Magistrix Vox into Siltreen.
- Restless Spirits: Escort a wounded citizen to safety.
- Rescue and Revenge: Rescue the trapped citizens of Selfora.
These quests take place at the Shrine of Saint Veloth and the nearby Eidolon's Hollow.
A Saint Asunder: Restore and cleanse the Shrine of Saint Veloth.
- Healing Hearts: Deliver some Daedra hearts to a healer at Eidolon's Hollow.
Into the Mouth of Madness: Lower the wards to enter Vox's lair.
Motive for Heresy: Learn about Vox's past.
The Judgment of Veloth: Confront Magistrix Vox and end her plot.
- Onward to Shadowfen: Head to Shadowfen to help out the Stormhold vicecanon.
These quests are given by the vicecanons of Stormhold and take place across Shadowfen.
Three Tender Souls: Solve a series of crimes in Stormhold.
Getting to the Truth: Find the missing vicecanon.
- Scouring the Mire: Investigate suspicious Dominion activity in Reticulated Spine.
Trail of the Skin-Stealer: Prepare to fight the Dominion near a Daedric ruin.
The Skin-Stealer's Lair: Defeat the Skin-Stealer impostor.
- Cracking the Egg: Travel to the Hatching Pools to learn more about the Mnemic Egg.
Keepers of the Shell: Save a generation of Argonians from the Dominion.
- The Mnemic Egg: Follow the Mnemic Egg into the Venomous Fens.
The Dominion's Alchemist: Find the Dominion's alchemist.
The Dream of the Hist: Defeat the alchemist and recover the Mnemic Egg.
These quests are given by Thane Mera Stormcloak and take place in Windhelm.
- Swamp to Snow: Escort the Vicecanon and the Mnemic Egg to Windhelm.
Shadows Over Windhelm: Investigate the reappearance of a Nord clan.
The Konunleikar: Represent Windhelm in the Footrace of the Nine Holds.
Windhelm's Champion: Find the assassins.
One Victor, One King: Stop assassins from killing the Skald-King.
- Sounds of Alarm: Find out what is happening at Fort Morvunskar.
These quests take place at Fort Morvunskar.
- Blindsided: Help rescue captured Pact soldiers.
- Sleep for the Dead: Return ancient relics to their rightful place.
- Victory at Morvunskar: Let the royal guard know about your victory.
These quests take place around Fort Amol.
Sleeping on the Job: Help locate a missing royal guardsman.
The Pride of a Prince: Convince the Nords, Dunmer and Argonians to act on your information.
The War Council: Stop the Stormfists infiltrating the king's court.
These quests take place across the Frostwater Tundra.
- Lifeline: Search the Frostwater Tundra for the components for the Ternion's ritual.
- Our Poor Town: Help save an Argonian who was injured in a troll attack.
A Right to Live: Make a cure for vampirism for a young Argonian.
The Better of Two Evils: Choose to aid either Valeric's coven or Majorn's bloodfiends.
Eternal Slumber: Help the Dreamwalker and the Ternion monks save the sleeping king.
Gods Save the King: Rescue the king from his nightmares.
- Of Councils and Kings: Report to Jorunn's Stand.
These quests take place in and around Jorunn's Stand and Skuldafn.
Making Amends: Help the prince make amends for his behavior.
A Council of Thanes: Convince the thanes of Eastmarch to attend the war council.
- Sneak Peak: Locate a secret pass into the Icewind Peaks.
Snow and Flame: Cause enough chaos at Skuldafn to keep the Stormfist Brigade occupied.
Songs of Sovngarde: Enter Sovngarde and stop Fildgor's plot.
The Rift
These quests take place at Shor's Stone.
- Beneath the Stone: Rout the Boneshaper Reachmen from the Shor's Stone mine.
- Unearthed: Discover an ancient enemy buried in Shor's Stone Mine.
- Storming the Hall: Help retake an ancient site.
- The Rise of Sage Svari: Help a skald become a sage.
These quests take place at Vernim Woods.
- To Vernim Woods: Assist the Pact at Vernim Woods.
Dangerous Union: Discover why the Worm Cultists are working with the Reachmen.
Gift of the Worm: Assist Belron's research of the Worm Cultists.
Through the Shroud: End the threat of the Reachmen at Vernim Woods.
These quests take place at Nimalten.
- To Nimalten: Warn the Ragged Hills of impending danger.
- Concealed Weapons: Help investigate an assault on a thane by their housecarl.
These quests take place at Pinepeak Cavern.
- Pinepeak Caverns: Investigate a report of a Worm Cult ambush at the Cavern.
Tomb Beneath the Mountain: Release the Companion spirit from the Worm Cult's control. and Research Subject: Help rescue a researcher's colleague.
These quests take place at Taarengrav.
- To Taarengrav: Travel to Taarengrav to protect another of Ysgramor's companions.
The Shackled Guardian: Prevent the Worm Cult from binding the Companion's spirit at the dragon burial mound.
These quests take place at Honrich Tower.
Shattered Hopes: Turn the tide in the Pact's war against the Worm Cult.
These quests take place at Riften.
- A Giant in Smokefrost Peaks: Track the giant Sinmur into Smokefrost Peaks.
- In His Wake: Help Riften recover from the giant attack.
- Pulled Under: Investigate rumors of a suspicious disappearance.
These quests take place at Trolhetta.
- To the King: Prepare to defeat the Worm Cult at Trolhetta.
Securing the Pass: Clear the way for the Pact's army.
Worm Cult Summoner: Defeat the Worm Cult Spirit Healer at Trolhetta.
Stomping Sinmur: Use the fragments of Wuuthrad to banish Sinmur's spirit.
- To Coldharbour
- Messages Across Tamriel: Help the Great Mage set up an All-Banners meeting in a neutral location.
- The Weight of Three Crowns: Convince all three alliances to invade Coldharbour.
"The alliance between our races was born in dark times, when Nord, Dunmer and free Argonians fought as one to repel the invasion of the Akaviri slavemasters. Our greatest strength is the adversity we have overcome. Our resolve is glacial, our might is forged in fire, and our courage, cultivated by the beasts of the jungle. We are Ebonheart. We are as one. And by this, our victory is assured." —Jorunn the Skald-King
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