Skyrim:Alchemy Laboratory

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SR-book-Byohtower back.png

Este artigo é sobre the home addition to houses that can be built with the Hearthfire add-on. Para general information about alchemy labs, veja Alchemy Labs.

The Alchemy Laboratory is one of the North Wing additions you can build to expand your home from the Main Hall. The tower can hold a large variety of storage options, as well as many alchemy-dedicated bins and containers. Plenty of ingredients are spread about when the tower is fully furnished.

The Alchemy Laboratory, like its counterparts, the Library and Enchanter's Tower, has a balcony area on its roof when completed. A roof canopy can be added to these towers if desired, but not adding the final roof canopy does not prevent the tower from being inhabited, allowing it to be an optional addition. Once you have built the roof, then you can build all interior items in the tower.

The following is a list of possible furniture items and decorations which can be added by using the carpenter's workbench in the Alchemy Laboratory . It is not necessary to purchase or build all furnishing options; you can pick and choose to better dictate style. However, all furnishing options are in a pre-arranged location and only ingredients and standard items can be moved. Oftentimes, the name of the furnishing option only indicates the primary piece of furniture, and actually includes various additional containers and accessories.


Option Step Parts Materials
Alchemy Laboratory

SR-icon-construction-Alchemy Laboratory.png
1 SR-icon-construction-Door.png Doors 3 Iron Fittings, 3 Sawn Log, 3 Lock, 6 Hinge, 6 Nails
2 SR-icon-construction-Foundation.png Foundation 2 Sawn Log, 8 Quarried Stone
3 SR-icon-construction-Floor (Tower).png Floor 4 Quarried Stone
SR-icon-construction-Wall Framing.png Main Supports 10 Sawn Log, 10 Nails
4 SR-icon-construction-Walls (Tower).png First Floor Walls Sawn Log, 3 Clay
SR-icon-construction-Second Floor (Tower).png Second Floor Supports 4 Sawn Log, 12 Nails
5 SR-icon-construction-Walls (Tower).png Second Floor Walls 2 Sawn Log, 6 Clay
6 SR-icon-construction-Roof (Tower).png Roof Sawn Log, 4 Quarried Stone
7 SR-icon-construction-Roof Canopy.png Roof Canopy Sawn Log, 6 Nails
Total Materials: 9 Clay, 6 Hinges, 3 Iron Fittings, 3 Locks, 34 Nails, 16 Quarried Stone, 24 Sawn Logs
(3 Corundum Ingots, 12.4 Iron Ingots)

Furnishing Options

A number of miscellaneous items are added with various furnishing options, but only notable items are specified on this table—specifically, usable containers and alchemy ingredients. Though other common items are added to your home, they are not listed here.

The "Level" column in the table notes the level on which the furnishing option is placed: 1 for the downstairs level, 2 for the upstairs level, and R for the rooftop balcony. Note that the icon displayed for each furnishing option does not necessarily represent what is actually built in your home.

