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< Races(Redirecionado de Skyrim:High Elves)
A compilation of the preset Altmer faces available in Skyrim
Ilustração de um típico homem Altmer

Os Altmer, ou como chamam a si mesmos, "Povo Culto", são uma raça de pessoas altas, de pele dourada, que vêm das Ilhas dos Semprestio. São conhecidos por Altos Elfos pelos habitantes de Tamriel. No Império, "Alto" é normalmente entendido como ser orgulhoso ou esnobe, pois como os Altmer geralmente personificam essas características, e as "raças inferiores" guardam ressentimentos por eles. Os Altmer vivem duas ou três vezes mais que humanos; um Altmer de 200 anos é velho, e um de 300 anos é muito, muito velho. Os Altmer se consideram a cultura mais civilizada de Tamriel; o idioma comum do continente é baseado na escrita e discurso dos Altmer, e muitas das artes, artesanato, leis, e ciências do Império são derivados de tradições Altmer. Eles normalmente têm olhos dourados, verdes ou castanhos.

Os Altmer são a raça mais dotada nas artes arcanas. Eles estão entre as raças mais inteligentes e que vivem mais em Tamriel, e normalmente se tornam poderosos usuários de magia devido a afinidade mágica e aos vários anos devotados aos estudos da magia.

For more information, see the main lore article.

In-Game Description

Also known as "Altmer" in their homeland of Summerset Isle, the high elves are the most strongly gifted in the arcane arts of all the races. They can call upon their Highborn power to regenerate Magicka quickly.


  • Highborn ability (FormID 00105f16): High Elves are born with 50 extra magicka, constant
  • Highborn greater power (FormID 000e40c8): Regenerate magicka faster for 60 seconds, once per day.
    • Base Magicka Regeneration is increased by 2500% for 60 seconds.
  • Height: 1.08
  • Altmer start with the spell Fury.


Altmer are arguably the best choice for a pure Mage character and maybe even any character who intends to use enough magic that they would invest in magicka. The largest advantage is the additional 50 magicka as this essentially gives you 5 more levels worth of magicka, which either makes your large pool even larger or you can put those 50 you were going to put into magicka into another stat. They also no longer have the additional weakness to magic that they have traditionally had in previous Elder Scrolls games.

With small bonuses to all the magical skills and a larger bonus to illusion they also can reach the half-cost perks much faster at the start of the game, which makes a huge difference as well. The racial power can be incredibly helpful, especially in situations where you have run out of magicka against a tough opponent and just need a little more to finish them off.

Despite the Thalmor being comprised almost entirely of Altmer, being Altmer makes almost no difference in their interactions with the player -- you can disguise yourself more effectively during Diplomatic Immunity, but that's about it; most Altmer will still act like they believe themselves to be a superior race to you. Similarly, even though many, many factions in Skyrim hate the Altmer - the Empire just fought an extremely brutal war with them - only guards will bring it up ("Speak, Elf"); few others will ever notice your race or mention it to your face. There are many Altmer in the Empire, loyal citizens or refugees from the Thalmor oppression. They can even be found holding high positions in the Imperial forces, such as Legate Fasendil.



  • The Altmer are the only race to have a natural attribute bonus.
  • Unlike previous Elder Scrolls games, in Skyrim, Altmer are not vulnerable to magic, nor are they resistant to disease.
  • They have the greatest run speed and jump height due to their increased height relative to the other races (1.08).
  • There are no Altmer in the game, including any official add-ons, that will be your follower.