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The ancient Dragon Language is the language used by dragons. Text in the Dragon Language is found on walls in ancient dungeons and on burial grounds. The runes used for writing the language are described in the Dragon Alphabet article.
With sufficient understanding, certain words can be shouted to produce magical effects such as conjuring fire, cold, or wind; slowing time; or pushing an enemy away. This ability is known as the Thu'um.
The language is structurally similar to English, with three exceptions: it has no equivalent to English's apostrophes, it tends to place prepositional phrases earlier in sentences, and verb tense is often ignored. To make a word plural, the last letter of the singular word is repeated and followed by an "e". For example, the plural form of "kel" (an Elder Scroll) is "kelle".
The singular possessive ("my", "your", "his", or "her") is formed by adding the letter "i" to the end of the word, except when the word ends in "ii", in which case an "l" is appended. The plural possessive ("our" or "their") is formed by adding the letter "u". To indicate a perfect verb form (as in "has silenced"), the letters "aan" are added to the end of the word.
Translation Key
Words in parentheses (like in the example shown here) will reference connotations or synonyms.
- Aak
- Guide
- Aal
- May
- Aam
- Serve
- Aan
- A(n), Idea, Slave (See also "Zaam")
- Aar
- Servant, Slave (See also "Zaam")
- Aav
- Join
- Aaz
- Mercy
- Ag
- Burn
- Ah
- Hunter
- Ahkriin
- Courage
- Ahmik
- Service
- Ahmul
- Husband
- Ahraan
- Wound
- Ahrk
- And
- Ahrol
- Hill
- Ahst
- At
- Ahzid
- Bitter
- Al
- Destroyer
- Alok
- Arise
- Alun
- Ever
- Amativ
- Onward
- Au
- On
- Aus
- Suffer
- Bah
- Wrath
- Bahlaan, Balaan
- Worthy
- Bahlok
- Hunger
- Bein
- Foul
- Bex
- Open
- Beyn
- Scorn
- Bo
- Flow, Fly, Move
- Bodiis
- Borrow
- Bok
- Age
- Bolog
- Beg
- Bonaar
- Humble
- Bormah
- Father
- Bovul
- Flee
- Boziik
- Bold(ly), Rash
- Brendon
- Specter
- Brii
- Beauty
- Briinah
- Sister
- Briinahii
- (for her) sister's
- Brit
- Beautiful
- Brod
- Clan
- Brom
- North
- Bron
- Nord
- Bronjun
- Jarl (lit. "Nord King")
- Bruniik(ke)
- Savage(s) (also a reference to Akaviri)
- Daal
- Return
- Daan, Daanii
- Doom
- Daanik
- Doomed
- Daar
- This/These
- Dah
- Push
- Dahmaan
- Remember
- Dein
- Keep, Guard
- Denek
- Soil
- Dez
- Fate
- Dii
- Mine
- Diil
- Undead (See also "Dilon")
- Diin
- Freeze
- Diiv
- Wyrm
- Diivon
- Swallow
- Dilon
- Dead
- Dinok
- Death
- Dinoksetiid
- Death/End of time
- Dir
- Die
- Do
- Of (See also "Se") /About
- Dok
- Hound
- Dov
- Dragonkind, Dragon Race
- Dovah
- Dragon
