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< Magic(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Agent of Mara)

This page lists all of the Powers in Skyrim and the Dragonborn expansion, both Greater and Lesser, as well as all of the abilities available to the player. Powers and abilities are special magical capabilities that are innate to your character. Some are granted by your race; others are received by activating Standing Stones, reading Black BooksDB, becoming a vampire or werewolf, equipping certain items or completing certain quests. Greater Powers have no Magicka cost, but can only be used once per day. Lesser Powers may or may not use Magicka, but they can be used as often as you like. Abilities are magical effects that are permanently active.

Dragon Shouts are listed on a separate page.

Greater Powers

Your available Greater and Lesser Powers are listed in the magic menu under "Powers". To use a power you must first equip it, which it assigns it to the Dragon Shout/Power button. Each Greater Power can only be used once per game day.

Name Spell ID Description Notes
Adrenaline Rush 000e40ce Stamina regenerates 10x faster for 60 seconds. Redguard racial power
Ancestor's Wrath 000e40d4 For 60 seconds, opponents that get too close take 8 points per second of fire damage. Dunmer racial power
Battle Cry 000e40c3 Targets flee for 30 seconds. Nord racial power
Beast Form 00092c48 Take on the form of a werewolf. Werewolf power
Berserker Rage 000aa026 You take half damage and do double damage for 60 seconds. Orc racial power
Command Animal 000e40cf Make an animal an ally for 60 seconds. Bosmer racial power
Dragonskin 000aa022 Absorb 50% of the magicka from hostile spells for 60 seconds. Breton racial power
Dread Cloak 000ed0a9 For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8 points frost damage and Stamina damage per second. Not available in game
Embrace of Shadows 00088821 You can become invisible. Improved night vision for 180 seconds. Vampire power
Highborn 000e40c8 Regenerate magicka faster for 60 seconds. Altmer racial power
Histskin 000e40d5 Invoke the power of the Hist to recover health ten times faster for 60 seconds. Argonian racial power
Mora's AgonyDB xx031842 Summons a field of writhing tentacles that lasts 30 seconds and poisons foes who enter it. Acquired from the Black Book The Hidden Twilight
Mora's BoonDB xx01e7f7 Fully restores your Health, Magicka and Stamina.* Acquired from the Black Book The Hidden Twilight
Mora's GraspDB xx031844 Targets are frozen between Oblivion and Tamriel for 30 seconds, and immune to all damage. Acquired from the Black Book The Hidden Twilight
Nightingale Strife 000f1987 Instantly absorb 100 points of Health from the target. Reward from Darkness Returns.
Nightingale Subterfuge 000f1986 People and creatures in the spell's area of effect will attack anyone nearby for 30 seconds. Reward from Darkness Returns.
Omen of WardingDB xx01e803 You take no falling damage for 15 seconds. Only available via Console.
Polymorph Skeever 0006e205 Take on the form of a skeever. Not available in game
Ring of Hircine 000f8306 Take on the form of a werewolf. Werewolf power
Secret of ArcanaDB xx01e7fd Spells cost no magicka for 30 seconds. Acquired from the Black Book Filament and Filigree
Secret of ProtectionDB xx01e800 You take half damage for 30 seconds. Acquired from the Black Book Filament and Filigree
Secret of StrengthDB xx01e7fa Power attacks cost no stamina for 30 seconds. Acquired from the Black Book Filament and Filigree
Shadowcloak of Nocturnal 00017122 For 120 seconds you automatically become invisible while sneaking. Reward from Darkness Returns.

Within the duration, any actions done while sneaking will turn you visible but allow you to toggle back into sneak to turn invisible again. After this duration, the player may enter invisibility/visibility at will but the effect will stop when sneaking and interacting with something.

