Skyrim:Pacify (spell)

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Pacify
School Illusion Difficulty Expert
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Aimed Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 0004deed Editor ID Pacify
Base Cost 290 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 60 sec Range 469 ft
Speed 94 ft/s Max Life ~5 sec.
Magnitude 9 Area 15 ft
Tome ID 000a2717 Tome Value 610
Appears in random loot at level 35+
Purchase from (Illusion lvl 65+)
Creatures and people up to level 20 won't fight for 60 seconds.

Pacify is an expert level Illusion spell that causes hostile creatures and people up to level 20 to stop fighting for 60 seconds.


  • Pacify, 20 pts for 60 secs in 15 ft


Note that these perks will stack, so the overall effective values for the spell with perks are as follows:

Max Lvl
Single-cast Dual-cast
Default 20 44
Animage 28 61
Kindred Mage 30 66
Hypnotic Gaze 28 61
Animage + Hypnotic Gaze 36 79
Kindred Mage + Hypnotic Gaze 38 83