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Scenarist Guild

The Scenarist Guild is an ancient guild with a presence across all of Tamriel. The Guild is for troubadours, bards and minstrels; guild members are called Scenarists. The guild has a presence in every significant city across the provinces, but it is based in a citadel nestled in the Dragontail Mountains, which is protected from trespassers by a magical barrier. The guild was ruled with an iron fist by Nesmyt in the late Third Era, although it had existed for hundreds of years before he took command.

The guild offers guided tours in the cities, and helps people traverse the provinces physically, interactively, spiritually and historically. It also answers riddles and puzzles. The notes and observations made by the Scenarists have been compiled into a thousand impressive volumes. A neutral guild member not associated with any geographic entity acts as an observer, keeping others' accounts honest and free from inborn or regional bias. In 3E 370, Nesmyt created a sect of Imperial scribes who were charged with recording all historical events, beginning with the defeat of Jagar Tharn in 3E 399. Smuggled out by an anonymous renegade guild member, the book, now known as The Daggerfall Chronicles, was hidden in a shrine to the Oracle. The guild possesses a Monster Watch Grid, which was used to locate the thousands of dark minions which were released by the Underking in the events leading up to the Warp in the West.

School of Julianos

The Schools of Julianos are the temples dedicated to Julianos. Because Julianos is the god of wisdom, his temples are organized like academies. The Schools of Julianos are among the most knowledgeable research institutions in Tamriel, probably second only to the Mages Guild. The Knights Mentor comprise the military wing of the schools.


Selenu is one of the vampire bloodlines of the Iliac Bay area.

Shad Astula

Shad Astula Academy was a school of magic in Morrowind, located near the city of Mournhold. Although focused primarily on the arcane arts, its students were also educated in writing, leadership, and military strategy in preparation for assuming leadership roles in the Ebonheart Pact during the Alliance War. The entrance requirements and curriculum were infamously rigorous, but resulted in high-quality graduates produced in half the time of a traditional Mages Guild education. The academy was built on the foundations of much older buildings, and some of the underhalls, such as the library vaults, were still in use during the Second Era.

Students at Shad Astula learned from master mages in a highly permissive and experimental environment, designed to weed out the weak and rapidly enhance the skills of the strong. The curriculum divided the magical arts into schools, such as Restoration and Illusion, which was a novel approach at the time that would quickly be adopted by the Mages Guild.

In 2E 582, Shad Astula was under the leadership of Arch-Mage Valeyn when it was attacked by the Maulborn during an attempted takeover.

Shadow Legion

The Shadow Legion is a division of the Imperial Legion consisting of the Imperial Battlemages. It serves in the Imperial Guard, but had close ties to the Mages Guild before its dissolution. The Guild had the authority to send battlemages onto the field, often to deal with violent rogue mages, but the battlemages ultimately obeyed the orders of their superiors in the Legion.

The original Imperial Battlemages were an elite unit separate from the Legions, founded during the early days of the Alessian Empire when the distinction between mage and warrior was more pronounced. In time, the idea of a "battlemage" became less novel, and Imperial Battlemages began to serve alongside the regular Legions as spellcasters. During the Reman Dynasty, the Imperial Battlemages were further exalted with the creation of the 'Imperial Battlemage' title, a prestigious position traditionally granted to the unit's leader. Not to be confused with members of the Shadow Legion, these Imperial Battlemages serve on the Elder Council and advise the Emperor. Several historic figures have held the title, including Abnur Tharn, Zurin Arctus, and Jagar Tharn.

The Shadow Legion were once trained in the Battlespire, a battlemage academy located in a thin slipstream between Oblivion and Mundus, which was used as a testing facility. Apprentices were sent here to prove themselves. During the Imperial Simulacrum, the Battlespire was invaded by the forces of Mehrunes Dagon, who killed nearly all battlemages stationed there. The Daedra blocked access to the Battlespire through the use of a Daedric Sigil, which prevented the Shadow Legion from entering and reclaiming the academy. Two battlemage apprentices fought their way into Oblivion and followed the retreating army, eventually banishing Dagon to the Void and causing the destruction of the Battlespire.

