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My resource page for my musings on the Ayleid language. Feel free to post comments in the talk page.
Ayleid Grammar
Quote from the Ayleid Language article:
- Ownership: When referring a person's ownership of an object, an "e" is added to the end of the person's name. This applies no matter where the name is placed in relation to the object in question. For example, "Umarile Abasel" would translate to "Umaril's Forbidden Hall." "[The] Forbidden Hall of Umaril," however, would translate to "Abasel av Umarile". Notice that the added "e" still applies even when the syntax is inverted.
- Plurals: When referring to more than one object, an "i" is added to the end of the word. For example, "Sel" ("hall") becomes "Seli" ("halls"). However, in some cases "ia" is used instead of "i," or an "i" is added just before the end of the word; in both cases it is most likely due to phonetics of the word in question.
- Compound Words: The Ayleid language is largely composed of compound words. These words are typically an adjective combined with a noun, but in some cases two nouns will be used. In the case of two nouns (Noun1Noun2), it is normally safe to assume that the word means "Noun2 of Noun1," as in the word "Ceysel" ("shadow"+"hall"), which translates to "Hall of Shadow." When a compound word becomes plural, the normal rules apply; however, the "ia" or "i" at the end of the word denotes plurality of only one word in the compound. For example, the word "Laloria" is made up of the words "La" ("time") and "Lor"("dark"), where the "ia" is used to denote that "La" is a plural. This means that "time" becomes "times," and the translation of "Laloria" is "dark times."
- Imperatives: In the Ayleid language, imperative verbs have "-voy" as a suffix. When using an imperative with a specific noun (e.g. "Wear the armor"), the word "an" should be added right after the imperative (e.g. "Barravoy an Karan," "Wear the armor")*. This does not apply with an unspecific noun (e.g. "Wear armor," "Barravoy Karan").
- * "An" should be read as "the" when translated, but does not necessarily have the same meaning in English/3E Cyrodiilic.
End quote.
Conclusions from other researchers' findings (the above)
- The Ayleid language has (at least) a primitive genitive case, with the case suffix -e.
- The preposition av, likely corresponding to "of", takes the genitive case. (E.g. "Abasel av Umarile".)
- The Ayleid language possibly has the affix -i- as a plural characteristic. The affix can be added to the undeclined form either as a suffix (at the end), then sometimes with the form -ia (e.g. "seli", "laloria"), or as an infix (in the word) (No examples as of yet!).
- The Ayleid language possibly has a definite article, an (possibly more forms). (E.g. "*barravoy an karan")
- The Ayleid language can create compound words, consisting of either an adjective and a noun or two nouns. (E.g. "laloria" and "ceysel", respectively.)
- The Ayleid language has an imperative suffix -voy. This suffix applies at least for the third person plural. The third person singular may have the suffix -a. (E.g. "dellevoy [...] tarnabye" and "barra agea", respectively)
Conclusions from the examples collected here below
Structural sketch
- Prepositions
- Av of, by
- Va in
- As by
- Pronouns
- Personal
- tye 2nd person singular (and plural?)
- Possessive
- sou 2nd person singular (and plural?)
- nou 1st person plural
- Interrogative
- man "who"
- Personal
Speculation on possible sound changes in the Valenwood-Ayleid dialect
Valenwood-Ayleid dialect abbreviated as "VA"
- m → s ; cfr A mala, VA sala
- m before e → ch ; cfr A mer, VA che
- r in word endings dropped ; cfr A mer, VA che
- A project to collect all extant instances of the Ayleid language.
- From ART (Ayleid Reference Text):
- Av molag anyammis, av latta magicka. "From fire, life; from light, magic."
- Barra agea ry sou karan. "Wear lore as your armor."
- Agea haelia ne jorane emero laloria. "Wisdom learned by pain is a reliable guide in dark times." [literally, "Terrible wisdom never betrayed the loremasters."]
- Nou aldmeris mathmeldi admia aurane gandra sepredia av relleis ye brelyeis ye varlais. "Our exiled Elven ancestors heard the welcoming gifts of peace in the streams and beech trees and stars." ["Mathmeldi" means literally "from-home-driven."]
- Suna ye sunnabe. "Bless and blessed be."
- Va garlas agea, gravia ye goria, lattia mallari av malatu. "In the caverns of lore, ugly and obscure, shines the gold of truth."
- Vabria frensca, sa belle, sa baune, amaraldane aldmeris adonai. "The foaming wave, so thunderous, so mighty, heralds the lordly Elves."
- From the inscriptions of the Pillar Chamber of Vahtacen, courtesy of the Mages Guild:
- av molag anyammis "from fire, life" (or "fire damage")
- av mafre nagaia "from frost, damage"
- magicka loria "magicka darkens" (or "magicka wanes", possibly corresponding to "damage magicka" as a spell effect definition)
- magicka sila "magicka shines" (or "magicka waxes", possibly corresponding to "fortify magicka" as a spell effect definition)
- From Umaril, courtesy of the Order of the Knights of the Nine (Note that pronunciation is given.):
- Asma bala ni hilyat sino? (pronunciation: "AZ-mah BA-la nee HILL-yaht SEE-no?", all the vowels are short.) "By what power [do] you follow me here?"
- Heca! (pronunciation: HEK-ah!) "Begone!/Stand aside!"
- Rahtan Pelinale na anda! (pronunciation: "RAH-tahn pell-ih-NALL-ay na AHN-da!") "Pelinal's reach is long!"
- As balangua, Ehlnada racuvar! ("ahss BAH-lang-gwa, ell-NAH-da RAH-koo-var!") "By my power, the mortal gods shall be cast down!"
