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< NPCs(Redirecionado de Dragonborn:Reaver Thug)

Reavers are notorious thieves encountered throughout Solstheim, like the bandits found in Skyrim. They are a common enemy in Solstheim and are very aggressive, willing to attack anyone on sight if they come too close. Reavers can be found in camps all over the island, as well as a few other locations, including Nchardak, Kagrumez, Gyldenhul Barrow, the Wreck of the Strident Squall, and a few camps that are not marked on the game map. Reavers utilize a variety of fighting types: some will attack you in melee, while others keep their distance, preferring to attack with bows and spells.

Reaver Types

While the stronger reaver types will not appear until after you've reached the levels shown, you will continue to meet low-level versions even at high levels. Boss-level reavers will always be at the highest possible level, and in some specific locations are identified as "Reaver Lord". Unlike the bandits found in Skyrim, all reavers you meet in Solstheim are Dark Elves.

 Skyrim-Box-TL.gif Skyrim-Box-TR.gif Skyrim-Box-BL.gif Skyrim-Box-BR.gif

One-Handed Melee Fighters

Ficheiro:DB-npc-Reaver Marauder.jpg
A Reaver Marauder ready for battle

These reavers are members of the Bandit NPC class and wield one-handed melee weapons and shields in battle. They carry one of the following weapons, depending on your level:

In addition to the weapons listed above, melee reavers are equipped with either light or heavy armor, the type of which depends on your level:

Three reavers from each of the reaver types below (indicated with a [1] note) wear a different outfit, consisting of the following light armor pieces:

  • Cuirass: fur armor, hide armor, studded armor, leather armor, scaled armor, or scaled horn armor
  • Boots: fur shoes, hide boots, leather boots, or scaled boots
  • Gauntlets: 50% chance of fur bracers, hide bracers, leather bracers, or scaled bracers
  • Shield: 20% chance of a hide shield, iron shield, or elven shield

Reavers also have a small chance to carry a random assortment of items, which include beverages, lockpicks, food, jewelry, gems, tools (a pickaxe, axe, or shovel), ingots, and a small amount of gold. Reaver Plunderers and Marauders carry more gold and may carry additional lockpicks. The reavers marked with [1] below are more likely to have these miscellaneous items, since the leveled list containing these items is listed twice in their inventories.

Name Level Gender ID Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Reaver 1 Female&F xx01e80e 35 25 70
Extra Damage 1.5
Male&M xx01e80f
Male&M xx01e810[1]
Female&F xx01e811[1]
Male&M xx01e812[1]
Female&F xx01e813
Male&M xx01e814
Reaver Outlaw 5 Female&F xx01e827 109 25 86
Champion's Stance
Fighting Stance
Male&M xx01e828
Female&F xx01e829
Male&M xx01e82a
Male&M xx01e82b[1]
Female&F xx01e82c[1]
Male&M xx01e82d[1]
Reaver Thug 9 Female&F xx01e845 238 25 107
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 1.5
Male&M xx01e846
Female&F xx01e847
Male&M xx01e848
Male&M xx01e849[1]
Female&F xx01e84a[1]
Male&M xx01e84b[1]
Reaver Highwayman 14 Female&F xx01e85a 318 25 152
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 2
Male&M xx01e85b
Female&F xx01e85c
Male&M xx01e85d
Male&M xx01e85e[1]
Female&F xx01e85f [1]
Male&M xx01e860[1]
Reaver Plunderer 19 Female&F xx01e86d 398 25 172
Bladesman Extra Damage 2
Champion's Stance Fighting Stance
Custom Fit Hack and Slash
Deadly Bash Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
Male&M xx01e86e
Female&F xx01e86f
Male&M xx01e870
Male&M xx01e871[1]
Female&F xx01e872[1]
Male&M xx01e873[1]
Reaver Marauder 25 Female&F xx01e888 489 25 246
Bladesman, rank 2 Extra Damage 2.5
Champion's Stance Fighting Stance
Custom Fit Hack and Slash, rank 2
Deadly Bash Limbsplitter, rank 2
Deep Wounds, rank 2 Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
Male&M xx01e889
Female&F xx01e88a
Male&M xx01e88b
Male&M xx01e88c[1]
Female&F xx01e88d[1]
Male&M xx01e88e[1]
^1  These reavers have a different outfit and are twice as likely to carry miscellaneous items in their inventories; see details above.