Stop Rune xx01ed9a Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for [sic] and freezes the target in place for 10 seconds. Only available via Console.
Summon KarstaagDB†† xx024812
Summons Karstaag to fight for you for 120 seconds. You may only use this ability 3 times, and only while outdoors. Reward from the quest Summoning Karstaag
Summon Spectral Assassin 000618c6 Summons the ghost of the legendary assassin Lucien Lachance to fight by your side, until he's defeated. Reward from Bound Until Death.
The Ritual Stone 000e7329 Temporarily reanimates corpses in the immediate area. Activate the Ritual Standing Stone
The Serpent Stone 000e5f61 Target is paralyzed for 5 seconds and takes 25 points of damage over 5 seconds. Activate the Serpent Standing Stone
The Shadow Stone 000e732a Invisibility for 60 seconds. Activating an object or attacking will break the spell. Activate the Shadow Standing Stone
The Tower Stone 000e7328 Unlock any expert or lower lock once per day. Activate the Tower Standing Stone
Vampire's Seduction 000c4de2 Creatures and people up to level 8 won't fight for 30 seconds. Vampire power
Vampire's Servant 000ed0a4 Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds. Reanimate, 6 pts for 60 seconds
Reanimate Secondary Effects for 60 seconds
000ed0a5 Reanimate a more powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds. Reanimate, 13 pts for 60 seconds
Will not turn the raised body to ashes when it's killed.
000ed0a6 Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds. Reanimate, 21 pts for 60 seconds
Will not turn the raised body to ashes when it's killed.
000ed0a7 Reanimate a very powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds. Reanimate, 30 pts for 60 seconds
Fortified Healing, 1 pt for 60 seconds
Will not turn the raised body to ashes when it's killed
Voice of the Emperor 000e40ca Calms nearby people for 60 seconds. Imperial racial power
*  Your attributes are healed by 1000pts, which is more than enough to be considered fully restored.
  If you begin casting a spell that costs magicka per second (such as Telekinesis) while The Secret of Arcana is active, then after it has expired you may still cast the spell for no cost until you stop casting.
††  Unlike most Greater Powers, this can be used multiple times per day if desired, up to the limit of three uses in total.

Single-use Greater PowersDB

Each power is acquired by activating a cleansed stone which grants a single use. Activate the stone again to reacquire the power.

Name Spell ID Description Notes
Bones of the Earth xx01df9f Caster ignores 80% of all physical damage for 30 seconds. Single use, then must be reacquired at the Earth Stone. Acquired at the Earth Stone
Conjure Werebear xx01dfa4
Summons a Werebear for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing. Single use, then must be reacquired at the Beast Stone. Acquired at the Beast Stone
North Wind xx01dfa5 Targets take 20 points of frost damage for 10 seconds, plus Stamina damage. Single use, then must be reacquired at the Wind Stone. Acquired at the Wind Stone
Root of Power xx01dfab All spells cost 75% less to cast for 60 seconds. Single use, then must be reacquired at the Tree Stone. Acquired at the Tree Stone
Sun Flare xx01df9c A 100 point fiery explosion centered on the caster. Does more damage to closer targets. Single use, then must be reacquired at the Sun Stone. Acquired at the Sun Stone
Waters of Life xx01dfa7 Heals everyone close to the caster 200 points. Single use, then must be reacquired at the Water Stone. Acquired at the Water Stone

Lesser Powers

Your available Lesser and Greater Powers are listed in the magic menu under "Powers". To use a power you must first equip it, which it assigns it to the Dragon Shout/Power button. Unlike Greater Powers, each Lesser Power can be used an unlimited number of times per day.

Name Spell ID Description Notes
Bardic KnowledgeDB xx029f12 Summons a spectral drum that plays for 300 seconds, improving Stamina Regen for you and nearby allies. Acquired from the Black Book Untold Legends
Black MarketDB xx01eec6 Summons a Dremora merchant for 15 seconds. Acquired from the Black Book Untold Legends. Has 2000 gold, unaffected by Speech perks.
Breath of NchuakDB xx03b00d Draws upon stamina to release a scorching blast of steam that deals 15 points of damage per second. Acquired by wearing the Visage of Mzund
Frostmoon InstinctDB xx035b1b Slows time for 20 seconds. Activated when entering beast form while wearing the Ring of Instinct
Night Eye 000aa01d Improved night vision for 60 seconds. Khajiit racial power
Night Eye 0006b10e Improved night vision for 60 seconds.

Not available in game: power is added in werewolf form,
but unusable since you can't access your powers menu.
Power is equipped on a hand like a spell.

