Skyrim:Illusion Spells

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< Magic: Spells(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Muffle (spell))

This page lists Spells in the school of Illusion.

SR-icon-book-SpellTomeIllusion.png Spell Name
Skill Level Tome
Magicka Base Cost Skill XP Description and Effect Details Where to Get
SR-icon-spell-Magic Hat.png Clairvoyance
Spell ID: 00021143
Tome ID: 000ff7d1
50 25/s 0.25/s Shows the path to the current goal:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Courage
Spell ID: 0004dee8
Tome ID: 0009e2ad
46 39 39 Target won't flee for 60 seconds and gets some extra health and stamina:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Fury
Spell ID: 0004deeb
Tome ID: 0009e2ac
43 67 20 Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 30 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Calm
Spell ID: 0004dee9
Tome ID: 000a2711
91 146 36 Creatures and people up to level 9 won't fight for 30 seconds:
  • Calm, 9 pts for 30 secs
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Fear
Spell ID: 0004deea
Tome ID: 000a2712
80 153 38 Creatures and people up to level 9 flee from combat for 30 seconds:
  • Fear, 9 pts for 30 secs
SR-icon-spell-Magic Hat.png Muffle
Spell ID: 0008f3eb
Tome ID: 000a270f
88 144 144 You move more quietly for 180 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Frenzy
Spell ID: 0004deee
Tome ID: 000a2714
330 209 104 Creatures and people up to level 14 will attack anyone nearby for 60 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Frenzy RuneDB
Spell ID: xx0177b7
Tome ID: xx0177bd
310 278 278 Targets up to level 20 that fail to resist are frenzied for 30 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Rally
Spell ID: 0004deec
Tome ID: 000a2713
300 113 34 Targets won't flee for 60 seconds and get extra health and stamina:
SR-icon-spell-Invisibility.png Invisibility
Spell ID: 00027eb6
Tome ID: 000a2715
625 334 83 Caster is invisible for 30 seconds. Activating an object or attacking will break the spell:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Pacify
Spell ID: 0004deed
Tome ID: 000a2717
610 290 72 Creatures and people up to level 20 won't fight for 60 seconds:
  • Pacify, 20 pts for 60 secs in 15 ft
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Rout
Spell ID: 0004deef
Tome ID: 000a2718
653 316 79 Creatures and people up to level 20 flee from combat for 30 seconds:
  • Rout, 20 pts for 30 secs in 15 ft
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Call to Arms
Spell ID: 0007e8dd
Tome ID: 000a271b
1150 655 65/target Targets have improved combat skills, health and stamina for 10 minutes:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Harmony
Spell ID: 0007e8db
Tome ID: 000a271a
1220 1052 841/target Creatures and people up to level 25 nearby won't fight for 60 seconds:
  • Harmony, 25 pts for 60 secs in 250 ft
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Hysteria
Spell ID: 0007e8de
Tome ID: 000a271c
1240 866 216 Creatures and people up to level 25 flee from combat for 60 seconds:
  • Hysteria, 25 pts for 60 secs in 250 ft
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Mayhem
Spell ID: 0007e8da
Tome ID: 000a2719
1250 990 396 Creatures and people up to level 25 will attack anyone nearby for 60 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Vision of the Tenth Eye
Spell ID: 000b323e
Tome ID: None
N/A N/A 0 0 See what others cannot.
  • Vision of the Tenth Eye, for 30 secs

Spell Notes

  • The base cost for spells is the amount of magicka that would be necessary to cast the spell at 0 skill without any perks. The magicka cost at 100 skill is 41% less than the base cost; the cost can also be reduced via enchanted apparel and by unlocking various perks. See Spell Cost for the full magicka cost equation.
  • Skill level indicates which skill perk needs to be unlocked to decrease the spell's magicka cost. "N/A" is used for special spells whose cost is not affected by any perks.
  • The "Where to Get" column only lists guaranteed locations for obtaining the spell tomes. Most spell tomes are also available in random loot; see Spell Tome Locations for details.
  • For higher-level spell tomes to become available for purchase, your skill in the school must be high enough. Also, master-level spell tomes can only be acquired once that school's ritual spell quest has been completed.
  • All spell tomes have a weight of 1.
  • Skill XP can be modified by scripts and by the game engine itself under various circumstances. The exact XP you receive may vary from the numbers listed here.
  • Magicka cost and skill XP are rounded down, both in game and on this page. Because of this, you may find that you cannot cast a spell even though it appears you have exactly enough magicka to do so.