
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
A Skyshard
A Skyshard from a distance
Absorbing a Skyshard

Skyshards are a collectible item, and are placed throughout the world. Skyshards are optional, and are not required to be collected, except for one in the tutorial quest. For every three Skyshards collected the player receives one skill point.


This is a list of locations by game area, not specific locations, which will be listed on the place pages listed below. Collecting all the Skyshards in one location grants the player an Achievement. In-game, clues to each skyshard's location are listed in the Achievements menu under their respective areas.

Location Region Number of Shards
The Wailing Prison Unzoned 1
Khenarthi's Roost Aldmeri Dominion 6
Auridon Aldmeri Dominion 16
Grahtwood Aldmeri Dominion 16
Greenshade Aldmeri Dominion 16
Malabal Tor Aldmeri Dominion 16
Reaper's March Aldmeri Dominion 16
Stros M'Kai Daggerfall Covenant 3
Betnikh Daggerfall Covenant 3
Glenumbra Daggerfall Covenant 16
Stormhaven Daggerfall Covenant 16
Rivenspire Daggerfall Covenant 16
Alik'r Desert Daggerfall Covenant 16
Bangkorai Daggerfall Covenant 16
Bleakrock Isle Ebonheart Pact 3
Bal Foyen Ebonheart Pact 3
Stonefalls Ebonheart Pact 16
Deshaan Ebonheart Pact 16
Shadowfen Ebonheart Pact 16
Eastmarch Ebonheart Pact 16
The Rift Ebonheart Pact 16
Coldharbour Oblivion 16
Cyrodiil: Dominion Territory Cyrodiil 15
Cyrodiil: Covenant Territory Cyrodiil 15
Cyrodiil: Pact Territory Cyrodiil 16
Imperial CityCrown Store Cyrodiil 13
Craglorn Neutral 18
WrothgarCrown Store Neutral 17
Hew's BaneCrown Store Neutral 6
Total 375


  • A skyshard may be inactive despite not being collected or ticked in the journal. ?
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