- Dovahgolz
- Dragonstone
- Dovahkiin
- Dragonborn (lit. "Dragon-Born")
- Draal
- Pray
- Dreh
- Do(es)
- Drem
- Peace
- Drey
- Did
- Drog
- Lord
- Drun
- Bring
- Du
- Devour
- Du'ul
- Crown
- Duaan
- Devoured
- Dukaan
- Dishonor
- Dun
- Grace
- Dur
- Curse
- Dwiin
- Steel
- Dwiirok
- Carve
- Ek
- Her
- Enook
- Each
- Ensosin
- Bewitch
- Erei
- Until
- Evenaar
- Extinguish
- Evgir
- Season
- Faad
- Warmth
- Faal
- The (see also "Fin"; "Faal" is less common than "Fin")
- Faas
- Fear
- Faasnu
- Fearless
- Faaz
- Pain
- Fah
- For
- Fahdon
- Friend
- Fahliil
- Elf
- Feim
- Fade
- Fel
- Feral
- Fen
- Will
- Fent
- Shall
- Feykro
- Forest
- Feyn
- Bane
- Fiik
- Mirror
- Filok
- Escape
- Fin
- The (see also "Faal")
- Fo
- Frost
- Fod
- When
- Fodiiz
- Hoar
- Folaas
- Wrong
- Folook
- Haunt
- Fonaar
- Charge
- Frin
- Hot
- Frini
- Eagerness
- Frod
- (Battle)field
- Fron
- Kin/Related
- Frul
- Ephemeral/Temporary
- Ful
- So
- Fun
- Told
- Fundein
- Unfurl(ed)
- Funt, Funta
- Fail
- Fus
- Force
- Gaaf
- Ghost
- Gaan
- Stamina
- Gaar
- Unleash/Release
- Gahrot
- Steal
- Gahvon
- Yield
- Geh
- Yes
- Gein
- One
- Geinmaar
- Oneself
- Gogil
- Goblin
- Gol
- Earth
- Golt
- Ground
- Golz
- Stone
- Goraan
- Young (Not equiv. to "children")
- Govey
- Remove
- Graan
- Rout
- Grah
- Battle
- Grah-Zeymahzin
- Ally (lit. "Battle-Brother Honor")
- Grahmindol
- Stratagem
- Gravuun
- Autumn
- Grik
- Such
- Grind
- Meet
- Gro
- Bound
- Grohiik
- Wolf
- Gron
- Bind
- Gut
- Far
- Haal
- Hand
- Haalvut
- Touch
- Haas
- Health
- Hadrim, Hahdrim
- Mind
- Hah
- Mind
- Hahkun
- Axe
- Hahnu
- Dream
- Heim
- Forge
- Het
- Here
- Hevno
- Brutal
- Heyv
- Duty
- Hi
- You
- Him, Hin
- Your
- Hind
- Wish, Hope
- Hofkah
- Steading
- Hofkahsejun
- Palace (lit. "Steading of King"))
- Hokoron
- Enemy
- Hon
- Hear
- Horvut
- Lure
- Horvutah
- Trapped
- Hun
- Hero
- Huzrah
- Hearken
- Iiz
- Ice
- In
- Master
- Inhus
- Mastery
- Jer
- East
- Joor(re)
- Mortal(s)
- Jot
- Maw
- Jul
- Man/Mankind/Humans (See also "Muz")
- Jun
- King, Light
- Junaar
- Kingdom/Kingship
- Junnesejer
- Kings of the East
- Kaal
- Champion
- Kaan
- Kyne
- Kaaz
- Cat/Khajiit
- Kah
- Pride
- Kein
- War
- Keizaal
- Skyrim
- Kel(le)
- Scroll(s) (as in Elder Scroll)
- Kendov
- Warrior
- Kest
- Tempest
- Key
- Horse
- Keyn
- Anvil
- Kiin
- Child/Born
- Kiir
- Child
- Kinbok
- Leader
- Kinzon
- Sharp
- Klo
- Sand
- Klov
- Head
- Ko
- In
- Kod
- Wield
- Kodaav
- Bear
- Kogaan
- Blessings (thanks)
- Kol
- Crag
- Komeyt
- Issue/Let loose
- Konahrik
- Warlord
- Koor
- Summer
- Kopraan
- Body
- Koraav
- See
- Kos
- Be/Are
- Kotin
- Into
- Krah
- Cold
- Krasaar
- Sickness
- Kreh
- Bend
- Krein
- Sun
- Kren