Ficheiro:DB-npc-Reaver Marauder (Archer).jpg
A Reaver Marauder readies an arrow

Archer reavers prefer to fight from a distance with a bow and arrows and have the Bandit Archer class. They wear the same armor as the melee fighters listed above, with the same exceptions for reavers marked with a [3] in the table below. These reavers are armed with a bow, a dagger, and a selection of arrows:

Name Level Gender ID Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Reaver [2] 1 Female&F xx01e816[3] 35 25 70
Extra Damage 1.5
Male&M xx01e818[3]
Male&M xx01e817[3]
Female&F xx01e819
Male&M xx01e81a
Female&F xx01e81b
Male&M xx01e81c
Reaver Outlaw 5 Female&F xx01e82e 109 25 86 None
Female&F xx01e82f
Male&M xx01e830
Male&M xx01e831
Male&M xx01e877[3]
Female&F xx01e878[3]
Male&M xx01e879[3]
Reaver Thug 9 Female&F xx01e84c 238 25 107
Critical Shot
Custom Fit
Extra Damage 1.5
Male&M xx01e84d
Female&F xx01e84e
Male&M xx01e84f [4]
Male&M xx01e850[3]
Male&M xx01e851[3]
Female&F xx01e852[3]
Reaver Highwayman 14 Female&F xx01e861 318 25 122
Critical Shot
Custom Fit
Extra Damage 2
Male&M xx01e862
Female&F xx01e863
Male&M xx01e864
Male&M xx01e865[3]
Female&F xx01e874[3]
Male&M xx01e875[3]
Reaver Plunderer 19 Female&F xx01e876 398 25 172
Critical Shot
Custom Fit
Extra Damage 2
Fighting Stance
Power Shot
Male&M xx01e87a
Female&F xx01e87b
Male&M xx01e87c
Male&M xx01e87d[3]
Female&F xx01e87f [3]
Male&M xx01e880[3]
Reaver Marauder 25 Female&F xx01e88f 489 25 246
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Bone Breaker Hack and Slash
Critical Shot, rank 2 Power Shot
Custom Fit Ranger
Extra Damage 2.5
Male&M xx01e890
Female&F xx01e891
Male&M xx01e892
Male&M xx01e893[3]
Female&F xx01e894[3]
Male&M xx01e895[3]
^2  These reavers all have a morality of No Crime, while the rest have a morality of Any Crime.
^3  These reavers have a different outfit and are twice as likely to carry miscellaneous items in their inventories; see details above.
^4  This Reaver has the same class, perks, and equipment as the melee Reaver Thug listed above.


Ficheiro:DB-npc-Reaver Marauder (Mage).jpg
A reaver mage wielding two powerful staves

Reaver mages are members of the Bandit Wizard class and rely primarily on spellcasting in battle. They wear the following leveled armor:

  • Cuirass: fur armor
  • Boots: fur shoes, hide boots, leather boots, or scaled boots

Reaver and Reaver Outlaw mages carry an iron dagger, while Reaver Thug mages carry a steel dagger. Reaver Highwayman, Reaver Plunderer, and Reaver Marauder mages carry a leveled dagger (iron, steel, orcish, dwarven, or elven).

In addition to their gear, reaver mages carry a random assortment of items, including lockpicks, food, jewelry, soul gems, ingredients, books, spell tomes, a leveled Conjuration or Destruction staff, and a small amount of gold. Reaver Plunderers and Marauders carry more gold and have a chance to carry more lockpicks than lower-level mages. On death, reaver mages can be looted for random potions of restore health, and potions of restore magicka.

