This page lists all the Delves in Elder Scrolls Online. Delves can be entered by anyone at any time, so you'll likely see other players in these locations, even if they are not in your group. Each one of these dungeons contain a Skyshard, so keep an eye out. Finding and defeating the final named enemy in each location earns you a 10 Point Achievement, and doing so in each dungeon within a zone earns you an additional 15 Point Achievement. There are usually 6 Delves in each zone (18 in Cyrodiil). Note that if you traverse the dungeon but do not take part in battle against the final boss, you will not get credit for the dungeon. If the boss has recently been killed, you may need to wait for them to respawn.
Delves in Cyrodiil behave more like Public Dungeons, in that they have a very slow respawn timer and often multiple bosses. Unlike Public Dungeons, the number of bosses which will spawn at a time is limited, usually to one boss every fifteen minutes. This is intended to reduce boss farming and allow for better PvP interaction within the delves, but for those with multiple bosses it can mean a very large time investment should the wrong boss spawn several times in a row.
Delves in Adventure Zones function differently, and are listed at Group Delves.
Aldmeri Dominion
Bewan — An elven ruin on the western coast of Auridon, just southwest of the town of Dawnbreak. (map)
Del's Claim — A mine in southern Auridon, just northwest of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
Entila's Folly — An abandoned mine in central Auridon, just southwest of the city of Skywatch. (map)
Mehrunes' Spite — A Daedric ruin in the northwestern corner of Auridon, just west of the city of Firsthold. (map)
Ondil — An Aldmeri ruin in the center of Auridon, just south of the town of Mathiisen. (map)
Wansalen — An Aldmeri ruin in northeastern Auridon, on the western edge of Quendeluun. (map)
Burroot Kwama Mine — A kwama mine located just west of Elden Root. (map)
Mobar Mine — A mine just south of Elden Root in Grahtwood. (map)
Ne Salas — An Ayleid ruin south of Elden Root and west of Haven. (map)
The Scuttle Pit — A cave in eastern Grahtwood, north of Haven and east of Elden Root. (map)
Vinedeath Cave — A cave in northeastern Grahtwood, east of Elden Root. (map)
Wormroot Depths — An Ayleid ruin in the northwest corner of Grahtwood. (map)
Barrow Trench — A mine in northwestern Greenshade, north of Moonhenge. (map)
Carac Dena — An Ayleid ruin in southern Greenshade, south of the Labyrinth. (map)
Gurzag's Mine — A mine in eastern Greenshade, south of Marbruk. (map)
Harridan's Lair — A cave in eastern Greenshade, northwest of Marbruk. (map)
Naril Nagaia — An extensive Ayleid ruin in southwestern Greenshade, east of Woodhearth. (map)
The Underroot — A cave in western Greenshade, southeast of the Seaside Sanctuary. (map)
Malabal Tor
Black Vine Ruins — A set of Ayleid ruins in northeastern Malabal Tor, west of the Baandari Trading Post. (map)
Dead Man's Drop — A mine in eastern Malabal Tor, on the shore east of Fuller's Break. (map)
Hoarvor Pit — A cave in central Malabal Tor, southwest of Vulkwasten. (map)
Roots of Silvenar — A set of caves in eastern Malabal Tor, south of Silvenar. (map)
Shael Ruins — An Ayleid ruin in southern Malabal Tor, just north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
Tomb of the Apostates — A cave in southern Malabal Tor, west of Tanglehaven. (map)
Reaper's March
Claw's Strike — A ruined Khajiiti temple in western Reaper's March, located to the north of the Do'Krin Monastery. (map)
Fardir's Folly — An Ayleid ruin in northeastern Reaper's March, north of Fort Sphinxmoth. (map)
Jode's Light — A ruined Khajiiti temple in eastern Reaper's March, west of Dune. (map)
Kuna's Delve — A mine in northern Reaper's March, south of Arenthia. (map)
Thibaut's Cairn — A crypt in central Reaper's March, east of Vinedusk Village. (map)
Weeping Wind Cave — A cave in southeastern Reaper's March, northeast of Willowgrove. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant
Alik'r Desert
Aldunz — A Dwemer ruin in the southern Alik'r Desert, east of Bergama. (map)
Coldrock Diggings — A mine in the northern Alik'r Desert, southeast of Tava's Blessing. (map)
Divad's Chagrin Mine — A mine in central Alik'r Desert, southeast of Sentinel. (map)
Sandblown Mine — A depleted copper mine in the southeastern Alik'r Desert, east of HoonDing's Watch. (map)
Santaki — A Dwemer ruin in the western Alik'r Desert, south of Sentinel. (map)
Yldzuun — A Dwemer ruin in the southeastern Alik'r Desert, southeast of Kozanset. (map)
Crypt of the Exiles — A tomb in central Bangkorai, south of the Pelin Graveyard. (map)
Klathzgar — A ruin in southeastern Bangkorai, east of Hallin's Stand and south of the Bangkorai Garrison. (map)
Rubble Butte — A ruin in western Bangkorai, north of Hallin's Stand. (map)
Torog's Spite — An old iron mine in northwestern Bangkorai, northwest of Evermore. (map)
Troll's Toothpick — A cave in northeastern Bangkorai, north of Kerbol's Hollow. (map)
Viridian Watch — A fort in eastern Bangkorai, northeast of the Bangkorai Garrison. (map)
Cryptwatch Fort — A fort just north of the Crosswych Wayshrine in Glenumbra. (map)
Ebon Crypt — A tomb west of Cath Bedraud in Glenumbra. (map)
Enduum — An Ayleid ruin on the shore west of Camlorn in Glenumbra. (map)
Ilessan Tower — A ruin just west of the Baelborne Wayshrine and east of Daggerfall in Glenumbra. (map)
Mines of Khuras — Mines on the shore east of Aldcroft, in Glenumbra. (map)
Silumm — An Ayleid ruin just north of Daggerfall in Glenumbra. (map)
Crestshade Mine — A mine in central Rivenspire, northwest of Shornhelm. (map)
Erokii Ruins — Ayleid ruins in northern Rivenspire, northeast of The Doomcrag. (map)
Flyleaf Catacombs — Tombs in southwestern Rivenspire, southwest of Crestshade. (map)
Hildune's Secret Refuge — A cave in northeastern Rivenspire, west of Northpoint. (map)
Orc's Finger Ruins — Ayleid ruins in eastern Rivenspire, northeast of Fell's Run. (map)
Tribulation Crypt — A tomb in southeastern Rivenspire, east of Hoarfrost Downs. (map)
Bearclaw Mine — A mine on the far east of Stormhaven, north-northwest of the Weeping Giant Wayshrine. (map)
Farangel's Delve — A mine on the southern shore of Stormhaven, west of Farangel's Landing. (map)
Koeglin Mine — A mine on the southwest shore of Stormhaven, southeast of Koeglin Village. (map)
Norvulk Ruins — A ruin in the north of Stormhaven, north of Wind Keep. (map)
Pariah Catacombs — A tomb just south of the Pariah Abbey in Stormhaven. (map)
Portdun Watch — A ruin just west of Firebrand Keep in Stormhaven. (map)
Ebonheart Pact
The Corpse Garden — A crypt in eastern Deshaan, north of the Tal'Deic Fortress. (map)
Knife Ear Grotto — A Daedric ruin in eastern Deshaan, northeast of the town of Silent Mire. (map)
Lady Llarel's Shelter — A kwama mine in western Deshaan, just northeast of the town of Narsis. (map)
Lower Bthanual — A Dwemer ruin in central Deshaan, just north of the monastery at Muth Gnaar. (map)
Taleon's Crag — A cave in southern Deshaan, just south of the Vale of the Ghost Snake. (map)
The Triple Circle Mine — A mine in central Deshaan, just west of the town of Selfora. (map)
The Bastard's Tomb — A tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, north-northeast of the Rift gate. (map)
The Chill Hollow — A cave in northeastern Eastmarch, east of Windhelm. (map)
The Frigid Grotto — A cave in southwestern Eastmarch, northwest of Fort Amol. (map)
Icehammer's Vault — A ruin in eastern Eastmarch, north of Cragwallow. (map)
Old Sord's Cave — A cave in southern Eastmarch, south of Wittestadr. (map)
Stormcrag Crypt — A tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, south of Jorunn's Stand. (map)
The Rift
Avanchnzel — A Dwemer ruin in the southern Rift, south of Honrich Tower. (map)
Broken Helm Hollow — A small cave in the southeastern Rift, east of Forelhost. (map)
Faldar's Tooth — A ruined fort in the central Rift, east of Honrich Tower. (map)
Fort Greenwall — A fort in the eastern Rift, north of Riften. (map)