- Abagaianye Ehlnadaya! ("Ah-ba-GUY-ahn-yae ell-nah-DAH-ya!") "I do not fear your [mortal] gods!"
- As oiobala Umarile, Ehlnada racuvar! "By the eternal power of Umaril, the mortal gods shall be cast down."
- Man kana mitta abasel Umarile? ("Mahn kah-nah mitt-ah ah-bah-sell OOH-ma-rill-ay", all the vowels are short) "Who dares enter Umaril's forbidden hall?"
- Pelinal na vasha. Sa yando tye. ("Pelinal na VAH-sha. Sa YAN-do tie.") "Pelinal is gone [dead]. So also [will] you [be]."
- Shanta, ehlno. Tyavoy balangua! ("SHAN-tah, ELL-no. Tie-AH-voy bal-AHN-gwa!") "Come, mortal. Taste my power!"
- From Umbacano, a scholar of the Ayleids:
- Av Auri-El ye Tamri-El dellevoy an Arpen Aran tarnabye! "By Auriel and Tamriel, grant [imperative] [the] Noble [ie, True] King passage."
- Av Sunna Tam Riel arctavoy an Arpen Aran malaburo! "Upon this bright crown acknowledge [the] Noble [ie, True] King loving-vassalage."
- Fragments from The Song of Pelinal:
- Translated:
- ada "gods" (from The Song of Pelinal, v5)
- Pelin-El "The Star-Made Knight" (from The Song of Pelinal, v2)
- Ayleidoon "Ayleids" [Possibly not Ayleid, cfr Aldmeris "Altadoon", "weapon".] (from The Song of Pelinal, v2)
- Untranslated:
- Haromir Name of a sorcerer-king of the apocryphic "Copper and Tea" (from The Song of Pelinal, v3)
- Gordhaur Name of a sorcerer-king of Ninendava, called "the Shaper". (from The Song of Pelinal, v3)
- Ninendava Place name, home to "the goat-faced altar". This location is identified. (from The Song of Pelinal, v3)
- Hadhuul Name of a sorcerer-king of the apocryphic Ceya-Tar (perhaps Ceyatatar), called "the Fire King". (from The Song of Pelinal, v3)
- Celethelel Name of an unknown personage, called "the Singer", perhaps of the original bird inhabitants of Rumare. Cfr the referenc to "the beak of Celethelel" (from The Song of Pelinal, v3)
- Narlemae Place name (from The Song of Pelinal, v3)
- Celediil Place name, suggested to be synonymous to Cyrodiil, metonymous for the Imperial City (from The Song of Pelinal, v3)
- Umaril Name of an Ayleid champion, called the Unfeathered.
- Vahtache Place name, suggested to be synonymous to Vahtacen (from The Song of Pelinal, v4)
- Sedor Place name, cfr Sedor (from The Song of Pelinal, v4)
- Heldon Place name [Possibly not Ayleid, see source] (from The Song of Pelinal, v4)
- Aka Unknown name, probably referring to Akatosh [Possibly not Ayleid, see source] (from The Song of Pelinal, v6)
- Translated:
- From The Adabal-a:
- Translated:
- Al-Esh "the high high", name of Alessia (Possibly also *El-Esh)
- Paravant "first of its kind" (i.e. "a mortal worthy of the majesty that is killing-questing-healing" to quote the Adabal-a), name of Alessia
- Untranslated:
- Adabal-a Book title [Possible translation "God stone-?"]
- Sard Anonym for Sardarvar Leed, possibly identical to Sardavar Leed
- Nilichi Name of a "Flower King"
- saliache Meaning unknown. Possibly related to VA Salache. Appears in the context "imperatum saliache", and a possible meaning, if the word is identical to the VA Salache, would be "Dominium of the [Heartland] High Elves".
- Vindasel Place name, Ayleid city (Vindasel), home of "the wailing-wheels"
- Sercen Place name, Ayleid city (Sercen), home of "the gut-gardens"
- Hadhuul Name of a sorcerer-king of the apocryphic Ceya-Tar (perhaps Ceyatatar), called "the Fire King". (see also [[Tamriel:The_Song_of_Pelinal,_v_3|The Song of Pelinal, v3])
- Translated:
- From The Wild Elves [Note: These words are not Ayleid words from the time of the Ayleid empire of Cyrodiil, but words from Valenwood-Ayleid.]:
- Salache "High Elves", Aldmeri "Altmer" (or, perhaps, "the High Elven race" as a whole, see source). Cfr saliache.
- Boiche "Wood Elves", Aldmeri "Bosmer" (or, perhaps, "the Wood Elven race" as a whole, see source)
- Moriche "Dark Elves", Aldmeri "Dunmer" (or, perhaps, "the Dark Elven race" as a whole, see source)
- Pellani "outsiders"
- From Remanada (due to numerous inconsistencies this ancient document is a doubtful source of facts):
- Remanada Book title. Cfr Reman, Malada etc. [Possible translation: "Reman the god" or "God of Light of Man".]
- Chim-el Adabal Name of the Amulet of Kings. [Possible literal translation: "Royal-high God stone".]
- Sancre Tor "Golden Hill", cfr Sancre Tor, Alessia's holy city. [Possibly not Ayleid.]
- Reman "Light of Man", name of several emperors of the 2nd Empire of the Cyrodiils (1E). [Possibly not Ayleid.]
- From Magic from the Sky [Note: While these words are cited as being Aldmeris, they were likely present also in the Ayleid language.]
- Welkynd "sky stone," "heaven stone"; literally, "sky child"
- Varla "star"
- Single word fragments from various sources:
- Ceyatatar "Shadow of the Fatherwoods" (from Glories and Laments)
- Malada "High Fane" [Possibly not a translation as much as a designation.] (from The Cleansing of the Fane)