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(RefID: )
Home City Anvil
Location The Fo'c's'le
Race Bosmer Gender Male
Level PC+1 Class Pirate
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 38 + (5+1.4)x(PC+0), PC=4-29
Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+0) (max=250)
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Anvil - The Serpent's Wake faction; Anvil - Foc'sle faction; Anvil Citizen
Thurindil fights Hauls-Ropes-Faster while Krognak gro-Brok looks on

Thurindil is a Bosmer pirate serving aboard The Serpent's Wake, currently docked in Anvil for refitting.

At 1am, Thurindil will fight with Hauls-Ropes-Faster for three hours. Then, at 4am, he'll go to sleep for six hours. Randomly, he'll also eat for two hours. There is a fifty percent chance he'll do it at any time. When he's not eating, sleeping, or fighting, he'll wander around the docks.

He wears a set of lower class clothing consisting of a collared shirt, coarse linens, and a pair of sack cloth sandals. In combat he uses an iron dagger and he also carries the key to The Fo'c's'le and a small amount of gold.

Upon speaking to Thurindil, he'll greet you with an insane tangent that confirms rumors that he isn't mentally well: "I'm Thurindil, son of Julianos and Mohi-Titona, Queen of Akavir. These slugs climbing my spine itch something fierce. Like to dance?" Upon questioning him about the city, he says that "Mother's coming for me in the dragon ships. I don't like these itchy clothes, but I have to wear them or it frightens the fish."

As many of his crew mates will tell you, he's completely out of his gourd, but harmless:

  • Hauls-Ropes-Faster: "Touched by the gods. He hears things. Who knows? He's happy... let him be."
  • Isolde: "Crazy as a rat in a catbox. Just leave him alone. He's not hurting anybody."
  • Mirabelle Monet: "Don't mind him. He's not right in the head. Poor fellow."
  • Timothee LaRouche: "Must have been knocked on the head. Talks all sorts of rot. Meek as a sheep, though."