Name Level Gender ID Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Spells Perks
Reaver [5] 1 Male&M xx01e805 35 100 50
Flames, Frostbite, or Sparks
Lesser Ward
• Magicka Recovery 2 [6]
Female&F xx01e806
Female&F xx01e809
Male&M xx01e80a
Male&M xx01e80b
Female&F xx01e80c
Male&M xx01e80d
Reaver Outlaw 5 Male&M xx01e820 101 124 70
Flames, Frostbite, or Sparks
Lesser Ward
• Magicka Recovery 2[6]
Female&F xx01e821
Male&M xx01e822
Female&F xx01e823
Male&M xx01e824
Female&F xx01e825
Male&M xx01e826
Reaver Thug 9 Male&M xx01e83e 222 173 75
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2[6]
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames
Augmented Frost
Augmented Shock
Female&F xx01e83f
Male&M xx01e840
Female&F xx01e841
Male&M xx01e842
Female&F xx01e843
Male&M xx01e844
Reaver Highwayman 14 Male&M xx01e853 292 153 70
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2[6]
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames
Augmented Frost
Augmented Shock
Mage Armor
Magic Resistance
Female&F xx01e854
Male&M xx01e855
Female&F xx01e856
Male&M xx01e857
Female&F xx01e858
Male&M xx01e859
Reaver Plunderer 19 Male&M xx01e866 362 183 70
Chain Lightning, Fireball, or Ice Storm
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2[6]
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames Magic Resistance
Augmented Frost Recovery
Augmented Shock Regeneration
Custom Fit Respite
Mage Armor
Female&F xx01e867
Male&M xx01e868
Female&F xx01e869
Male&M xx01e86a
Female&F xx01e86b[7]
Male&M xx01e86c
Reaver Marauder 25 Male&M xx01e881 441 294 150
Chain Lightning, Fireball, or Ice Storm
Close Wounds
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2[6]
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames, rank 2
Augmented Frost, rank 2
Augmented Shock, rank 2
Custom Fit
Mage Armor
Magic Resistance
Female&F xx01e882
Male&M xx01e883
Female&F xx01e884
Male&M xx01e885
Female&F xx01e886
Male&M xx01e887
^5  These reavers all have a morality of No Crime, while the rest have a morality of Any Crime.
^6  "Magicka Recovery 2" is 0 magicka cost spell with the effect "Recover Magicka, 2 pts." This spell is available to NPCs only.
^7  This reaver does not appear in any of the leveled lists that generate reaver mages.

Reaver Bosses

Ficheiro:DB-npc-Reaver Marauder (Boss).jpg
A Reaver Marauder preparing a spell

Boss-level reavers have both spells and weapons at their disposal, and are members of the Bandit(DB) class. They wield one of the following one-handed weapons:

  • Mace: steel mace, enchanted iron mace, orcish mace, enchanted steel mace, enchanted orcish mace, dwarven mace, enchanted dwarven mace, elven mace, enchanted elven mace, glass mace, enchanted glass mace, or ebony mace
  • Sword: steel sword, enchanted iron sword, orcish sword, enchanted steel sword, enchanted orcish sword, dwarven sword, enchanted dwarven sword, elven sword, enchanted elven sword, glass sword, enchanted glass sword, or ebony sword
  • War Axe: steel war axe, enchanted iron war axe, orcish war axe, enchanted steel war axe, enchanted orcish war axe, dwarven war axe, enchanted dwarven war axe, elven war axe, enchanted elven war axe, glass war axe, enchanted glass war axe, or ebony war axe

In addition to their main weapons, reaver bosses also carry daggers: the Reaver Outlaw and Reaver Thug carry a steel dagger, the Reaver Highwayman carries an orcish dagger, and the Reaver Plunderer and Reaver Marauder both carry an elven dagger.

Boss-level reavers have a small chance to carry a random assortment of items, which include beverages, lockpicks, food, jewelry, gems, tools (a pickaxe, axe, or shovel), ingots, and a small amount of gold. Reaver bosses are more likely to have these miscellaneous items than most generic reavers, since the leveled list containing these items is listed twice in their inventories.

On death, reaver bosses can be looted for random potions, potions of restore health, and potions of restore magicka.

Name PC Level NPC Level Gender ID Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Spells Perks
Reaver Outlaw [8] 1 6 Male&M xx01e8ab 155 45 75
Flames, Frostbite, or Sparks
Lesser Ward
• Magicka Recovery 2
Reaver Thug 14 10 Male&M xx01e8ae 224 61 90
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames
Augmented Frost
Augmented Shock
Reaver Highwayman 19 16 Male&M xx01e8b1 315 85 100
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames Magic Resistance
Augmented Frost Recovery
Augmented Shock Regeneration
Mage Armor
Reaver Plunderer 25 21 Male&M xx01e8b2 395 105 115
Chain Lightning, Fireball, or Ice Storm
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames Magic Resistance
Augmented Frost Recovery
Augmented Shock Regeneration
Custom Fit Respite
Mage Armor
Reaver Marauder 29 28 Male&M xx01e8b3 497 133 150
Chain Lightning, Fireball, or Ice Storm
Close Wounds
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2
Steadfast Ward
Augmented Flames, rank 2
Augmented Frost, rank 2
Augmented Shock, rank 2
Custom Fit
Mage Armor
Magic Resistance
^8  This reaver boss drops a small amount of gold on death in place of the miscellaneous items listed above.

