Oblivion:Monster Dungeons

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Monster Dungeons

Location Monsters Monster Bosses Standard Chests Healing Chests Boss Chests
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Anutwyll — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northwest of Bravil containing monsters. (map) 7-9 1 6 0 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Arrowshaft Cavern — A medium-sized cave far east of Bravil containing animals and monsters. (map) 5-30 1 14 2 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png The Beast's Maw — A medium-sized cave between Bruma and Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map) 5-6 0 2 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Bedrock Break — A small cave east of Bravil containing animals and monsters. (map) 0-15 0 5 2 0
OB-mapicon-Mine.png Bleak Mine — A small silver mine north of Anvil containing NPCs (quest-related). (map) 6 0 0 0 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Bramblepoint Cave — A medium-sized cave east of Bravil containing monsters (quest-related). (map) 20-34 1 19 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Breakneck Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Chorrol containing monsters. (map) 0-36 1 13 5 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Crayfish Cave — A large cave south of Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map) 22-37 3 33 7 2
OB-mapicon-Mine.png Deserted Mine — A medium-sized mine far east of Bravil containing bandits. (map)
(only zone Deserted Mine Caverns)
0 1 0 0 0
OB-mapicon-Mine.png Forsaken Mine — A medium-sized mine south of Leyawiin containing trolls (quest-related). (map) 9 0 7 2 0
OB-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Coldcorn — A small fort between the Imperial City and Chorrol containing monsters (quest-related). (map) 3-7 1 4 2 1
OB-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Empire — A medium-sized fort northwest of the Imperial City containing monsters. (map) 7-10 2 4 4 1
OB-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Horunn — A medium-sized fort between Bruma and Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map) 14-18 1 5 4 1
OB-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Nomore — A medium-sized fort between Bravil and Leyawiin containing monsters. (map) 10-11 1 6 4 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Fyrelight Cave — A medium-sized cave between Skingrad and Kvatch containing monsters. (map) 13-25 0 11 3 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Grayrock Cave — A medium-sized cave east-northeast of Skingrad containing monsters. (map) 16-23 0 3 3 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Greenmead Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of Skingrad containing monsters. (map) 15-28 0 20 3 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Haynote Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Skingrad containing monsters and animals. (map) 10-32 0 21 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Horn Cave — A medium-sized cave south of Imperial City containing bandits and monsters. (map) 12-16 0 10 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Hrota Cave — A small cave north of Anvil containing bandits (quest-related). (map) 7 1 0 0 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Kingscrest Cavern — A large cave north of Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map) 21-30 0 23 0 0
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Malada — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin far east of Bravil containing undead, monsters and animals (quest-related). (map)
(only zone Malada)
0-15 0 8 0 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Mingo Cave — A small cave between the Imperial City and Bravil containing monsters. (map) 5-7 0 3 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Mongrel's Tooth Cave — A small cave north of Kvatch containing monsters. (map) 8-15 0 8 0 0
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Morahame — A small Ayleid ruin east of Bravil containing monsters. (map) 7-11 0 5 0 1
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Moranda — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Bruma containing monsters (quest-related). (map) 16-27 0 6 0 2
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Nagastani — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal containing monsters and undead. (map) 9 1 4 0 1
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Narfinsel — A small Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map) 8 1 6 0 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Newt Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of Bravil containing monsters. (map) 10-12 0 15 3 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Nisin Cave — A small cave between the Imperial City and Skingrad containing monsters. (map) 5-18 0 2 2 0
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Nonungalo — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map) 15 1 11 0 2
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Nonwyll Cavern — A medium-sized cave north of Chorrol containing monsters (quest-related). (map) 13 0 12 2 0
The Old Way — A large Ayleid ruin underneath the Imperial City containing undead (quest-related). (map)
(only zone Hall of Epochs)
0 0 0 0 1
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Ondo — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin far east of Bravil containing monsters and undead. (map) 5 1 6 0 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Quickwater Cave — A medium-sized cave north of Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map) 7-9 0 3 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Red Ruby Cave — A medium-sized cave southeast of Bruma containing monsters. (map) 0-21 0 10 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Redguard Valley Cave — A small cave between Chorrol and Skingrad containing ogres (quest-related). (map) 7 1 1 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Reedstand Cave — A medium-sized cave between Bravil and Leyawiin containing monsters. (map) 7-18 1 13 0 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Robber's Glen Cave — A small cave northwest of Bravil containing imps (quest-related). (map) 12 1 10 2 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Sandstone Cavern — A medium-sized cave northeast of Kvatch containing monsters (quest-related). (map) 8-24 0 14 0 0
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Sedor — A small Ayleid ruin between Cheydinhal and Bruma containing ogres (quest-related). (map) 7 0 6 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Serpent Hollow Cave — A medium-sized cave between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map) 10-11 1 1 1 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Serpent's Trail — A small cave northeast of Bruma containing monsters and animals (quest-related). (map) 4-9 0 5 2 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Shadow's Rest Cavern — A medium-sized cave northeast of Chorrol containing monsters. (map) 8-21 0 13 0 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Shattered Scales Cave — A medium-sized cave far southeast of Bravil containing monsters. (map) 18-20 0 2 2 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Sideways Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of the Imperial City containing monsters. (map) 12-18 2 3 1 2
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Swampy Cave — A medium-sized cave southeast of Cheydinhal containing trolls (quest-related). (map) 15 0 11 2 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Tidewater Cave — A small cave southeast of Leyawiin containing trolls (quest-related). (map) 3 0 2 1 0
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Unmarked Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Bruma containing monsters. (map) 0-32 0 10 4 1
OB-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Veyond — A large Ayleid ruin northeast of Leyawiin containing trolls. (map) 21 0 16 0 2
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Veyond Cave — A large cave north of Bravil containing NPCs. (map) 0 0 13 1 1
OB-mapicon-Cave.png Wind Cave — A medium-sized cave between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map) 35 1 14 2 1

Monster Containers

Type # Alch. Equip Arrows Gems Gold Ingredients Jewelry Magic Armor Magic Ring Magic Weap Plain Armor Potion Scroll Soul Gems Staff
Monster Boss Containers
Boss Ayleid Coffer 7 10% 25% 25% 25% 10% 25% 10% 50% 2x50% 2x10% 10%
Boss Ayleid Reliquary 8 10% 25% 25% 25% 10% 25% 10% 50% 2x50% 2x10% 10%
Boss Chest 15 10% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 100% 2x100% 2x10% 10%
Monster Chests
Chest 01 114 10% 25% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5%(H), 10% 10% 10% 10%
Chest 02 163 10% 25% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5%(H), 10% 10% 10% 10%
Chest 03 114 10% 25% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5%(H), 10% 10% 10% 10%
Chest 04 77 50%(R), 100%(R)
Monster Ayleid Chests
Ayleid Cask 01 32 10% 25% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5%(H), 10% 10% 10% 10%
Ayleid Cask 02 39 10% 25% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5%(H), 10% 10% 10% 10%
Type # Alch. Equip Arrows Gems Gold Ingredients Jewelry Magic Armor Magic Ring Magic Weap Plain Armor Potion Scroll Soul Gems Staff

An explanation of what the letters in brackets mean (i.e. (C), (M), etc.) can be found on the Dungeons page, below the table.