Skyrim:Eastmarch Imperial Camp

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SR-mapicon-Imperial Camp.png
Imperial Camp:
Eastmarch Imperial Camp
(view on map)
Imperial Soldiers, Legate Hrollod, Imperial Quartermaster
Console Location Code(s)
North of Stony Creek Cave
Southeast of Mzulft
The Eastmarch Imperial Camp

Eastmarch Imperial Camp is a small Imperial camp in the hills of Eastmarch, southeast of Windhelm.

The Eastmarch Imperial Camp

The camp is populated by a commander—normally Legate Hrollod—a number of soldiers, and an Imperial quartermaster. Legate Rikke assumes command of the camp during The Battle for Fort Amol, and until the Battle for Windhelm is initiated.


Legate Hrollod (Commander)
Imperial Soldiers
Legate Rikke* (Commander)

* This person only resides here during the related quests.

Related Quests


Eastmarch Imperial Camp

If you have joined the Stormcloaks, you may be attacked by the soldiers if you remain after receiving warnings to leave, however before choosing sides, if you have started Joining the Stormcloaks and Joining the Legion quest you will be able to wander freely around the camp, trade with the quartermaster and even take some of the items found around the camp including the leveled healing potions by the hospital tent and the items inside the commander's chest.

The command tent is to the northeast of the camp and consists of a large wooden table complete with a map of Skyrim showing any progress of the civil war and the various forts and cities held by each side. There is an end table holding clutter in the eastern corner of the tent. The Legate will spend most of their time studying the map. To the left of the command tent is the commander's tent complete with a single owned bed with an end table beside it and an unlocked chest at the foot of the bed. The chest contains only minor loot.

To the left, forming the northwest side to the camp are a series of three small tents all containing unowned bedrolls for use by the regular soldiers. To the left of these is the hospital tent with an alchemy lab outside, three injured soldiers laying on bed rolls and just inside on the left is a low table holding a leveled healing potion. To the southwest is the quartermaster's tent with a long wooden table in front, between an anvil on the left, a grindstone on the right and a workbench to the left of the tent. On the table and inside the tent is a selection of iron and steel weapons and Shields. The quartermaster will normally be using one of these or stood behind the table. Further to the east are two horses that have been picketed, but mounting them is considered stealing.


  • After receiving orders for the Battle for Windhelm, the camp will be removed.


  • If you travel to the site after the camp is struck, NPCs may remain, and objects may be found seemingly floating in midair.