Skyrim:Military Camps
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< Places(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Stormcloak Camps)
This page lists all the Military Camps that are established for the Skyrim civil war. Military Forts are listed separately.
Imperial Camps
Eastmarch Imperial Camp — A small Imperial camp in the hills of Eastmarch, southeast of Windhelm. (map)
Falkreath Imperial Camp — A small Imperial camp on the northwest tip of Falkreath Hold, due east of Glenmoril Coven and north of Knifepoint Ridge. (map)
Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Hjaalmarch, located south of Ustengrav. (map)
Pale Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp west of Dawnstar. (map)
Reach Imperial Camp — A small Imperial camp situated in the Reach, northeast of Markarth and west of the Shrine to Peryite and Karthwasten. (map)
Rift Imperial Camp — A small Imperial camp in the Rift, located south of Ivarstead and a short distance west-southwest of the Ruins of Bthalft. (map)
Whiterun Imperial Camp — A small Imperial camp to the east of Rorikstead. (map)
Windhelm Military Camp — An Imperial camp southeast of Windhelm. (map)
Winterhold Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp southeast of Dawnstar and north of Driftshade Refuge. (map)
Stormcloak Camps
Falkreath Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp located in the mountains of Falkreath Hold, east of Helgen. (map)
Haafingar Stormcloak Camp — A small Stormcloak camp overlooking the Karth River. (map)
Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp located east of Ustengrav and west of Mzinchaleft. (map)
Pale Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp located in the Pale, on the south shore of Lake Yorgrim, southeast of Bronze Water Cave. (map)
Reach Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp located along the Karth River in the Reach. (map)
Rift Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in the Rift, located just northeast of Sarethi Farm and south of Darkwater Crossing. (map)
Solitude Military Camp — A Stormcloak camp set up just a bit west of Katla's Farm for the attack on Solitude. (map)
Whiterun Military Camp — A Stormcloak camp set up just east of Pelagia Farm, and just west of the Honningbrew Meadery, for the battle for control of Whiterun. (map)
Whiterun Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Whiterun Hold, located south of the Ritual Stone, east of White River Watch. (map)
Winterhold Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp located northeast of Windhelm, close to the White River. (map)
- After the civil war questline has been completed, the military camps for the side that prevailed will be disbanded, and their markers will be removed from the world map. However, the local map will still show your location as "Imperial Military Camp" or "Stormcloak Military Camp", as appropriate.