Shroud Hearth Barrow — A tomb in the western Rift, just northeast of Ivarstead. (map)
Snapleg Cave — A cave in the northern Rift, far north-northeast of Nimalten. (map)
Atanaz Ruins — Small Argonian ruins in eastern Shadowfen, east of Alten Corimont. (map)
Broken Tusk — A Daedric ruin in eastern Shadowfen, north-northeast of the Forsaken Hamlet. (map)
Chid-Moska Ruins — Ancient Argonian ruins in southwestern Shadowfen, west of Murkwater. (map)
Gandranen Ruins — Ruins in central Shadowfen, southwest of the Hatching Pools. (map)
Onkobra Kwama Mine — A kwama mine in southeastern Shadowfen, south of Alten Corimont. (map)
Shrine of the Black Maw — An Ayleid ruin in northwestern Shadowfen, west-northwest of Stormhold. (map)
Emberflint Mine — A mine in central Stonefalls, southeast of Ebonheart. (map)
Hightide Hollow — An abandoned mine in central Stonefalls, west of Ebonheart. (map)
Inner Sea Armature — A Dwemer ruin west of Davon's Watch in Stonefalls. (map)
Mephala's Nest — A ruin in central Stonefalls, just south of Ebonheart. (map)
Sheogorath's Tongue — A Daedric ruin in western Stonefalls, north of Kragenmoor. (map)
Softloam Cavern — A cave northeast of Kragenmoor in Stonefalls. (map)
Aba-Loria — An Ayleid ruin in central Coldharbour, east of the Spurned Peak. (map)
The Cave of Trophies — A cave in central Coldharbour, just southeast of the Cliffs of Failure. (map)
The Vault of Haman Forgefire — A Nordic ruin in southeastern Coldharbour, north of the Everfull Flagon. (map)
The Grotto of Depravity — A cave in southern Coldharbour, southwest of The Hollow City. (map)
Mal Sorra's Tomb — A Dunmer tomb in central Coldharbour, southwest of The Orchard. (map)
The Wailing Maw — A cave in northeastern Coldharbour, northeast of the Lost Fleet. (map)
Bloodmayne Cave — A cave in southern Cyrodiil, just southwest of Castle Bloodmayne. (map)
Breakneck Cave — A cave in western Cyrodiil, southwest of Fort Ash. (map)
Capstone Cave — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, west-southwest of Fort Dragonclaw. (map)
Cracked Wood Cave — A cave in southeastern Cyrodiil, just northwest of Cropsford. (map)
Echo Cave — A cave in northwestern Cyrodiil, between Forts Dragonclaw and Warden. (map)
Haynote Cave — A cave in western Cyrodiil, between Castles Brindle and Roebeck. (map)
Kingscrest Cavern — A cave in northeastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Kingscrest Keep. (map)
Lipsand Tarn — An Ayleid ruin in northwestern Cyrodiil, north of Fort Rayles. (map)
Muck Valley Cavern — A cave in eastern Cyrodiil, east of Sejanus Outpost. (map)
Newt Cave — A cave in southeastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Cropsford. (map)
Nisin Cave — A cave in southwestern Cyrodiil, north of Castle Black Boot. (map)
Pothole Caverns — A cave in southern Cyrodiil, between Castles Black Boot and Faregyl. (map)
Quickwater Cave — A cave in northeastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Arrius Keep. (map)
Red Ruby Cave — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, north of Chalman Keep. (map)
Serpent Hollow Cave — A cave in western Cyrodiil, north of Castle Brindle. (map)
Toadstool Hollow — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, north of Bleaker's Outpost. (map)
Underpall Cave — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, northwest of Fort Aleswell. (map)
Vahtacen — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Cyrodiil, between Drakelowe and Farragut Keeps. (map)
Hew's Bane
Bahraha's Gloom — A delve west of Abah's Landing. (map)
Shark's Teeth Grotto — A delve found on the southern coast of Hew's Bane. (map)
Argent Mine — A silver mine northwest of Orsinium. (map)
Coldperch Cavern — A cave northeast of Orsinium. (map)
Nikolvara's Kennel — A cave southwest of Orsinium. (map)
Thukhozod's Sanctum — An Ayleid ruin in western Wrothgar. (map)
Watcher's Hold — A ruin east of Friendship Gate. (map)
Zthenganaz — A buried Dwarven ruin south of Fharun Stronghold. (map)
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