Lore:Bestiary D

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A dab

A type of fish that can be found in Stormhaven.

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Daedra Count

Daedra Counts are formidable, highly intelligent foes. They can cast a variety of spells, but also have powerful melee attacks. If spoken to, they may offer up some useful information, but will likely attack.

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Daedra Lord

A daedra lord

The Daedra Lord is one of the most powerful Daedra to be commonly seen in Tamriel, and is to be feared by all but the most experienced adventurers. They are powerful fighters and spell casters, and can only be harmed by mithril or better weapons.

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Daedra Seducer

These are scantily-clad, feminine Daedra that may sprout green membranous wings. They are about equivalent in power to the Dremora, and are, like them, divided into many castes. They are powerful spell casters and can only be harmed by mithril or better weapons. Seducers are found in service of many Daedra Princes, notably Azura, Meridia, Nocturnal, Sanguine, Sheogorath, and even Mehrunes Dagon.

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A Daedrat

Daedrats are Daedric vermin resembling small rats, but with glowing blue eyes.

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Daedric Titan

A Daedric Titan

Daedric Titans, commonly referred to simply as Titans, are giant winged Daedra that serve Molag Bal as war-slaves. They were first created in imitation of the dragons of Nirn when Bal's interrogation of Boziikkodstrun proved fruitless. After modifying Boziikkodstrun's skeleton and substituting his soul for a Daedric vestige, Bal transformed him into the first Titan. Daedric Titans are anatomically similar to dragons, although with dark black skin and prehensile frontal limbs. They have the ability to speak a spell of flaming essence-drain that can debilitate an opponent with a single word, similar to the power of the thu'um. They are notoriously difficult to kill.

According to some sources, Titans were released upon Tamriel for the first time[nb 1] during the attempted Planemeld of the Second Era. Specifically, Molag Bal released them into the skies over the Imperial City when a portal to Coldharbour was opened above the White-Gold Tower in 2E 582. Daedric Titans quickly came to serve other Daedric Princes such as Boethiah, who forced them to fight for her amusement. Mehrunes Dagon imbued a Titan with some sort of flame magic, creating an even stronger variant known as the Ash Titan.

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A daedroth

Daedroths are crocodile-headed bipedal Daedra, associated with Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon. They are a strong, animalistic type of Daedra, but still a dangerous foe with powerful clawed arms and moderate magical ability. Though some have been known to use weapons and wear simple armor, most attack with bare claws. Some are man-sized and spit poison or shock magic, while others tend to be larger and belch firebolts instead. These larger Daedroths initiate battle by shaking themselves, invoking a protective shield. They are similar in appearance to the Lesser Daedra.

Linguists will point out that "Daedroth" is also the proper singular form of "Daedra", but for these creatures the common usage is Daedroth (singular) and Daedroths (plural), with Daedra (both singular and plural) being used as the generic term. It is unknown if Daedroths have a more proper, specific name.

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A daggerback

Daggerbacks are boar-like creatures with quills found along their backs.

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Dark Seducer

A dark seducer

Although this type of Daedra is intelligent, many of them normally refuse communication with anyone from Mundus. Dark Seducers are both powerful spell casters and melee fighters. They are related to the Daedra Seducers, 'dark' likely signifying a variation in form or a specification of rank. Those in service to Sheogorath call themselves the "Mazken", and are usually friendlier to mortals.

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Death Hound

A death hound

Death Hounds are monstrous, undead canines who can often be found in the company of vampires. They have a bite as cold as the grave, which deals magical frost damage. Their meat is edible, and they often wear valuable collars. See also: Bonewolf, Hell Hound, and Skinned Hound.

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A doe

Deer are herbivorous mammals seen in the forests of Cyrodiil and Skyrim. They are often hunted for their meat and pelt. They are very skittish and will quickly flee potential danger.

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Desert Pupfish

A desert pupfish

A type of fish that can be found in the Alik'r Desert region.

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Deshaan Chub

A Deshaan chub

A type of fish that can be found in Deshaan.

