Skyrim:Rally (spell)

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SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Rally
School Illusion Difficulty Adept
Type Defensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Aimed Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 0004deec Editor ID Rally
Base Cost 113 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 60 sec Range 469 ft
Speed 94 ft/s Max Life ~5 sec.
Magnitude 100 Area 15 ft
Tome ID 000a2713 Tome Value 300
Appears in random loot at level 23+
Purchase from (Illusion lvl 40+)
Targets won't flee for 60 seconds and get extra health and stamina.

Rally is an adept level Illusion spell that prevents all targets within 15 ft from fleeing and grants them extra health and stamina for 60 seconds.




  • If a follower who is Protected has had their health reduced to the point where they are crawling around on the ground, this spell will get them to stand up and fight again, mainly due to the Fortify Health part. However, if their health is then reduced again, and not restored before the effect wears off, they may die, as the extra health is removed and reduces them to below 0.