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< Races(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Berserk)
Ilustração de um típico homem Orc

Os Orcs, também chamados de Orsimer ou "Povo da Pária" em tempos antigos, são os habitantes das Montanhas Wrothgarianas, Montanhas Cauda do Dragão e Orsinium (literalmente traduzido do Aldmeri como "Cidade dos Orcs"). São notáveis por sua coragem inabalável em guerras, e sua resistência a dificuldades. No passado, os Orcs eram muito temidos e odiados pelas outras raças e nações de Tamriel, e eram normalmente associados aos goblins. No entanto, foram lentamente ganhando sua aceitação no Império, em particular pelos seus serviços diferenciados para as Legiões do Imperador. Armeiros orcs são conhecidos por suas habilidades, e guerreiros orcs em armadura pesada estão entre as melhores tropas do Império, e são muito temíveis quando usando sua "berserker rage". A maior parte dos cidadãos imperiais têm a sociedade orc como cruel e durona. Os Orcs da região da Baía Ilíaca desenvolveram seu próprio idioma, conhecido como Orcish, e já tiveram seu próprio reino, chamado de Orsinium.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Base Attributes

Attribute M F
Strength 45 45
Intelligence 30 40
Willpower 50 45
Agility 35 35
Speed 30 30
Endurance 50 50
Personality 30 25
Luck 40 40

Skill Bonuses

Skill Bonus
Armorer Armorer +10
Block Block +10
Heavy Armor Heavy Armor +10
Medium Armor Medium Armor +10
Axe Axe +5

In-Game Description

These sophisticated barbarian beast peoples of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains are noted for their unshakeable courage in war and their unflinching endurance of hardships. Orc warriors in heavy armor are among the finest front-line troops in the Empire. Most Imperial citizens regard Orc society as rough and cruel, but there is much to admire in their fierce tribal loyalties and generous equality of rank and respect among the sexes.


Ideal Character

Like the Nords, Orcs are defensive combat characters, although they focus more on physical defense than magical. A starting Endurance of 50, plus a good Block bonus, means you may actually go out looking for scars. You're not totally helpless against magic, with about 50 willpower to start and 25% magicka resistance, but chances are you won't be devoting much of your time to increasing your willpower throughout the game. Pairing this high resistance they have as well as the natural Armorer bonus means you probably won't worry too much about long hikes, but you will need to improve your strength to compensate for the weight of your hammers. Berserk will turn you into a titan in case you find you started to feel immortal and got yourself in deep trouble, however, you may want a potion, scroll or enchantment to boost your agility as you may otherwise find it impossible to hit any of your enemies. Your personality means you probably won't be well-liked, especially as a female character, so look forward to lots of straight-up hits from the Fighters Guild and Imperial Legion. It will be difficult to get along with anyone without plenty of training.

Orcs are the only race that get a bonus to Armorer and Block, so you can count on those being favorite skills for you. With axes being the only favored weapon skill, that's naturally a good place to start, but +5 isn't much of an incentive if you prefer another one-handed weapon style. The choice between Heavy and Medium Armor is even more equal, so go with whatever suits you more. Acrobatics will help you develop your strength, but it's up to you how much further you wish to develop your character. Armorer, Block, Axe, Heavy/Medium Armor, and perhaps Acrobatics are all that the Orcs really ask for, so you still have half your skills to assign as you would like to play.

Female Orcs are uniquely positioned to play as a Battlemage-type character, due to having increased Strength and Endurance without having compromised Intelligence. This comes with the tradeoff of slightly increased Willpower, compared to the Male Orc, and an even further damaged Personality, having the lowest starting Personality in the game.


  • A list of all the Orcs in Morrowind can be found here.
  • Morrowind is the first game in the series where Orcs are a playable race.
  • In Morrowind, movement speed is heavily affected by a character's weight. With a weight of 1.35, Orc males are the heaviest playable characters in the game. Therefore, if other statistics are equal, Orc males will be noticeably faster than members of other races.