Skyrim:Giant Camps
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
< Places
This page lists all the giant camps in Skyrim.
Bleakwind Basin — A giant camp that is home to two giants and three mammoths. (map)
Blizzard Rest — A giant camp approximately halfway between Dawnstar and Whiterun. (map)
Broken Limb Camp — A small giant camp on the edge of the hot springs in Eastmarch near the bank of the White River. (map)
Cradlecrush Rock — A small giant camp containing only one giant. (map)
Guldun Rock — A giant camp located near the base of the Throat of the World. (map)
Red Road Pass — A giant camp south-southwest of Dawnstar and due north of the Hall of the Vigilant. (map)
Secunda's Kiss — A giant camp southwest of Whiterun. (map)
Sleeping Tree Camp — A small giant camp where the Sleeping Tree is located. (map)
Steamcrag Camp — A giant camp south of Windhelm and east of Bonestrewn Crest. (map)
Stonehill Bluff — A giant camp located northeast of Volunruud and due west of the Tower of Mzark. (map)
Talking Stone Camp — A giant's camp along the River Hjaal. (map)
Tumble Arch Pass — A giant camp located east of Korvanjund and due north of Shearpoint. (map)