- Break
- Krent
- Broken
- Krif
- Fight
- Krii
- Kill
- Kriid
- Slayer
- Kriist
- Stand
- Kril
- Brave
- Krilot
- Valiant
- Krin
- Courageous
- Kro
- Sorcerer
- Kron
- Conquer, Win
- Krongrah
- Victory
- Kroniid
- Conqueror
- Krosis
- Sorrow (Apologies, Regret, Pity)
- Kruziik
- Ancient
- Kul
- Son
- Kulaan
- Prince
- Kulaas
- Princess
- Laan
- Want, Request
- Laas
- Life
- Laat
- Last
- Lah
- Magicka
- Lahney
- Live
- Lahvraan
- Mustered
- Lahvu
- Army
- Leh
- Lest
- Lein
- World
- Liiv
- Wither
- Liivrah
- Diminish
- Lingrah
- Long
- Lir
- Worm
- Lo
- Deceive
- Lok
- Sky
- Loost
- Hath
- Los
- Is (Combine with other verbs for present tense: “is helping”, “is sworn”)
- Lost
- Was, Have, Has, Had, Were
- Lot
- Great
- Lovaas
- Music/Song
- Luft
- Face
- Lumnaar
- Valley
- Lun
- Leech
- Luv
- Tear
- Maar
- Terror
- Mah
- Fall/Fell
- Mahfaeraak
- Forever
- Mal
- Little
- Med
- Like (similar)
- Mey
- Fool
- Meyz
- Come ("to become"/"come to be")
- Mid
- Loyal
- Midrot
- Loyalty
- Miin
- Eye
- Miiraak
- Portal
- Mindok
- Know, Known, Knowable
- Mir
- Allegiance
- Miraad
- Doorway
- Monah
- Mother
- Monahven
- Throat of the World (lit. "Mother Wind")
- Morah
- Focus, Thought
- Moro
- Glory
- Morokei
- Glorious
- Motaad
- Shudder
- Motmah
- Slip
- Motmahus
- Slippery, Elusive
- Mu
- We
- Mul
- Strong, Strength
- Mulaag
- Strength
- Mun
- Man
- Munax
- Cruel
- Muz
- Men (see also "Jul")
- Naak
- Eat
- Naako
- Eaten
- Naal
- By
- Naan
- Any
- Nah
- Fury
- Nahgahdinok
- Necromancer
- Nahkip
- Feed
- Nahkriin
- Vengeance
- Nahl
- Living
- Nahlaas
- Alive, Live
- Nahlot
- Silenced
- Nau
- On
- Nax
- Cruelty
- Neh
- Never
- Ney
- Both
- Ni
- Not
- Nid, Niid
- No
- Nii
- It
- Nikriin(ne)
- Coward(s)
- Nimaar
- Itself
- Nin
- Sting
- Nir
- Hunt
- Nis
- Cannot
- Nivahriin
- Cowardly
- Nok
- Lie (Meaning lie both as a verb and noun; "To lie down" and "To tell a lie")
- Nol
- From
- Nonvul
- Noble
- Norok
- Fiercest
- Nos
- Strike
- Nu
- Now
- Nunon
- Only
- Nus
- Statue
- Nust
- They
- Nuz
- But
- Oblaan
- End
- Od
- Snow
- Odus
- Snowy
- Ofan
- Give
- Ogiim
- Orc
- Ok
- His
- Okaaz
- Sea
- Ol
- As
- Om
- Hair
- Ond
- Lo
- Onik
- Wise
- Onikaan
- Wisdom
- Ont
- Once
- Orin
- Even
- Osos
- Some
- Ov
- Trust
- Paak
- Shame
- Paal
- Foe
- Paar
- Ambition
- Paaz
- Fair
- Pah
- All
- Pahlok
- Arrogance
- Peyt
- Rose
- Pindaar
- Plain(s)
- Pogaan
- Many
- Pogaas
- Much
- Pook
- Stink
- Praan
- Rest
- Prodah
- Foretold
- Pruzaan
- Best
- Pruzah
- Good
- Qah
- Armor
- Qahnaar
- Vanquish, Deny/Denial
- Qahnaarin
- Vanquisher
- Qalos
- Touch
- Qeth
- Bone
- Qethsegol
- (Word Wall) Stone (lit. "Bone of Earth")
- Qiilaan
- Bow (verb)
- Qo
- Lightning
