Skyrim:Chicken's Egg

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Value 2 Weight 0.5
Alchemy Effects
1st Resist Magic Resist Magic
2nd Damage Magicka Regen Damage Magicka Regen
3rd Waterbreathing Waterbreathing
4th Lingering Damage Stamina Lingering Damage Stamina
# Samples 132
Plant Chickens' Nest
Merchant Avail. Uncommon
Chicken's Nest

Chicken's Eggs can be harvested from Chickens' Nests which are found at most farms. The nests are usually in a little shed-like structure, but not always: nests can be just outside on the ground. They cannot be harvested from other birds' nests—those nests yield pine thrush eggs and rock warbler eggs.

They are one of only three ingredients with a Waterbreathing effect. With the Hearthfire add-on installed, there are two more additional items with this effect, giving a total of five ingredients with this effect.


132 guaranteed samples can be found in 53 different locations. Locations with the greatest numbers are:

It is categorized as an uncommon ingredient, meaning that all apothecary merchants have a 15% chance of carrying 1-5 samples. In addition, it may be randomly found in uncommon- and rare-type apothecary's satchels.


68 chickens' nests can be found in 38 different locations. Locations with multiple nests are:


  • Chicken's eggs are also categorized as food, meaning they can be sold to innkeepers as well as apothecary merchants.