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Devil Ray

A devil ray

A type of fish that can be found in Grahtwood.

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A dhufish

A type of common fish that can be found in saltwater across Tamriel.

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A dog

Dogs are domestic animals common in Cyrodiil and Skyrim. They are often held as pets, guarding and protecting their owners property. Bandits will often train their dogs to protect camps and attack intruders. Huskies are a special breed of dog.

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Two dolphins

A playful aquatic creature, often seen off the coast of Stros M'Kai.

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A dragon

The Dragons (drah-gkon and dov-rha to the ancient Nords, or dov in their native language) are a rarely-seen race of large reptilian beasts. They are rumored to be from Akavir (which literally means "Dragon Land"), though there are ancient tales of dragons also coming from Atmora. They are large, scaled creatures, easily several times larger than a human or elf. They have long, slender extremities, with thin bat-like wings and ridges of spikes along their back. Dragons have three sharp talons and one vestigial digit known as a dewclaw on each of their legs, as evidenced by their alphabet.

Dragons are well-known for their affinity for magic which, among other things, grants them the abilities to speak and fly despite their lack of lips or aerodynamic frame. There are several varieties of dragon that come in a range of colors. Blessed with remarkable intelligence, they are nonetheless susceptible to feelings of pride and melancholy. They are distrustful creatures, even of each other. Despite this, they are also somewhat social, and can be driven mad by captivity and isolation. As the immortal children of Akatosh, they are specially attuned to the flow of time, and they feel an innate urge to dominate others that is difficult to overcome. In the mind of a dragon, being powerful and being right are the same, thus they make no distinction between speaking and fighting; battles between them are actually deadly verbal debates.

For more information, see the main lore article.

  • Variations: Blood Dragon, Frost Dragon, Elder Dragon, Ancient Dragon, Revered Dragon, Legendary Dragon, Serpentine Dragon, Skeletal Dragon

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Dragon Priest

A Dragon Priest

Dragon Priests were once the loyal servants of the ancient dragons of Skyrim. They ruled over countless armies of men in their gods' names. They are now found residing in coffins throughout areas of prominent dragon worship. If their sleep is disturbed, the dragon priest will burst out of its coffin with considerable force and prepare to destroy whomsoever intruded upon their resting place.

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A dragonfish

A type of fish that can be found in Glenumbra.

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A blue dartwing

Dragonflies are small flying insects commonly found in southern Skyrim and around stagnant ponds in the Bitter Coast region of Vvardenfell. At least two varieties of dragonfly exist: the Blue Dartwing and the Orange Dartwing. Both are prized for their use in alchemy. It is unknown whether the two are different breeds or merely color variations.

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Dragon Goby

A dragon goby

A type of fish that can be found in Craglorn.

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Once believed to be a young form of the mysterious dragons, Dragonlings are actually unrelated, weaker specimens. Although they have no spell casting ability, they can still breathe fire and pose a fair challenge for the average adventurer. They can be calmed by speakers of Dragonish. The relationship, if any, of that language to the Dragon Language spoken by actual dragons is unknown.

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A draugr

Draugr are a form of ancient Nord dead found in Skyrim and Solstheim.

Draugr retain many of their former human skills and thus can greatly differ in their personalities, much like living humans. Some Draugr will charge in on intruders wielding their battleaxes, while others keep their distance and use bow and arrow, yet others are very proficient with magic and can sometimes even be seen summoning high-level Atronachs. Draugr can sometimes be heard talking in the Dragon Language, saying such phrases as Unslaad Krosis ("Eternal sorrow") or Daanik Ah Dov ("Doomed dragonhunter"). They are also known to have the ability to use the Thu'um.

The variety found in Skyrim dwell within ancient Nordic barrows and are usually associated with the Dragon Cult. In life, many were followers of a Dragon Priest Over time, the followers' bodies withered despite the ancient Nordic embalming techniques and they became the modern draugr of Skyrim.