- Qolaas
- Herald
- Qostiid
- Prophecy
- Qoth
- Tomb
- Raan
- Animal
- Rah
- Gods
- Rahgol
- Rage
- Rahgot
- Anger
- Rein
- Roar
- Rek
- She
- Rel
- Dominate
- Revak
- Sacred
- Reyliik
- Race(s)
- Rii
- Essence
- Riik
- Gale
- Rinik
- Very
- Ro(h)
- Balance
- Rok
- He
- Ronaan
- Archer
- Ronaaz
- Arrow
- Ronax
- Regiment
- Ronit
- Rival
- Rot
- Word(s)
- Rotmulaag
- Word of Power
- Rovaan
- Wander
- Ru
- Run
- Rul
- When
- Ruth
- Rage, Curses/Damn (interjection)
- Ruvaak
- Raven
- Ruz
- Then
- Sadon
- Gray
- Sah
- Phantom
- Sahlo
- Weak
- Sahqo
- Red
- Sahqon
- Crimson
- Sahrot
- Mighty
- Sahsunaar
- Villager(s)
- Saraan
- First, Awaits
- Saviik
- Savior
- Se
- Of
- Shaan
- Inspire
- Shul
- Sun
- Siiv
- Find/Found
- Sil
- Soul
- Sillesejoor
- Mortal Souls
- Sinak
- Finger(s)
- Sindugahvon
- Unyielding
- Sinon
- Instead
- Sivaas
- Beast
- Sizaan
- Lost
- Slen
- Flesh
- Smoliin
- Passion
- Sonaan
- Bard
- Sonaak
- (Dragon) Priest
- So
- Sorrow
- Sos
- Blood
- Sosaal
- Bleed
- Sot
- White
- Spaan
- Shield
- Staadnau
- Unbound
- Stin
- Free
- Strun
- Storm
- Strundu'ul
- Stormcrown
- Strunmah
- Mountain
- Su
- Air
- Su'um
- Breath
- Sul
- Day
- Suleyk
- Power
- Suleyksejun
- Dominion
- Sunvaar
- Beast(s)
- Taazokaan
- Tamriel
- Tafiir
- Thief
- Tah
- Pack
- Tahrodiis
- Treacherous
- Tahrovin
- Treachery
- Tey
- Tale
- Thu'um
- (Dragon) Shout, Voice
- Thur
- Overlord
- Tiid
- Time
- Tiiraz
- Sad
- Tinvaak
- Talk, Speech
- Togaat
- Attempt
- Tol
- That
- Toor
- Inferno
- Tu
- Hammer
- Tuz
- Blade
- Ul
- Eternity
- Un
- Our
- Unahzaal, Unslaad
- Unending/Ceaseless/Eternal
- Unt
- Try
- Us
- Before
- Uth
- Command, Order
- Uv
- Or
- Uznahgaar
- Unbridled, Unending
- Vaal
- Bay
- Vaat
- Swear/Swore
- Vaaz
- Tear
- Vah
- Spring
- Vahdin
- Maiden
- Vahlok
- Guardian
- Vahriin
- Sworn
- Vahrukiv
- Commemorate
- Vahrukt
- Memory
- Vahzah, Vazah
- True
- Vahzen
- Truth
- Ved
- Black
- Ven
- Wind
- Vennesetiid
- The currents of Time
- Vey
- Cut
- Veysun
- Ship
- Viik
- Defeat
- Viin
- Shine
- Viing
- Wing
- Viintaas
- Shining
- Viir
- Dying
- Vith
- Serpent
- Vo
- Undo, Un- (prefix)
- Vod
- Ago
- Vokiin
- Unborn
- Vokri
- Restore
- Vokul
- Evil
- Vokun
- Shadow
- Vol
- Horror
- Volaan
- Intruder
- Vomindok
- Unknown
- Vonmindoraan, Vomindoraan
- Incomprehensible/Inconceivable (an incomprehensible idea)
- Voth
- With
- Vothaarn
- Disobedience
- Vukein
- Combat
- Vul
- Dark
- Vulom
- Darkness
- Vulon
- Night
- Vun
- Tongue
- Vur
- Valor
- Wah
- To (both as preposition and verb infinitive form)
- Wahl
- Build/Create
- Wahlaan
- Raise, Built/Created
- Wen
- Whose
- Werid
- Praise
- Win
- Wage
- Wo
- Who
- Wuld
- Whirlwind, Vortex