Secret ServantDB xx01ff21 Summons a Dremora butler for 15 seconds to carry your excess items. Acquired from the Black Book Untold Legends. Can carry up to 148 units in weight.
Vampire's Sight 000c4de1 Improved night vision for 60 seconds. Vampire power
Vampire LordDG xx00283b Transform into a Vampire Lord. Use the Revert Form power to change back. Vampire Lord power


Abilities are constant-effect characteristics, which are listed in the magic menu under "Active Effects" (along with enchantments, diseases, and other active effects). The abilities are listed in the Active Effects menu according to the name of the underlying magical effect. This means that abilities are listed under their name only in cases where the ability has a unique effect that shares the same name as the ability. Cases where the ability is known to be listed under a different name (e.g. Agent of Mara is listed under "Resist Magic") are mentioned in the following table.

Name Spell ID Description Notes
Agent of Dibella 0010a766 You do more combat damage to the opposite sex.
  • 10% more melee damage
Reward from The Heart of Dibella.
Agent of Mara 000cc79a 15% Resist Magic. Reward from The Book of Love.

Listed in Active Effects menu under "Resist Magic".

Ancient Knowledge 0010eb60 Knowledge gained from the Lexicon gives you a 25% bonus when wearing Dwarven Armor and Blacksmithing increases 15% faster. Reward from Unfathomable Depths. (See Bugs.)
Ahzidal's GeniusDB xx027332 Increases your Enchanting skill by 10 points. Acquired from wearing any four relics of Ahzidal
Boethiah's Blessing 00081183 You are able to move more quietly, and opponents that get too close take 5 points poison damage per second. Added by wearing Ebony Mail
Claws 000aa01e Khajiit claws do 15 [sic] points of damage. Khajiit racial bonus

Although the in-game text says that claws do 15 points of damage, the actual effect magnitude is only 12 points; see Claws for further information.
Added by wearing the Ring of The BeastDG.

Champion of the Night 000f5b54 Illusion spells cast by a Vampire are 25% more powerful. Vampire bonus
Companion's InsightDB xx01e7f5 Your attacks, shouts, and destruction spells do no damage to your followers when in combat. Acquired from the Black Book The Winds of Change
Detect Ash SourceDB xx01961a When close enough, identifies the source of the ash spawn attacks on Tel Mithryn. Acquired from wearing Neloth's Ring of Tracking during the quest Old Friends
Dragon Infusion 000f5ffa Dragons do 25% less melee damage. Effect from Esbern's Potion
Dragonborn FlameDB xx02647d When your Fire Breath Shout kills an enemy, a fire wyrm emerges from their corpse to fight for you for 60 seconds. Acquired from the Black Book Epistolary Acumen
Dragonborn ForceDB xx02647b Your Unrelenting Force shout does more damage and using all three words may disintegrate enemies. Acquired from the Black Book Epistolary Acumen
Dragonborn FrostDB xx02647e Your Frost Breath Shout encases foes in ice for 15 seconds. Acquired from the Black Book Epistolary Acumen
Eternal Spirit 00e827d While Ethereal, you recover health 25% faster. Meditation on the Words of Power - choose Feim.

Eternal Spirit is only visible on the Active Effects menu when the character is Ethereal.

  • Cannot simultaneously have this and the Force Without Effort or The Fire Within abilities.
The Fire Within 00e8282 Fire Breath shout deals 25% more damage. Meditation on the Words of Power - choose Yol.
  • Cannot simultaneously have this and the Eternal Spirit or Force Without Effort abilities.
Force Without Effort 00e8281 You stagger 25% less and foes stagger 25% more. Meditation on the Words of Power - choose Fus.
  • Cannot simultaneously have this and the Eternal Spirit or The Fire Within abilities.
Highborn 00105f16 High Elves are born with 50 extra magicka. Altmer racial bonus

Listed in Active Effects menu under "Fortify Magicka".

Imperial Luck 000eb7eb Anywhere gold coins might be found, Imperials always seem to find a few more. Imperial racial bonus
Lover's InsightDB xx01e7f3 Do 10% more damage and get 10% better prices from people of the opposite sex. Acquired from the Black Book The Winds of Change
Magic Resistance 000aa01f Your Breton blood grants a 25% resistance to magic. Breton racial resistance

Listed in Active Effects menu under "Resist Magic".

