Lore:Places I
Iggnir River
The Iggnir River is a body of water located in southern Solstheim. It runs south until its mouth empties into the Sea of Ghosts, just east of Fort Frostmoth.
Before the Red Year of 4E 5, the Iggnir was a large river which ran through the Hirstaang Forest and the Isinfier Plains. It ran south all the way from its source, the frozen Lake Fjalding. It was filled with horkers, who made their way from the coast and up the three rivers of Solstheim to their breeding grounds at Lake Fjalding. The Telvanni settlement of Tel Mithryn was founded west of the mouth of the river some time before 4E 5.
Following the eruption of Red Mountain, southern Solstheim slowly began to be engulfed by ash. Several decades of this resulted in the destruction of the Hirstaang Forest, and southern Solstheim was transformed into ash wastes. The Iggnir River was reduced to little more than a shallow stream. It no longer flows from Lake Fjalding, instead beginning in the northern ashlands. The native fauna fled north, and the Iggnir instead became home to several endangered Silt Striders who had been brought over from mainland Morrowind by Dunmer refugees, although they did not flourish on the island. The Emperor Parasols from Tel Mithryn also spread to the banks of the river. By 4E 201, the southern coast of Solstheim had been poisoned by the continuing ashfall, killing fish.
Ilessan Hills
The Ilessan Hills was a Third Era barony of High Rock, within the Iliac Bay region. This region was bordered by Ykalon and Daenia to the north, Glenpoint to the south, and Shalgora and Daggerfall lay to the south. The provincial seat was the city of Ilessan Hills. The Haarvenu clan was the predominant vampire bloodline in the region. For hundreds of years, the Ilessan Hills were home to one of the covens of the Glenmoril Wyrd.
The Warp in the West brought two things to Ilessan Hills: a devastating wildfire and Daggerfall's control.
Iliac Bay
The Iliac Bay (also spelled Illiac Bay, sometimes called Starfall Bay) is the large bay separating the southern coast of High Rock from the northern coast of Hammerfell. Southwestern High Rock and northern Hammerfell are often referred to collectively as the Iliac Bay region. The Imperial Navy's Northwest Fleet is charged with its protection.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Lake Ilinalta
Lake Ilinalta is a lake in west-central Falkreath Hold, in the middle of Skyrim's pine forest. It is the source of the White River, and a notable Skyrim landmark. The town of Helgen was less than a day's ride to the southeast, and the Hold's capital of Falkreath is directly south. The Imperial Legion used to have a fort along its shore, until the entire facility mysteriously sank into the water in a single day. According to local legend, the place is cursed and travelers are known to go missing.
Imperial City
A Cidade Imperial (também conhecida como Cidade de Cyrodiil) é a capital de Cyrodiil e de todo o Império. A cidade circular se localiza na Ilha Cidade, uma ilha no Lago Rumare do Vale Nibenay ao centro da província Imperial. Ao meio fica o distrito da Via Imperial Verde, contendo o Palácio Imperial e sua Torre Ouro-Branco. Cercando-o há seis distritos, começando nordeste e indo horário:
Também na ilha há a Universidade Arcana, a Prisão Imperial e a Beira-mar, que é o porto da Cidade Imperial. Uma única ponte conecta a cidade ao continente próximo a Weye. Estradas levam da capital à todos os lugares.
Imperial Province of Akavir
The Imperial Province of Akavir was a short-lived province founded in 3E 288 during Emperor Uriel Septim V's invasion of Tsaesci, Akavir. Septimia, a Tsaesci port town, was the first colony of the province. The settlement of Ionith was the invasion's headquarters.
The province encompassed the lower stage of a large river, along which both of the settlements were located. The surrounding land consisted of rich, well-watered fields. The four legions present during the invasion constructed a road between Septimia and Ionith.
The province was abandoned in 3E 289 due to extreme weather conditions and Tsaesci attacks. Uriel V died in battle during the retreat. The area was retaken by the natives and has never been revisited by Imperial forces since.
Imperial Reserve
The Imperial Reserve is a grassland area extending across the southern section of the Colovian Highlands. It lies west of the Great Forest and extends west towards the Gold Coast. The Imperial Reserve is sparsely populated, containing only a few small hamlets such as Hackdirt and Weatherleah. The Reserve is prime hunting ground due to its flat land and sparse trees.
Inner Sea
The Inner Sea is a body of water that separates the mainland of the Imperial province of Morrowind from the large island of Vvardenfell. It stretches from the Bitter Coast and Ascadian Isles regions in western Vvardenfell all the way to Azura's Coast in the east. It meets the Sea of Ghosts twice: the two meld together near Azura's Coast, and again near the large and icy island of Solstheim northwest of Vvardenfell.
The Inner Sea was created after the giant volcano Red Mountain erupted and some of the landmass of Vvardenfell sank lower than sea level. The resulting crater was filled by the icy waters of the Sea of Ghosts, cooling the lava over time. Some reports place this event after the War of the First Council in 1E 668, referred to in the tales of numerous races—to the Nords it was The Year of Winter in Summer, to the Khajiit, Sun's Death. However, there are conflicting reports stating that there might have been earlier eruptions creating this change in landscape.