Alchemy Laboratory Furnishings
Type Options Materials Level Notes
Containers SR-icon-construction-Barrels.png Barrels Sawn Log, Nails, Iron Ingot 2 Two barrels and three sacks on north wall, west of ladder. Adds powdered mammoth tusk.
One barrel and one sack on east wall. Adds one giant lichen and two jazbay grapes.
SR-icon-construction-Barrels 01.png Barrels Sawn Log, Nails, Iron Ingot 1 All walls. Seven barrels and four sacks total.
SR-icon-construction-Chest.png Chest Sawn Log, Nails, Iron Fittings, 2 Hinge, Lock 2 East wall, south side.
SR-icon-construction-Cupboard.png Cupboard 2 Sawn Log, 4 Nails, Iron Fittings 1 West wall. Adds two pearls, two small pearls, one set of small antlers, one powdered mammoth tusk, one nightshade, and one scaly pholiota.
SR-icon-construction-Display Case and Small Wardrobe.png Display Case and Small Wardrobe Iron Fittings, 4 Nails, 2 Sawn Log, Hinge, Glass 2 Southwest corner. Display Case contains three satchels.
Display Case and Small Wardrobe Iron Fittings, 4 Nails, 2 Sawn Log, Hinge, Glass 1 East wall, south side. Display Case contains three satchels. Adds one sack, three slaughterfish eggs.
SR-icon-construction-End Table.png End Table Sawn Log, 2 Nails 1 North wall. Adds one knapsack and one taproot.
SR-icon-construction-End Tables.png End Table (2) 2 Sawn Log, 4 Nails 2 Northeast wall. Adds five spider eggs, one ectoplasm, one chaurus egg.
SR-icon-construction-Safe.png Safe Lock, Hinge, 3 Steel Ingot 2 Added to bottom shelf of Tall Shelf, on right.
This furnishing option only appears after "Tall Shelf" is crafted.
Safe Lock, Hinge, 3 Steel Ingot 2 Added to bottom shelf of Tall Shelf, on left.
This furnishing option only appears after "Tall Shelf" is crafted.
Furniture SR-icon-construction-Washbasin on Stand.png Washbasin on Stand Sawn Log, Nails, Iron Ingot 2 Northwest, in front of barrels. Adds three pearls and two small pearls.
Shelves SR-icon-construction-Small Shelf.png Small Shelf Sawn Log, 3 Nails 2 East wall, south side, above chest. Adds one sack, and one each of fire salts, hawk feathers, lavender, powdered mammoth tusk, and snowberries.
SR-icon-construction-Tall Shelf.png Tall Shelf 2 Sawn Log, 4 Nails 2 Northeast wall. Adds one satchel one strong box, one briar heart and two Nordic barnacles.
  Adds two safes to the Containers category.
SR-icon-construction-Wall Shelves.png Wall Shelf Sawn Log, Nails 2 West wall, south side. Adds one knapsack and one strong box.
Wall Shelves (2) Sawn Log, Nails 1 North and east walls. Adds three wheat and four glowing mushrooms.
Exterior SR-icon-construction-Chest.png Chest Sawn Log, Nails, Iron Fittings, 2 Hinge, Lock R South side. Adds a low stand with one thistle branch.
Miscellaneous SR-icon-construction-Alchemy Lab.png Alchemy Lab Sawn Log, 2 Nails, Glass, Quicksilver Ingot, Iron Ingot 2 West wall. Adds two sacks.
SR-icon-construction-Chandelier.png Chandelier, Small Iron Ingot, 3 Goat Horns, Iron Fittings 2 Center.
SR-icon-construction-Hanging Rack.png Hanging Rack Iron Ingot, Iron Fittings 1 North side. Hanging items: garlic braid and rabbit.
Hanging Rack Iron Ingot, Iron Fittings 2 North side, west of ladder. Hanging items: rabbit and dried elves ear.
SR-icon-construction-Mounted Mudcrab.png Mounted Mudcrab Leather Strips, 2 Mudcrab Chitin 2 West wall, above alchemy lab.
SR-icon-construction-Wall Sconces.png Wall Sconce Iron Fittings, Goat Horns 2 East of the ladder.
Wall Sconces (2) Iron Fittings, Goat Horns 1 South side, either side of door.
Wall Sconces (2) Iron Fittings, Goat Horns 2 South side, either side of door.
Wall Sconces (2) Iron Fittings, Goat Horns 1 One each on northwest and northeast wall supports.
Total Materials: 3 Glass, 7 Goat Horns, 8 Hinges, 12 Iron Fittings, 7 Iron Ingots, 1 Leather Strips, 4 Locks, 2 Mudcrab Chitin, 34 Nails, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 20 Sawn Logs, 6 Steel Ingots
(4 Corundum Ingots, 23.4 Iron Ingots in addition to the 7 already listed)


  • Sometimes you may build an item, have it placed, and have it reappear as an item you can build again in the worktable. When selecting this item the second time, your resources are used, but no item is made. However, there is no need to select it a second time since it has not disappeared. Simply re-enter the worktable and the erroneous selection will not be offered.