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Northwest part of Skyrim
The Haafingar hold in northwest Skyrim

Haafingar is a relatively small hold in northwest Skyrim, containing the provincial capital Solitude.

As the home of the provincial capital, Haafingar is the center of Imperial rule in Skyrim. It only becomes Stormcloak-run if the player joins the Stormcloaks and completes the entire quest line, including both The Battle for Fort Hraggstad and the Battle for Solitude.

Haafingar is dominated by a large ridge that runs the length of the hold. Pine forests and meadows cover the southern slopes down to the Karth River, while the north side is colder, and dominated by mountains and frozen coastline. Solitude itself sits on a massive natural archway that extends over the mouth of the Karth from the eastern spur of the ridge.


Haafingar's coastline is ideal for the growth of nordic barnacles and clams in the water and canis root and spiky grass at land. Near Solitude, fishing can be enjoyed around Solitude Sawmill where dragonflies play over the water. Inside the capital a fair amount of nightshade plants can be noted. Mora tapinella, mountain flowers and thistles can be found by the lower parts of the hold while only snowberries and sporadic mountain flowers can be found in the snow covered tail of the Druadach Mountains.

Solitude, capital of Haafingar and Skyrim


  • All locations in Haafingar with individual map markers are listed. There are a few places without map markers listed for their significance.

Hold Capital

Farms, Towns, and Settlements including Orc Strongholds and Inns

Camps, including Giant Camps and Military Camps


* Though located well within Haafingar's borders, the location is marked as belonging to Falkreath Hold.

Ruins including Dwarven and Nordic

Towers and Forts

Standing Stones and Daedric Shrines

Landmarks, including Bodies of Water, Clearings, Ships and Shipwrecks

Haafingar Quests

All the quests that are started in or are related to the Haafingar Hold:

Main Quest

Imperial Legion Civil War Quests

Stormcloaks Civil War Quests

Daedric Quests

Dark Brotherhood

Thieves Guild

Bards College

Side Quests

Dawnguard Quests