Online:Pinepeak Cavern

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Quest Hub:
Pinepeak Cavern
(view on map)
Ebonheart Pact
Level 40
Discovery 436 XP
Completion Objective
2905 XP
Ragged HillsThe Rift
In the northwest of the Rift
This deep, many-chambered natural cavern has been used by refugees as a sanctuary many times over the centuries. Some of the local Nords say it's quite safe, but others refuse to enter for fear of being trapped by a cave-in.
Pinepeak Cavern

Pinepeak Cavern is a cave in the far northwest of the Rift.

Related Quests

  • Pinepeak Cavern Objective: Learn why the Worm Cult are at Pinepeak Cavern.
  • Research Subject: Help rescue a researcher's colleague.



A map of Pinepeak Cavern
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