Dragonborn:Ash Rune

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64px Ash Rune
School Alteration Difficulty Expert
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Target Location Equip Either Hand
Spell ID xx0177af Editor ID DLC2AshRune
Base Cost 418 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 30 secs Range 20 feet
Magnitude 50 Area 0
Tome ID xx0177b5 Tome Value 635
Purchase from (after From the Ashes)
Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes when enemies are nearby, immobilizing them in hardened ash for 30 seconds.

Ash Rune is an expert level alteration spell that creates a rune which will explode when enemies come near, immobilizing them in ash for 30 seconds. They will be unable to attack or be attacked in any way until the spell wears off. You can't cast it just anywhere. When you press the cast button, the cross-hair will let you know if you are pointing at a valid surface within range. If it is red, then you can't cast the spell there.


  • Ash Rune, 50 pts for 1 sec
    • Immobilizes enemy in hardened ash for 30 seconds



  • You can set off ash runes (your own or others) using any Alteration projectile spell from a distance.
  • Some enemies are immune to this spell, notably all dragons, Ash Spawn, and anything else that is immune to regular paralysis. Note that though they may not be immobilized in ash, they will still set off the rune if they touch it.
  • Paralysis Runes were originally developed as part of the Game Jam.