Lore:Alquimia S

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Sabre Cat Tooth

A Sabre Cat
SR-icon-ingredient-Sabre Cat Tooth.png Skyrim Restore Stamina
Fortify Heavy Armor
Fortify Smithing
Weakness to Poison

Sacred Lotus Seeds

OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Oblivion Resist Frost
Damage Health

Saint's hair

DF-icon-ingredient-Hair.png Daggerfall Cure Disease

Salmon Roe

Salmon Roe
SR-icon-ingredient-Salmon Roe.png Skyrim Restore Stamina
Fortify Magicka
Regenerate Magicka

Salt Pile

Salt Piles
SR-icon-ingredient-Salt Pile.png Skyrim Weakness to Magic
Fortify Restoration
Regenerate Magicka
ON-icon-food-Salt.png Elder Scrolls Online
(as "Salt", prior to Update 6)

This is used for crating food, not in Alchemy.


MW-icon-ingredient-Saltrice.png Morrowind Restore Fatigue
Fortify Magicka
Drain Strength
Restore Health
ON-icon-food-Saltrice.png Elder Scrolls Online

This is used for crating food, not in Alchemy.


DF-icon-ingredient-Sapphire.png Daggerfall Spell Reflection
OB-icon-misc-Sapphire.pngOB-icon-misc-FlawedSapphire.pngOB-icon-misc-FlawlessSapphire.png Oblivion
SR-icon-misc-Sapphire.pngSR-icon-misc-FlawlessSapphire.png Skyrim
ON-icon-trait material-Sapphire.png Elder Scrolls Online*

Sapphires in Oblivion are not alchemical ingredients, but only valuable as loot to be sold for gold.
Sapphires in Skyrim are also not used in alchemy, but can be used to craft jewelry.
*Sapphires in Elder Scrolls Online can be used as a trait material for enhancing armor.


Slaughterfish in Morrowind
Slaughterfish in Oblivion
Slaughterfish in Skyrim
MW-icon-ingredient-Scales.png Morrowind Drain Personality
Water Walking
Restore Endurance
Swift Swim
OB-icon-ingredient-Fish Scales.png Oblivion Damage Willpower
Water Breathing
Damage Health
Water Walking
SR-icon-ingredient-Slaughterfish Scales.png Skyrim
(As "Slaughterfish Scales")
Resist Frost
Lingering Damage Health
Fortify Heavy Armor
Fortify Block

Scalon Fin

A Scalon
SI-icon-ingredient-Scalon Fin.png Shivering Isles Water Breathing
Damage Health
Shock Damage

Scaly Pholiota

Scaly Pholiota
SR-icon-ingredient-Scaly Pholiota.png Skyrim Weakness to Magic
Fortify Illusion
Regenerate Stamina
Fortify Carry Weight

Scamp Skin

A Scamp in Morrowind
A Scamp in Oblivion
MW-icon-ingredient-Scamp Skin.png Morrowind Drain Magicka
Cure Paralyzation
Restore Personality
Restore Strength
OB-icon-ingredient-Scamp Skin.png Oblivion Damage Magicka
Resist Shock
Reflect Damage
Damage Health


Scathecraw in Morrowind
Scathecraw in Dragonborn
MW-icon-ingredient-Scathecraw.png Morrowind Drain Strength
Cure Poison
Drain Health
Restore Willpower
48px Dragonborn Ravage Health
Ravage Stamina
Ravage Magicka
Lingering Damage Health

Scorpion Stinger

DF-icon-ingredient-Giant scorpion stinger.png Daggerfall
(Giant scorpion stinger)
Damage Health
DF-icon-ingredient-Small scorpion stinger.png Daggerfall
(Small scorpion stinger)

Scrap Metal

A Centurion Spider
MW-icon-ingredient-Scrap Metal.png Morrowind Drain Health
Lightning Shield
Resist Shock
Restore Intelligence

Screaming Maw

Screaming Maw
SI-icon-ingredient-Screaming Maw.png Shivering Isles Restore Willpower
Detect Life
Restore Health

Scrib Cabbage

Scrib Cabbage
TR-icon-ingredient-Scrib Cabbage.png Tribunal Drain Intelligence
Damage Health
Restore Agility
Fortify Agility

Scrib Jelly

A Scrib
MW-icon-ingredient-Scrib Jelly.png Morrowind Fortify Willpower
Cure Poison
Cure Blight Disease
Restore Willpower

Scrib Jerky

Scrib Jerky
MW-icon-ingredient-Scrib Jerky.png Morrowind Restore Fatigue
Fortify Fatigue
Swift Swim


MW-icon-ingredient-Scuttle.png Morrowind Restore Fatigue
Fortify Fatigue
48px Elder Scrolls Online
(as "Scuttle Meat", prior to Update 6)

This is used for crating food, not in Alchemy.

Scythe Crystals

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey Attack nearby enemies


SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey Nothing


SK-icon-consumable-Herb.png Shadowkey Increase Strength
Increase Intelligence
Increase Agility
Increase Speed
Increase Perception
Increase Luck
Increase Endurance
Increase Will

Shalk Resin

A Shalk
MW-icon-ingredient-Shalk Resin.png Morrowind Drain Fatigue
Fortify Health
Drain Personality
Fortify Speed

Shepherd's Pie

OB-icon-ingredient-Servant Pie.png Oblivion Cure Disease
Fortify Agility
ON-icon-food-Covered Pot.png Elder Scrolls Online Increase Max Health
Increase Max Stamina

This is food rather than alchemical ingredient.