Reaver Lords

Ficheiro:DB-npc-Reaver Lord.jpg
A Reaver Lord charging into the fray

Unlike other reavers, Reaver Lords appear in specific locations on Solstheim. They are all based on the reaver bosses listed above, and will have level-dependent attributes, spells, perks, and equipment. All Reaver Lords are male.

Name ID Location
Reaver Lord xx026b0c[9] Brodir Grove
xx0325fe Haknir's Shoal
xx01b5bb Nchardak
xx01aa2c Wreck of the Strident Squall, Damphall Mine, Bloodskal Barrow
^9  This Reaver Lord carries additional gold and the unique greatsword Stormfang.

Temple and Pillar Workers

While the reavers listed above are met in combat encounters, some reavers have been possessed by Miraak's influence and can be found laboring on his temple and on the shrine at the Sun Stone. They are all named "Reaver" and use the reavers listed above as templates, but are not hostile even after they have been released. Like other reavers, they will respawn if killed. They belong to the same factions as the reavers you meet in encounters, as well as the pillar builder faction.

Location Name Gender ID Template
Sun Stone Reaver Male&M xx03ca26[10] Melee Fighter (xx01e80f)
Reaver Female&F xx03ca27[10] Melee Fighter (xx01e811)
Reaver Outlaw Male&M xx03ca28[10] Mage (xx01e824)
Temple of Miraak Reaver Female&F xx031647 Melee Fighter (xx01e813)
Reaver Male&M xx031648 Melee Fighter (xx01e80f)
Reaver Female&F xx031660[10] Melee Fighter (xx01e811)
Reaver Outlaw Male&M xx031661 Mage (xx01e824)
^10  These reavers appear twice at their respective locations.

Related Quests

World Interactions


Reavers have all the same dialogue lines as the bandits from Skyrim, as well as a few that are unique to them.


  • "..retire some day... get my self a place on the mainland..."
  • "...I've almost got enough... just need one good haul..."
  • "...might pay off my bounty this time... walk into Raven Rock a free man..."
  • "...told him to just hand it over, but did he listen? Oh, no... he had to fight back..."
  • "...ain't goin' back to prison... rather die in the ash..."
  • "...he he he... callin' my bluff when he rolls dragon eyes... the fool..."
  • "...just one more bottle... maybe a second one to get to sleep..." (alcoholic talking to himself)
  • "...she was real surprised when I pulled that knife from my boot..."
  • "...should have known she wouldn't wait for me... I'll gut that filthy farmer when I see him..."
  • "..."he's got your eyes," she says... lyin' tramp..."
  • "...captain promised me a life o' adventure on the high seas...instead I'm stuck on this cesspit of an island..."
  • "...damn wizards... not good enough for yer precious college, eh?"
  • "...I'd kill for a decent bottle of mead... not fair that they always take the good stuff..."
  • "...I should go back to pickin' pockets in Windhelm... easy money, less chance of an axe in your skull..."
  • "...knew a girl with hair of gold, I called her fair, she called me bold..." (singing to himself, bored)
  • "...ale and mead, ale and mead, 'tis the only advice a sailor heeds..." (singing to himself, bored)


  • "Time to die, outlander!"
  • "I'm gonna bleed you!"
  • "I'll cut you open!"
  • "Die, outlander!"
  • "You're going to pay, outlander."
  • "You'll regret crossing me, outlander."
  • "Don't fight back, and I promise I'll kill you quickly."
  • "Those boots'll look mighty fine on me."
  • "Your armor will look good on me."


A reaver who has just discovered a corpse may say:

  • "Hey! We got a deader over here!"
  • "Ash and ice! Who did this? Come out and face me like a man!"


  • Reaver melee fighters and archers are generally twice as likely to be male than female. In most cases, the leveled lists that spawn these reavers list each male reaver twice and each female reaver once.

See Also