The Imperial Battlemages also have a presence in the Imperial City, where they are assigned to guard the Arcane University. They patrol the university grounds and occupy an Imperial watchtower there. In 3E 433, Watch Captain Hieronymus Lex briefly commandeered the Battlemages, along with many other members of the Imperial Guard, to search the Imperial City Waterfront for the Gray Fox. The Gray Fox's appearance was a lie circulated by the Thieves Guild, who used the opportunity to pull off several major heists around the unguarded city; the absence of the Imperial Battlemages allowed for the theft of Hrormir's Icestaff from the Arch-Mage's Tower, which was later returned by the Thieves Guild. The theft enraged the Mages Guild, who demanded that Lex call off his search and return the battlemages to the university grounds. That same year, the Imperial Battlemages helped the Mages Guild to catch a rogue mage along the Gold Road, and helped fight against the Order of the Black Worm.

After the destruction of the Battlespire and the dissolution of the Mages Guild, it is unknown where the Legion was based during the Fourth Era.

Shadowed Path

The Shadowed Path was a cult of necromancers devoted to Molag Bal. They established themselves in Cyrodiil in 2E 582 following the collapse of civil order brought about by the Alliance War, although they were seemingly in existence before the war.

The cult was led by Dreadlord Naucratius, and was divided into several distinct Circles controlled by ranking Diabolists. Three such Circles were sent to southern Cyrodiil in search of an ancient relic buried beneath the ground. The cult occupied Haynote Cave, Nisin Cave and Pothole Caverns in search of this artifact, which the Shadowed Path planned to use to conquer the Imperial City and all of Cyrodiil in the name of Molag Bal. Following the falling of a Dark Anchor above Bruma, the Shadowed Path took command of the Daedric invasion forces and overran the city. The cult also occupied the ruins of Nagastani in preparation for taking Blue Road Keep.

The cult attempted to create a lich at Lindai to lead them, but it was destroyed on behalf of the priests of Weynon Priory. Many of the cult's existing leaders were also killed by adventurers, and the Fighter's Guild began offering bounties to hunt down cult members after their contract with Meridia was concluded.

Specific details of the Shadowed Path's relations with Mannimarco and the Order of the Black Worm are unknown, although the Order had supplanted the Mages Guild in Cyrodiil at the time and had Imperial approval. Similar cults, such as the Withered Hand and Stonefire Cult, cropped up all across Tamriel with the support of the Empire and the Worm Cult. Following the failure of the Planemeld and Mannimarco's fall from grace, the fate of the Shadowed Path is unknown.


As Escamas Sombrias são uma ordem assassinos Argonianos originados em Pântano Negro. Argonianos nascidos sob o signo da Sombra são levados ao nascerem e oferecidos para a Irmandade Sombria onde eles são treinados nas artes da furtividade e assassinato. Qualquer Escama Sombria que sobreviva até a maioridade é aceito na Irmandade Sombria como um membro da família. Eles também podem deixar a Irmandade e retornar ao Pântano Sombrio para servir o povo Argoniano. Eles agem com impunidade lá, e alguns servem como assassinos pessoas do Rei do Pântano Negro.

Escamas Sombrias seguem os mesmos cinco princípios tradicionalmente seguidos por membros da Irmandade, embora sejam um conjunto de regras diferentes. Por exemplo, um Escama Sombria não pode matar um companheiro Escama mesmo se ele não for membro da Irmandade. Porém, quebrar um princípio da Irmandade invoca a Ira de Sithis, mas o perdão é possível se o membro da família sobreviver o encontro. Se um Escama Sombria quebra um princípio, isso é visto como uma traição e o autor será morto. Isso geralmente é executado pela Corte Real Argoniana, que enviará um assassino não afiliado para cumprir a execução.

Muitos Escamas Sombrias foram contra a formação do Pacto Coração-Ébano na Segunda Era, com alguns até se tornando traidores e fugindo de Pântano Negro. Porém, alguns Escamas Sombrias lutaram no grupo do Pacto durante a invasão do Domínio Aldmeri de Charco Sombrio em 2E 582 libertando a cidade de Turvágua.

Com o fechamento da instalação de treinamento em Arconte e a morte do último Escama Sombria vivo em 4E 201, é possível que as Escamas Sombrias tenham sido completamente aniquilados.

