Skyrim:Advanced Armors

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< Items / Smithing(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Scaled Armor)

Para the Smithing perk, veja Advanced Armors (perk).

Advanced Armors is a Smithing perk that allows you to combine corundum and steel to craft two medium-quality armor types: scaled light armor and steel plate heavy armor (and with the Dragonborn add-on installed, an additional Nordic carved heavy armor and weapons). It is the second perk in the light armor branch of Smithing's perk tree. Unlocking it requires a Smithing skill of 50, and the Elven Smithing perk must have already been unlocked.

The Advanced Armors perk also causes tempering of scaled and steel plate armor to be twice as effective. This perk applies to both unenchanted armor and enchanted armor (generic armor or custom), as long as the Arcane Blacksmith perk has been unlocked. Tempering of the Helm of Yngol is also improved by Advanced Armors.

Scaled Armor

Scaled armor is a medium-quality light armor that is better than standard elven, although its cuirass is not as strong as elven gilded armor, making the two sets equal as an overall set. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 19 (enchanted varieties at level 20). All items can be tempered using 1 corundum ingot, and having the Advanced Armors perk doubles the quality improvement.

  • A scaled horn armor cuirass also exists, with properties identical to the standard scaled armor cuirass. However, the horn variety cannot be crafted or even tempered. Images for this armor can be viewed for the male version and the female version.
A female Imperial wearing scaled armor
A male Nord wearing scaled armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Corundum Ingot.png Corundum SR-icon-ingot-Steel Ingot.png Steel SR-icon-misc-Leather.png Leather SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-ScaledArmor.png Scaled Armor
6 350 32 2 3 2 3 -3.3 181 0.65 2.07
SR-icon-armor-ScaledHornArmor.png Scaled Horn Armor
6 350 32 N/A N/A
SR-icon-armor-ScaledBoots.png Scaled Boots
2 70 9 1 2 1 2 -3.2 -26 0.38 0.73
SR-icon-armor-ScaledBracers.png Scaled Bracers
2 70 9 1 1 1 2 -2.2 -6 0.48 0.92
SR-icon-armor-ScaledHelmet.png Scaled Helmet
2 175 14 1 2 1 1 -3.1 82 0.39 1.88
Totals (for craftable items, without shield): 12 665 64 5 8 5 8

Steel Plate Armor

Steel plate armor is a medium-quality heavy armor that is better than Dwarven but not as good as Orcish. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 18 (enchanted varieties at level 19). All items can be tempered using 1 corundum ingot, and having the Advanced Armors perk doubles the quality improvement.

A female Imperial wearing steel plate armor
A male Nord wearing steel plate armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Corundum Ingot.png Corundum SR-icon-ingot-Steel Ingot.png Steel SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-SteelPlateArmor.png Steel Plate Armor
38 625 40 1 3 1 3 32.7 509 7.17 5.39
SR-icon-armor-SteelPlateBoots.png Steel Plate Boots
9 125 14 1 2 1 2 4.8 32 2.14 1.34
SR-icon-armor-SteelPlateGauntlets.png Steel Plate Gauntlets
6 125 14 1 2 1 2 1.8 32 1.43 1.34
SR-icon-armor-SteelPlateHelmet.png Steel Plate Helmet
6 300 19 1 2 1 2 1.8 207 1.43 3.23
Totals (without shield): 59 1175 87 4 9 4 9

Nordic Carved ArmorDB

Nordic carved armor is heavy armor added by the Dragonborn add-on. It can be found in random loot and on bandits starting at level 24, both in Skyrim and on Solstheim. It can be tempered with 1 quicksilver ingot, and the quality improvement is doubled with the Advanced Armors perk.

Ficheiro:DB-item-Nordic Carved Armor Female.jpg
A female Imperial wearing Nordic carved armor
Ficheiro:DB-item-Nordic Carved Armor Male.jpg
A male Nord wearing Nordic carved armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Ebony Ingot.png Ebony SR-icon-ingot-Quicksilver Ingot.png Quicksilver SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips SR-icon-ingot-Steel Ingot.png Steel Weight Value Weight Value
48px Nordic Carved Armor
37 1600 43 1 1 3 6 28.7 1261 4.46 4.72
48px Nordic Carved Boots
6 220 15 1 1 2 4 -0.2 -76 0.97 0.74
48px Nordic Carved Gauntlets
6 220 15 1 1 2 3 0.8 -56 1.15 0.80
48px Nordic Carved Helmet
7 550 20 1 1 2 4 0.8 254 1.13 1.86
48px Nordic Shield
10 335 26.5 - 1 1 4 24.7 192 5.66 2.34
Totals (with shield): 66 2925 119.5 4 5 10 21
Totals (without shield): 56 2590 93 4 4 9 17

Nordic WeaponsDB

Nordic weapons are new weapons added in the Dragonborn add-on. It will start appearing at level 18 both in Skyrim and on Solstheim. They can be improved with 1 quicksilver ingot, and the quality improvement is doubled with the Advanced Armors perk.

Name (ID) Weight Value Damage Crit.
Critical Damage
Speed Reach Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Quicksilver Ingot.png Quicksilver SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips SR-icon-ingot-Steel Ingot.png Steel Weight Value Weight Value
48px Nordic Dagger
3.5 115 8 4 1.3 0.7 1 1 1 1.4 32 1.66 1.39
48px Nordic Sword
12 290 11 5 1 1 1 1 2 8.9 187 3.87 2.82
48px Nordic War Axe
14 350 12 6 0.9 1 1 2 2 10.8 244 4.38 3.30
48px Nordic Mace
16 410 13 6 0.8 1 1 1 1 13.9 327 7.62 4.94
48px Nordic Greatsword
19 585 20 10 0.7 1.3 1 3 5 12.7 416 3.02 3.46
48px Nordic Battleaxe
23 650 21 10 0.7 1.3 1 2 5 16.8 484 3.71 3.92
48px Nordic Warhammer
27 700 23 11 0.6 1.3 1 3 5 20.7 531 4.29 4.14
48px Nordic Bow
11 580 13 6 0.6875 1 1 - 3 7 460 2.75 4.84
48px Nordic Arrow
0 4 14 N/A 1 Steel + 1 Quicksilver + 1 Firewood = 24 Nordic ArrowsDG -7 11 0.00 1.13


  • There are recipes named RecipeArmorSteelPlateShield and TemperArmorSteelPlateShield found in the Creation Kit, which may mean that at some point during development, a steel plate shield was to be in the game.