The variety found on the island of Solstheim are different from their mainland brethren. They were once a tribe similar to the Skaal. Trapped and hungry on the island, they feasted on the flesh of their dead. The All-Maker saw this as a crime against nature, and cursed them to walk the land for eternity as undead, in search of more human flesh to consume. These draugr can often be found in the barrows of the island in search of flesh, and will fiercely attack and devour interlopers. Draugr are occasionally slain as a rite of passage for male Skaal warriors.

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A dremora

Dremora (also known as "The Kyn") are a warlike Daedric race associated with the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon. They are commonly encountered throughout the planes of Oblivion. Dremora are known to be intelligent, sentient beings, and make capable warriors and mages.

Notable features include dark skin, horned faces that range from grotesque to resembling tattooed Dunmer, deep ashen grey, blue, purple or red complexions, and voices that are deep and guttural. Dremora society is a class-based clan system that upholds values of oaths, pride, honor and loyalty, both to the clan and to Lord Mehrunes Dagon, whom they venerate as a god. Dremora culture appears to be male dominated, and focuses on training and preparing for battle and war.

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A dreugh

Dreughs are an ancient species of half-human, half-octopus sea creatures, commonly hunted for their hide and the wax from their shells. In the Iliac Bay region, they are rumored to be the remnants of a prehistoric civilization from long before the First Era. For one year of their life, dreughs undergo karvinasim and emerge onto the land to breed. They can be found in waterways as well as the open sea, but are not usually aggressive and largely scavenge for food.

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Dreugh Shrimp

A dreugh shrimp

A type of fish that can be found in Stormhaven.

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A dristfish

A type of fish that can be found in the Alik'r Desert region.

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A duneracer

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A duneripper

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Durzogs, sometimes called sludgepuppies, are wild creatures not dissimilar to giant reptilian dogs. They are often domesticated by goblins for hunting, although their own intelligence can rival that of their handlers. They are smart and strong in combat, but not very durable. War durzogs are trained by goblins to be vicious killers.

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Dusky Grouper

A dusky grouper

A type of fish that can be found in Rivenspire.

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Dwarven Ballista

Dwarven Ballistae are animunculi unique to Solstheim. They are squat, four-legged constructs and can shoot bolts at enemies for significant, armor-penetrating damage.

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Dwarven Centurion

A dwarven centurion

Dwarven Centurions (also known as Dwarven Robots or Steam Centurions) are heavily armored constructs with a hammer on one arm and a spring-loaded spike in the other. Some are even able to emit a scalding blast of steam. They are not as common in Dwarven ruins as the lesser Dwarven automatons. They are highly resistant against fire, frost and shock. They are sometimes found attached to a charging gantry when not in use.

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Dwarven Robot

Dwarven Robots (also known as Dwarven Centurions or Steam Centurions) are heavily armored constructs with an extendable mace on one arm. It is very deadly and can only be killed if attacked on its heel.

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Dwarven Sentry

A dwarven sentry

Dwarven Sentries are spherical animunculi found in the Wrothgar region of High Rock. Roughly half the size of their Dwarven Sphere counterparts, Sentries patrol ruins in a similar fashion, extending their necks to emit shocks in order to incapacitate intruders.

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Dwarven Spectre

A dwarven spectre

Dwarven Spectres are Ghosts of the ancient Dwemer which can still be found haunting the halls of their ruins. Like all other ghosts, silver weapons are required to harm them.

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Dwarven Sphere

A dwarven sphere

Dwarven Spheres (also known as Robots or Centurion Spheres) are a common form of Dwemer Animunculi that have proven to be agile fighters, and are much stronger than the smaller Dwarven Spider. Dwarven Spheres patrol ruins in a spherical form until they encounter an opponent. At this point, they will erect into their semi-humanoid form and attack.They are armed with both an expedable sword and a crossbow.

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Dwarven Spider

A dwarven spider

Dwarven Spiders (also known as Centurion Spiders) are small, arachnid-like animunculi, and are very common in Dwemer ruins. They will often be found working on rocks or other objects. They can attack intruders using blasts of lightning.

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