The main port of the Inner Sea on Vvardenfell is Ebonheart, with minor ports being Hla Oad, Gnaar Mok, Molag Mar, Tel Branora and the Imperial outpost of Seyda Neen with its lighthouse Grand Pharos guiding mariners. The Imperial Legion once held a strategic outpost called Fort Firemoth on an offshore island of the same name, but it was overrun by an undead army and never reclaimed.
The coast of Vvardenfell is rugged and treacherous, with shipwrecks scattered among the menhirs that protrude from the water. It has been a major center of smuggling operations by the Cammona Tong and other groups.
Early in the Fourth Era, Baar Dau crashed into Vivec and exploded, causing Red Mountain to erupt and opening a fissure to an active underwater volcano. The area of the sea where Vivec once stood is now known as Scathing Bay.
Ione is a small village in the province of Cyrodiil, a short distance south and east of the village Pell's Gate.
It was established at the end of the Oblivion Crisis, and is named after Imperial Legion Captain Tertius Ione. In the center of town are the large, ivy covered ruins of an Oblivion Gate. This gate opened in the middle of Captain Ione's Legion encampment. He and his men went into the gate, but were never heard from again until a Bosmer soldier closed the gate and appeared in the forest weeks later. He had been driven insane, and died days after he was recovered.
During Captain Ione's absence, a few of the legionaries who stayed behind in the camp built what were originally intended to be temporary buildings. Instead, a town grew up around them. It is filled with structures made of rotting wood, but is still a favorite town of Crown Prince Attrebus, who inherited a hunting lodge there.
Ionith was a large Akaviri settlement used as a headquarters by Emperor Uriel Septim V's invasion of Akavir in the year 3E 288. It was originally a Tsaesci town further upriver from Septimia, but was found abandoned and was taken over by the invasion force to be re-founded as a colony of the short-lived Imperial Province of Akavir. A road linked the settlement to Septimia.
Due to the terrible, almost unnatural weather suffered leading up to the Battle of Ionith, communications between the two cities was lost as the river dried up and the garrisons along the road were lost to raiders. The Emperor was besieged, and led a valiant march towards Septimia in order to retreat. This was the last direct contact from the Expeditionary Force, but survivors of the Battle say that the Tsaesci surrounded them and Uriel V was killed, "cut down by enemy arrows as he rallied the Tenth [Legion]'s shield wall". The settlement was reclaimed by the Tsaesci and has never been revisited by Imperial forces since.
Isild River
The Isild River is a river in northern Solstheim on the Felsaad Coast.
Before the Red Year of 4E 5, the Isild River ran northwest from the frozen Lake Fjalding until it merged with the Harstrad River at the foot of the Moesring Mountains. The river then continued to its mouth on the icy Felsaad Coast, west of Skaal Village. It was reportedly a beautiful part of the island, at the right time of year.
The cataclysms of the Red Year substantially changed the landscape of Solstheim. Many of the landmarks remained the same; the river is still west of Skaal Village and flows from Lake Fjalding to the coast. However, the Isild and Harstrad rivers no longer meet. Instead, each empties separately into a small bay on the northern coast.
Isinfier Plains
The Isinfier Plains are the central tundra on the island of Solstheim that stretches from Thormoor's Watch in the west to the eastern coast, between Thirsk and the Hirstaang Forest. The Moesring Mountains, Lake Fjalding and the Isild River form the northern border and Bloodskal Barrow, Brodir Grove and the Sun Stone form the southern border. Most of the Isinfier Plains are covered in snow and frequently endure savage blizzards especially to the north, near the Moesring Mountains.
Flora in the region is diverse and includes Belladonna, Holly, Solstheim Pine trees and several species of shrub just to name a few. However, it is the fauna in the region that is what makes the Isinfier Plains an excellent hunting ground. Various species include the common grizzly bear, snow bear, common wolf, snow wolf, tusked bristleback, grahl, white horker, draugr, ravens and Rieklings.
The unique river systems and sheltered bays of the Isinfier Plains makes the region an excellent place for various smuggling operations and camps for reavers, berserkers, Fryse Hags and hunting parties of the Skaal and Thirsk. Many people call the dozens of ice caves in the Isinfier Plains home. The area also includes magnificent tombs like the Jolgeirr Barrow. The Altar of Thrond is located in the north of the Isinfier Plains, on the banks of the Harstrad River.
After the Red Mountain erupted in 4E 5, Isinfier Plains became the border between the southern ashlands and the northern, intact part of the island. In 4E 201, the reconstruction of the Temple of Miraak began in the region, but was left incomplete after the defeat of Miraak by the Last Dragonborn.
Ivarstead is a small milling town located at the eastern base of the Throat of the World, on the western edge of the Rift and the western shore of Lake Geir. Pilgrims and travelers often pass through, as the town is located at the beginning of the 7,000 Steps to High Hrothgar. It used to be a good-sized town, but in recent years, many townspeople have been leaving for Riften, and business in the town has been suffering. Ivarstead is next to a barrow which many believe to be haunted.