Dragonborn:Conjure Seeker

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SR-icon-spell-Summon.png Conjure Seeker
School Conjuration Difficulty Adept
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Target Location Equip Either Hand
Spell ID xx033c66 Editor ID DLC2ConjureSeeker
Base Cost 157 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 60 sec Range 50 ft
Magnitude 0 Area 0
Tome ID xx033c67 Tome Value 307

Once your Conjuration skill reaches 40, the tome can be found in Apocrypha:

Summons a Seeker for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.

Conjure Seeker is an adept level Conjuration spell that summons one of Hermaeus Mora's Seekers to aid you in combat.



  • This spell is not affected by the Twin Souls perk.
  • The stats of a summoned Seeker are:
Creature (ID) Lvl Carries Abilities Attacks Soul
21 Seeker Loot
  • Seeker Drain spell (Absorb 3 health, magicka, and stamina for 10 seconds.)
  • Knowledge Drain spell (Health/Magicka Damage, 40 pts; Perk Impact Stagger, 0.5 pts)