Silver Hand

The Silver Hand were a group of werewolf hunters. They were enemies of the Companions, as they were aware that the mercenary group's elite members are lycanthropes. Hunters affiliated with the Silver Hand were known to brandish silver swords and seek to rid Skyrim of werewolves. However, while the Silver Hand solely hunts werewolves and members of the Companions, it was evident that the group was overzealous at best, and at its worst was no better than a group of bandits, murdering unarmed civilians and torturing their captives, even those not suffering from lycanthropy. To spite the Companions, the Silver Hand also attempted to retrieve scattered pieces of Wuuthrad, the shattered axe of Ysgramor which was of great importance to them.


We are bound to this land, like a great pine with roots that run as deep as the tree is tall. - Frea, Skaal Shaman

The Skaal are an offshoot tribe of Nords living in a village in northeastern Solstheim. They are known as a trusting and hospitable people, welcoming strangers into their village without any suspicion. Their village is located to the east of the Isild River, along the Felsaad Coast just north of Lake Fjalding. The Skaal are descended from the Nords who served the Dragon Cult on Solstheim, and built tombs to honor the Dragon Priests who ruled over them. They get all that they need from the land around them and do not often accept coin in trade from travelers.

Though they are Nords by race, the Skaal embrace their own culture and religion, based around worship of the All-Maker. They believe when something dies, be it an animal or a person, the spirit of the deceased is returned to the All-Maker, who then reforms it into a new being and returns it to the mortal plane, to live out a new life, in a new body. As such, the Skaal do not view death the same way as other Nords and, as such, have not created the extensive tombs seen throughout most of Skyrim. All life is sacred to the Skaal, and they try to live in harmony with nature, impacting their environment as little as possible. They hunt deer, bear, and horker, only to the extent necessary for survival, never for enjoyment or practice, and gather their firewood from dead trees that have already fallen. The antithesis of the All-Maker is a being known as the Adversary. The Adversary has many aspects, each one of them designed to test the Skaal, to push them so that they do not become lazy and weak. One aspect of the Adversary is Thartaag, the World-Devourer, likely the Skaal's version of Alduin, the World-Eater. Legend says that Thartaag will return at the End of Seasons, and bring an end to all of creation.

Early in the third century of the Third Era, a group of Skaal left the village, hoping to return more to their roots. These Skaal were led by Hrothmund the Red, and founded Thirsk Mead Hall, a settlement on the southern shore of Lake Fjalding (though some local Nords believe the history of the hall dates back to the late Second Era). There, they lived like the Nords of old, hunting and fighting without restraint, with the mightiest warrior rising to leadership.

For more information, see the Lore article.

Society of Concerned Merchants

A mercantile co-operative which regulated trading prices in the Imperial City's Market District in the late Third Era.

Soul Shriven‎

Soul Shriven (or Soul-Shriven) are the remnants of individuals who have been enslaved by the Daedric Prince of Domination, Molag Bal. They are eternally doomed to toil in torment for the glory and amusement of the Daedric Lord.


The Spinners are Bosmeri priests and historians, who record the story of their people—past, present, and even future. Principally associated with Y'ffre, Storyteller and chief god in the Bosmeri pantheon, Spinners may serve other gods in their quest for historical knowledge. They seek to maintain all Bosmeri history, culture, and laws, usually in the form of stories or metaphors, which can be difficult to comprehend but always ultimately correct. Thus, they serve as highly-influential advisors and bards, as well as helping to enforce Y'ffre's Green Pact. The most talented among them can utterly ensnare listeners within their story as a potent illusion, casting them as a character within the tale and thus influencing their emotions. It is said that Spinners travel nowhere except when carried by others, never moving under their own power.

Stormcloak Clan

The Stormcloak Clan was a Nordic clan from Windhelm.

Circa 2E 582, Mera Stormcloak served as a thane of Windhelm, and was a trusted subject of Jorunn the Skald-King. Skegglund Stormcloak, a prestigious champion of the Fighters Guild, once served as a city guard. By far the most notable member of the clan is Ulfric Stormcloak, who inherited the title of Jarl from his father Hoag Stormcloak in 4E 183. He began the Stormcloak Rebellion in 4E 201 in order to usurp Elisif the Fair as High King and restore Talos worship. The family also owned a vineyard during the Second Era, which was known to produce extremely rare vintages on occasion.


The Stormcloaks were the main organization of rebels in Skyrim's Stormcloak Rebellion. Strongest in eastern Skyrim and based in Windhelm, they were originally founded by Ulfric Stormcloak as a private army to advance his interests. A few years later in 4E 201, after Ulfric killed High King Torygg, their ranks swelled with those who supported his call for an end to the ban on Talos worship, as well as action against the Empire and the Thalmor. The Stormcloaks claimed to be the only ones who could call themselves true Sons (or Daughters) of Skyrim, although their ranks were not strictly limited to Nords.

