Skyrim:Falkreath Imperial Camp

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SR-mapicon-Imperial Camp.png
Imperial Camp:
Falkreath Imperial Camp
(view on map)
Imperial Soldiers, Legate Skulnar
Console Location Code(s)
Falkreath Hold
Due East of Glenmoril Coven
North of Knifepoint Ridge
Overview of the entire encampment

Falkreath Imperial Camp is a small Imperial camp on the northwest tip of Falkreath Hold, due east of Glenmoril Coven and north of Knifepoint Ridge.

Falkreath Imperial Camp

This camp will only be present if the Stormcloaks hold Falkreath Hold and Falkreath, whether through martial might or via the negotiation during Season Unending.


Legate Skulnar (Commander)
Imperial Soldiers
Legate Rikke* (Commander)

* This person only resides here during the related quest.

Related Quests

Falkreath Imperial Camp

The Imperial Soldiers are camped here, under the command of Legate Skulnar, except during the related quest when Legate Rikke takes command. Like similar military camps that only exist when the hold has changed hands, it has neither a quartermaster or any horses.

The camp consists of a central campfire with the rest of the camp arranged around it. There is a cooking spit hanging over the fire with an anvil and a grindstone beside it. To the west of the campfire is the command tent containing a table covered with a tactical map of Skyrim showing the progress of the civil war. The commander will spend most of their time studying this, and in the corner is a round table. South of the campfire is the commander's sleeping quarters consisting of a single owned bed with an end table beside it and an unlocked chest at the foot of it. To the right of this tent is a workbench. The hospital tent is to the southeast and contains three bed rolls, two of which are occupied and a low table holding a random potion of healing and a random potion of health. To the left is an alchemy lab. Northeast of the campfire are a row of three small, one-man tents containing bed rolls. To the right of the first of these is an owned steel helmet. Unlike most military camps there is no wood chopping block in this camp. There are however many mountain flowers and thistles in and around the camp.

If you are allied with the Imperials you can use the one-man tents to sleep in. If however you are allied with the Stormcloaks, the occupants will warn the player to leave and eventually become hostile.