- Wundun
- Travel
- Wunduniik
- Traveler
- Wuth
- Old
- Yah
- Seek
- Yol
- Fire
- Yoriik
- March
- Yuvon
- Gold/Golden
- Zaam
- Slave
- Zaamhus
- Slavery
- Zaan
- Shout (as in "yell", not "Dragon Shout")
- Zah
- Finite
- Zahkrii
- Sword
- Zahrahmiik
- Sacrifice
- Zeim
- Through
- Zeymah
- Brother(s)
- Zii
- Spirit
- Ziil
- Soul
- Zin
- Honor
- Zind
- Triumph
- Zindro
- Triumph's
- Zofaas
- Fearful
- Zohungaar
- Heroically
- Zok
- Most
- Zol
- Most, Zombie
- Zoor
- Legend
- Zu'u
- I (referring to oneself)
- Zul
- (mortal) Voice
- Zun
- Weapon
Some phrases have a different meaning in the Dragon Language. The phrases below are examples of these phrases.
- Necromancy (literally: arise-dead)
Drem Yol Lok
- "Greetings" (literally: peace fire sky)
Krif voth ahkrin
- "Fight Bravely" (literally: fight with courage)
Lok, Thu'um
- "Sky above, Voice within" (literally: Sky, Voice)
Orin brit ro
- "(a) fully beautiful balance", dragon phrase for irony (literally: even beautiful balance)
Rah wahlaan
- "gods (of) creation" / "creator gods" (literally: gods built/created)
Wuldsetiid los tahrodiis
- "the whirlwind/vortex of time is treacherous/turbulent"
Ziil gro dovah ulse!
- Your soul is bound to me for eternity! (literally: soul bound dragon-hunter eternity-of)
Zol mul
- Stronger (literally: Most strong)
Dragon names are typically formed of three monosyllabic words that, as a whole, may be rendered as a Shout. Each dragon name is unique, and so dragons are able to use these Shouts to address each other across vast distances.
While dragon names are easily separated into their word components, translating them as a whole is another matter. The main complication arises from how the character Esbern, reads the name Odahviing (literally: Snow-Hunter-Wing), converting it into a coherent phrase; "Winged Snow-Hunter". No other examples exist to indicate how a dragon's name may be translated, but if other names were translated in the same way, it can be extrapolated that Boziikkodstrun would be "Bold Storm-Wielder" or that Sahloknir would be "Phantom Sky-Hunter".
Known dragon names include:
- Alduin: Destroyer-Devour-Master
- Boziikkodstrun: Boldly-Wield-Storm
- Dukaanfinsot: Dishonor-The-White
- Durnehviir: Curse-Never-Dying
- Mirmulnir: Allegiance-Strong-Hunt
- Nahagliiv: Fury-Burn-Wither
- Odahviing: Snow-Hunter-Wing
- Paarthurnax: Ambition-Overlord-Cruelty
- Sahloknir: Phantom-Sky-Hunt
- Viinturuth: Shine-Hammer-Rage
- Vuljotnaak: Dark-Maw-Eat
- Vulthuryol: Dark-Overlord-Fire
Nota: as seguintes referências não são encontradas no jogo. Elas são incluídas para providenciar um fundo mais sólido ao artigo, mas podem não refletir lore estabelecida.