Neloth's Health BoostDB xx01bd0a Neloth's 25 point health boost. Health is permanently lowered 25 points after swimming or being in the rain. Acquired during the quest Experimental Subject
Neloth's Memory SpellDB xx01c066
Records memories of your experiences for Neloth. Acquired during the quest Briarheart Necropsy
Nightingale Armor Full Set 0001711f Increases Armor Rating by 25 points. Reward from Trinity Restored; only effective if wearing all Nightingale Armor.

Listed in Active Effects menu under "Fortify Armor Rating".

Prowler's Profit 00f20be Anywhere gems might be found, members of the Thieves Guild always seem to find a few more. Reward from No Stone Unturned. Grants a greater chance of finding additional gems in chests. For details, see Gems.
Resist Disease 00104acf Your Argonian blood is 50% resistant to disease. Argonian racial resistance
Resist Disease 000f5ba0 Your beast blood gives you 100% resistance to disease. Werewolf bonus
Resist Disease 000ed0a8 Your Vampiric blood gives you 100% resistance to disease. Vampire bonus
Resist Disease and Poison 000aa025 Your Bosmer blood gives you 50% resistance to poison and disease. Bosmer racial resistance

Listed in Active Effects menu under both "Resist Disease" and "Resist Poison".

Resist Fire 000aa021 Your Dunmer blood gives you 50% resistance to fire. Dunmer racial resistance
Resist Frost 000aa020 Your Nord blood gives you 50% resistance to Frost. Nord racial resistance
Resist Poison 000aa023 Your Redguard blood gives you 50% resistance to poison. Redguard racial resistance
Resist Poison 0010fb30 Your Vampiric blood gives you 100% resistance to poison. Vampire bonus
Sailor's Repose 000d397f Healing spells cure 10% more. Reward from Frostflow Abyss.
Scholar's InsightDB xx01e7ef Reading Skill Books gives you an extra Skill Point. Acquired from the Black Book The Winds of Change
  • Note that while books you have not read grant you two skill points, books you have already read will not grant you an extra skill point if you read them again, so you'll get the most benefit from this if you get it fairly early in the game (or you've just been ignoring skill books until now).
Seeker of MightDB xx034834 Combat skills are all 10% more effective. Acquired from the Black Book The Sallow Regent
Seeker of ShadowsDB xx034838 Stealth skills are all 10% more effective. Acquired from the Black Book The Sallow Regent
Seeker of SorceryDB xx034837 All spells cost 10% less magicka. Enchantments are 10% more powerful. Acquired from the Black Book The Sallow Regent
Shrouded Armor Full Set 0001711d Increases Armor Rating by 25 points. This bonus applies for any combination of Dark Brotherhood armor, namely any combination of four pieces of Ancient Shrouded, Shrouded, or Worn Shrouded armor; Tumblerbane Gloves also qualify.
Sinderion's Serendipity 0010bf09 There is a 25% chance of creating a duplicate potion when using your alchemy skill. Reward from A Return To Your Roots. The ability is independent of the book The Nirnoot Missive, and therefore remains active even if you remove the book from your inventory.
Surefoot 0009379c You move more quietly. Not available in game, effects are: Muffle, 1 point
Waterbreathing 000aa01b Your Argonian lungs can breath [sic] underwater. Argonian racial bonus


  • Ancient Knowledge gives a 25% armor bonus while wearing any type of armor except Dwarven (any armor at all prior to patch 1.9).
    • PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1.3.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
    • This bug was supposed to be fixed by Official Patch, but Bethesda erroneously required that the armor not be Dwarven.
  • Ancient Knowledge increases effective Smithing skill by 15% when tempering weapons and armor instead of giving a Smithing leveling bonus of 15%.
  • The Seeker of Shadows reward from The Sallow Regent only gives a 9% bonus to prices instead of the advertised 10%.
  • In rare instances, the Scholar's Insight reward will fail to work, and you will only receive the usual one point from the skill book.
    • Hold off on reading the book until you've advanced a level in that skill.
  • Sailor's Repose has an incorrect taper duration and an incorrect magnitude set.
  • Even though it's active, Prowler's Profit does not appear in the active effects list.

See also