DF-icon-ingredient-Silver.png Daggerfall Cure Magic
OB-icon-misc-SilverNugget.png Oblivion
(as "Silver Nugget")
SR-icon-ore-Silver Ore.pngSR-icon-ingot-Silver Ingot.png Skyrim
(as "Silver Ore" or
"Silver Ingot")

†Silver Nuggets are not used for alchemy in Oblivion, but can be sold as loot.
‡Silver in Skyrim is also not used for alchemy, but can be used to craft jewelry.

Silverside Perch

Silverside Perch
SR-icon-ingredient-Silverside Perch.png Skyrim Restore Stamina
Damage Stamina Regen
Ravage Health
Resist Frost

S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread

OB-icon-ingredient-Bread.png Oblivion Detect Life
Restore Health
Damage Agility
Damage Strength

Skeever Tail

A Skeever
SR-icon-ingredient-Skeever Tail.png Skyrim Damage Stamina Regen
Ravage Health
Damage Health
Fortify Light Armor

Slaughterfish Egg

Slaughterfish Egg Nest
SR-icon-ingredient-Slaughterfish Egg.png Skyrim Resist Poison
Fortify Pickpocket
Lingering Damage Health
Fortify Stamina

Slaughterfish Scales

Sload Soap

Sload Soap
MW-icon-ingredient-Sload Soap.png Morrowind Drain Personality
Fortify Agility
Fire Shield
Restore Agility

Smack Water

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey Increase Strength

Small Antlers

Small Kwama Egg

Small Pearl

Small scorpion stinger

Small tooth

Smoked Baliwog Leg

SI-icon-ingredient-Smoked Baliwog.png Shivering Isles Restore Fatigue
Restore Health
Damage Fatigue

Snake venom

DF-icon-ingredient-Liquid.png Daggerfall Spell Resistance

Snow Bear Pelt

BM-icon-ingredient-Snow Bear Pelt.png Bloodmoon Drain Fatigue
Fortify Speed
Resist Common Disease
Night Eye

Snow Wolf Pelt

BM-icon-ingredient-Snow Wolf Pelt.png Bloodmoon Drain Fatigue
Fortify Speed
Resist Common Disease
Night Eye


SR-icon-ingredient-Snowberries.png Skyrim Resist Fire
Fortify Enchanting
Resist Frost
Resist Shock
ON-icon-food-Snowberry.png Elder Scrolls Online
(as "Snowberry", prior to Update 6)

This is used for crating beverages, not in Alchemy.

Snowray Powder

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey Immunity to all special attacks

Somnalius Frond

Somnalius Plant
OB-icon-ingredient-Somnalius Frond.png Oblivion Restore Speed
Damage Endurance
Fortify Health

Spawn Ash

48px Dragonborn Ravage Stamina
Resist Fire
Fortify Enchanting
Ravage Magicka

Spell Web Thread

SK-icon-consumable-Food.png Shadowkey Increase Magic Resistance

Spiddal Stick

Spiddal Stick
OB-icon-ingredient-Spiddal Stick.png Oblivion Damage Health
Damage Magicka
Fire Damage
Restore Fatigue

Spider Egg

Spider Egg Sac
SR-icon-ingredient-Spider Egg.png Skyrim Damage Stamina
Damage Magicka Regen
Fortify Lockpicking
Fortify Marksman

Spider Heart

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey Increase Lethal Strike

Spider's venom

DF-icon-ingredient-Spider's venom.png Daggerfall Paralysis

Spore Pod

Slough Fern
MW-icon-ingredient-Spore Pod.png Morrowind Drain Strength
Drain Fatigue
Detect Key

Spriggan Sap

A Spriggan
SR-icon-ingredient-Spriggan Sap.png Skyrim Damage Magicka Regen
Fortify Enchanting
Fortify Smithing
Fortify Alteration

St. Jahn's Wort Nectar

St. Jahn's Wort
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Oblivion Resist Shock
Damage Health
Cure Poison

Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap

Steel-Blue Entoloma
OB-icon-ingredient-Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap.png Oblivion Restore Magicka
Fire Damage
Resist Frost


SK-icon-consumable-Food.png Shadowkey Restore Fatigue


OB-icon-ingredient-Stinkhorn Cap.png Oblivion
as "Stinkhorn Cap"
Damage Health
Restore Magicka
Water Walking
ON-icon-reagent-Stinkhorn.png Elder Scrolls Online Lower Armor
Ravage Health
Increase Weapon Power
Ravage Stamina

Stoneflower Petals

MW-icon-ingredient-Stoneflower Petals.png Morrowind Restore Strength
Fortify Magicka
Drain Luck
Fortify Personality


OB-icon-ingredient-Strawberry.png Oblivion Restore Fatigue
Cure Poison
Damage Health
Reflect Damage


DF-icon-ingredient-Sulphur.png Daggerfall Resist Fire

Summer Bolete Cap

Summer Bolete
OB-icon-ingredient-Summer Bolete Cap.png Oblivion Restore Agility
Damage Personality
Damage Endurance

Sunlight Water

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey Increase Armory
Increase Magic Resistance

Swamp Fungal Pod

Swamp Fungal Pods
SR-icon-ingredient-Swamp Fungal Pod.png Skyrim Resist Shock
Lingering Damage Magicka
Restore Health

Swamp Tentacle

Swamp Tentacles
SI-icon-ingredient-Swamp Tentacle.png Shivering Isles Restore Personality
Water Breathing
Water Walking
Fortify Health


OB-icon-ingredient-Sweetcake.png Oblivion Restore Fatigue
Restore Health


TR-icon-ingredient-Sweetpulp.png Tribunal Paralyze
Resist Paralysis
Restore Health


OB-icon-ingredient-Sweetroll.png Oblivion Restore Fatigue
Resist Disease
Damage Personality
Fortify Health
ON-icon-food-Sweetroll.png Elder Scrolls Online Increase Max Magicka
Increase Max Stamina

This is food rather than alchemical ingredient.