Stormfist Clan

The Stormfist Clan was a Nordic clan of Whiterun Tundra, known for their prowess at battle and armor crafting. Their founder and ancestor was Ogra Stormfist, the powerful matriarch who ruled the clan for nearly fifty years. The clan's involvement was pivotal in numerous conflicts, such as in the Battle of Whiterun Hold and the Massacre at Dialmarch. However, their engagement in the Siege of Windhelm during the Second Akaviri Invasion in 2E 572 ended in their downfall and isolation.

Summerset Shadows

A group of thieves from the Summerset Isles who attempted to set up shop in Windhelm around 4E 201. Much like the Thieves Guild in many regions, they forbade their thieves to murder while on a job. Of course, the Thieves Guild of Skyrim being more flexible on this injunction did not greet this incursion with pitchers of mead. On behalf of a client, they shamed the group by slaying their leader and embarrassing them, quickly bringing about an end to their organized presence in Skyrim.


The Sword-singers (or Ansei) were a group of expert Redguard warriors from Yokuda and, for a while, Hammerfell.

The origins of the singers lie in a group of desert artisans, originally recruited from among the offspring of high Yokudan families. They built a temple to the gods of war and a training hall named "The Hall of the Virtues of War" in which they could practice their combat skills and the art of forging powerful swords. In 1E 617, the emperor Randic Torn started a divide between the singers and the common people by restricting the wearing of swords to the singers.

Men joining the group were known as "Brothers of the Blade" and women as "Maidens of the Spirit Sword". Two sources suggest that new members were recruited into the order at age eleven, but is unclear whether all recruits joined at this age. Certainly, one of the most celebrated singers, Frandar Hunding, was so skilled in swordsmanship by age 14 that he could use his abilities to provide for his mother and four brothers.

The greatest of the sword-singers were known as Ansei, or "Saints of the Sword" and formed their own training schools to pass on their skills. To become an Ansei of the first rank, a sword-singer had to demonstrate an ability to form the Shehai, a sword formed out of the singer's own spirit. Higher ranks were also possible. The study of the Shehai was known as "Shehai Shen She Ru", the Way of the Spirit Sword. When formed by a high-level Ansei, the Shehai was "an unstoppable weapon of great might" and made the singer capable of astonishing feats of swordsmanship.

In around 1E 780, the Yokudan Emperor Hira became afraid of the threat he perceived from the singers and launched a campaign to wipe them out. Frandar Hunding devised a strategy he called the "Hammer and Anvil", and eventually won a decisive victory against the emperor at the foot of Hattu Mountain. The war made the singers aware that they were no longer welcome in the land, and they set sail from the port of Arch, eventually arriving in the land they named Hammerfell.

By the 2nd century of the Third Era, the Way of the Sword was still being studied but many of the ancient secrets had been almost lost, with even the most venerable masters only capable of forming insubstantial Shehai. The ways of the Ansei are still admired by other warriors.

The Syffim

The forerunner of the Fighters Guild, the Syffim was founded by the Akaviri Potentate Versidue-Shaie and his kinsman Dinieras-Ves. Although it began as an Akaviri-only organization named after the Tsaesci word for 'soldiers', it eventually opened its doors to all races. The Syffim became the Fighters Guild when it received its charter in 2E 321.


The Synod is one of the organizations formed after the dissolution of the Mages Guild at the start of the Fourth Era, the other being the College of Whispers. The two groups are rivals, and constantly strive to earn the favor of the Elder Council. The Synod played a part in defending the Imperial City from Umbriel circa 4E 40.

The Synod is headed by a Grand Council. Ranks within the Synod include Attendant and First Adjunct. One of the divisions within the Synod is the Binder's Conclave, which enchanted a focusing crystal for use at the Oculory of Mzulft. Both the College of Whispers and the Synod have attempted to form alliances with the College of Winterhold, but despite pressures the independent organization has remained neutral. In 4E 201, the Synod attempted to use the Oculory of Mzulft to locate artifacts of great magical power, but the Eye of Magnus prevented the Oculary from working correctly. The Eye was being held at the College of Winterhold at the time, which may have embittered relationships with the Synod.
