Os Nords são os filhos do céu, uma raça de humanos altos e de cabelos claros de Arcéu, e são conhecidos pela incrível resistência ao frio e gelo mágico. São guerreiros ferozes, fortes e entusiasmados, e muitos se tornam renomados guerreiros, soldados e mercenários por toda Tamriel. Ansiosos por aumentar as habilidades marciais além dos métodos tradicionais de Arcéu, eles ficam bons em todas as formas de guerra, e são conhecidos por seus vizinhos por serem combatentes. Nords também são marujos naturais, e são beneficiados pelo comércio marinho desde suas primeiras migrações de Atmora. Eles compõem e comandam muitas embarcações mercantis, e podem ser encontrados por todas as costas de Tamriel.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Skill Perks
Nords have an associated skill line that complements their lore-based abilities, with a focus on their reputation as skilled warriors and their resistance to the cold. Known abilities are listed below.
- Notes
- The numbers displayed here are the base values for the skills. Magicka/Stamina Cost is based on a character of Level 4, wherein each additional level increases the Magicka/Stamina Cost by 10% of this value. Damage values are based on Max Magicka/Stamina 1000, and Weapon/Spell Damage 0. The actual numbers you see in the game may depend on a variety of factors, including skill line rank, your equipped weapons and armor, other skills, enchantments, etc. As such, they should only be used as a comparative reference.
Passive Abilities
Name | Rank Required | Upgrades Available | Description | |
Two Handed Weapon Expertise | 1 | 0 | Increases XP gain with the Two Handed Weapon skill line 15% faster | |
Robust | 5 | 3 | Increases health regen while in combat by 10/20/30% | |
Resist Frost | 10 | 3 | Increases cold resistance by 10/20/30 Increases maximum health by 3/6/9% |
Rugged | 25 | 3 | Decrease incoming damage by 2/4/6% |