Online:Thieves Guild

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[[File:{{{icon}}}|Thieves Guild|{{{iconSize}}}px|link=Online:Thieves Guild (DLC)]]

Este artigo é sobre the faction. Para the Thieves Guild DLC pack, veja Thieves Guild (DLC).

The Thieves Guild is a criminal organization consisting of rogues and thieves found all over Tamriel. It is the subject of the Thieves Guild DLC. Joining the guild provides access to an exclusive skill line.

The guild is based in the city of Abah's Landing, found in Hew's Bane on the southern coast of Hammerfell.

Like with the Fighters and Mages Guilds, progress through the Thieves Guild skill line is achieved by gaining reputation. This can be done by completing faction-related DLC content. Losing access to the DLC will disable this progression, but all earned skills will still be unlockable and usable. There are 12 ranks of reputation within the guild.



Larceny Quests

Guild Jobs
Rye's Reacquisitons

Skill Perks

The Thieves Guild skill line consists exclusively of passive abilities meant to assist you in your criminal pursuits.

Passive Abilities

Name Line Rank Skill Rank Description
ON-icon-skill-Thieves Guild-Finders Keepers.png
Finders Keepers 1
Thieves Troves are caches that are located all over Tamriel. They can only be opened by members of the Thieves Guild.
ON-icon-skill-Thieves Guild-Swiftly Forgotten.png
Swiftly Forgotten 2
Bounty is decreased by 39 after 3 minutes.
Heat is decreased by 31 after 3 seconds.
Bounty is decreased by 69 after 3 minutes.
Heat is decreased by 46 after 3 seconds.
Bounty is decreased by 92 after 3 minutes.
Heat is decreased by 55 after 3 seconds.
Bounty is decreased by 115 after 3 minutes.
Heat is decreased by 64 after 3 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Thieves Guild-Haggling.png
Haggling 3
Stolen items sold at a fence are worth 2% more. Does not apply to Laundering.
Stolen items sold at a fence are worth 4% more. Does not apply to Laundering.
Stolen items sold at a fence are worth 6% more. Does not apply to Laundering.
Stolen items sold at a fence are worth 8% more. Does not apply to Laundering.
ON-icon-skill-Thieves Guild-Clemency.png
Clemency 4
When a guard accosts you, you may use Clemency once per day. If used, the Guard will not arrest you or take your money and stolen goods. Additionally, Guards will not attempt to accost you for 1 minute after you use Clemency unless you commit other crimes.
ON-icon-skill-Thieves Guild-Timely Escape.png
Timely Escape 7
When you have bounty and are in combat, you have a chance to spot a "Footpad" in a town with a Refuge. Interacting with the Footpad will transport the player safely into the nearest Refuge.
ON-icon-skill-Thieves Guild-Veil of Shadows.png
Veil of Shadows 10
Decreases detection range of Witnesses and Guards by 10%. Witnesses are thus less likely to notice crimes, while Guards won't challenge until they get closer.

Kari's Hit List

Kari's Hit List contains a number of legendary treasures that can be stolen and put on display in the Thieves Den.

To find these items, you have to go to each region and look for an item which is hinted at in the clue for that zone. The following are the corresponding items and locations of each thing to obtain. The items that you are looking for are unique Treasures and are listed as a Relic treasure type. They will stand out from other treasure items, as the title is in gold.

These items cannot be laundered, and if you are caught by the guard and turn over stolen goods, these items will be taken from your inventory and replaced at the original location.

Zone Item Exact Location
Alik'r Desert Divad Hunding's Dribble Bowl Atop the reception desk on the ground floor of the Sisters of the Sands Inn in Sentinel
Auridon Coronation Decanter of Prince Naemon The ground floor of Skywatch Manor
Bangkorai Yokeda Sesnit's Paperweights A bedroom on the second floor of the Anchor's Point Inn in Evermore
Deshaan King Dumac's Royal Latrine Cloth Roll The room behind a shrine room inside the City Center of Mournhold
Eastmarch King Jorunn's Automatic Cheesewheel Vivisector Mages Guild in Windhelm
Glenumbra Raven Direnni's Inflammable Rug Inside the Storage Chest along the wall of the kitchen of Daggerfall Castle
Grahtwood Burial Mannequin of Calathor Camoran Inside the Altmer Embassy in Elden Root
Greenshade Treethane Niriel's "Living Plant-Wear" Book Set The upper floor of the Mages Guild in Marbruk
Hew's Bane Prince Hubalajad's Trash Urn In a corner inside the Bank of Abah's Landing in Abah's Landing
Malabal Tor Tuneless Harp of Fiirgarion the Bard The first floor of the Mages Guild in Velyn Harbor
Reaper's March Hairball Spittoon of Darloc Brae The ground floor of the Mages Guild in Rawl'kha
The Rift Ysgramor's Sload-Skin Wine Sack The upper floor of Fighters Guild in Riften
Rivenspire Princess Rayelle's Half-Hearted Love Letters In an Ancient Chest in a ground floor room of the Shornhelm Fighters Guild. Enter the guild and turn right; it is the first room on the right.
Shadowfen Shaman Chirah's Devotion Shovel The smaller Hist tree in Stormhold
Stonefalls Akaviri Armistice Banquet Tray In the basement of the The Hissing Guar in Kragenmoor
Stormhaven King Farangel's Unpublished Ode to Wayrest Sitting on a table on the left side of the room in the Wayrest Mages Guild Hall


All guilds use reputation for leveling purposes. Thieves Guild Predefinição:ESO Reputation Reputation is earned by completing various quests and jobs for the guild. Most quests reward Predefinição:ESO Reputation, while the smallest Tip Board jobs reward Predefinição:ESO Reputation and the largest heists can reward up to Predefinição:ESO Reputation if completed within the optional time limit.

Rank Reputation Required
for Next Rank
Total Reputation
for Rank
1 10 0
2 25 10
3 30 35
4 30 65
5 35 95
6 40 130
7 40 170
8 40 210
9 50 250
10 75 300
11 100 375
12 - 475


  • For historical information on the Thieves Guild, see the lore article.

See Also

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